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Posts posted by bassface2k10

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1434305758' post='2798524']
    Thank you too Sylvia. Mrs G is generally known as Louisa. Louisa also thoroughly enjoyed the day and will be pleased to help more behind the scenes next year; such as helping Chris with the teas.

    It was also great to see ordep again. We met when I bought a bass from him a while back. It was good to see the winner actually enjoying the bass, rather than eyeing up it's value for a listing in the "For Sale" section. I'm sure it's gone to a good home.

    Mrs G was a star :-) appreciated the help.

  2. A great day, you guys have been so, so generous with both time and money, I personally would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you and a huge pat on the back to the guys and girls that have worked behind the scenes to make the bash a good day.

    Very much appreciated.

    All the best from the Tea Boy for the day.

  3. I'll be bringing this amp along to the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/257753-herts-bash-2015-sunday-14th-june-12-to-5pm/page__fromsearch__1"]Herts Bash 2015 - Sunday 14th June, 12 to 5pm[/url] so if anyone wants to give it a try and meet a great bunch of Bass Chatters you're welcome

  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1431002559' post='2766767']
    I am happy to report that D'Addario have also generously agreed to support the event with some raffle prizes and a seminar with Q&As afterwards. The list of raffle prizes is growing making the £10 entry and the cost of raffle tickets very good value - meeting up with fellow BCers...priceless.

    Raffle prizes include:

    [size=4]MM RAY4 SUB Bass in Walnut Satin
    Ernie Ball Regular Bass strings (6 sets)
    12 Ernie Ball Black Poly Straps
    Various stickers ETC
    "Plectrum Technique"[/size] by Stu Clayton
    "Advanced Studies for Bass Guitar" by Stuart Clayton
    Various items from D'Addario (to be announced)

    great work Mick

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