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Posts posted by basslondon

  1. Well Ladies and Gentlemen. 

    I bought  this bass last year through Ali Express and with the shipping and taxes and duty it stands me about £450. I got it to serve as a platform for upgrading the hardware as the electronics and a hardware are basic. After about 6 months of not having the opportunity ( time) and now being furloughed indefinitely I don’t have the cash to carry out the upgrades. 

    It’s constructed out of Maple (through neck) and has a very thin veneer of Spalted maple on the body and headstock. It has a rosewood fingerboard but I don’t know what the other woods ( the stringers for example maybe walnut or mahogany maybe something else) it’s a solid 5 KG so not for those of us with dodgy backs. 

    The bridge is unknown Chinese origin but the Omega/badass is a good replacement. The pickups are the same size as EMG 45’s which is a six string pickup so bear this in mind if you are looking to replace the rather ordinary ones in there already ( the Aguilar 6 sting bars pups  fit too!)quite why they chose a six string pup for a five string bass is quite beyond me....the active Pre is  a 9v OEM design neither awful or outstanding.

    The real value of this bass is the quality of the body and neck ....it’s simply Amazing for the price. It’s heavy poly finish protects the wood and it’s a beauty to play too. 

    And....the less said about the cheeky butterfly at the top of the headstock the better. I’m not passing it off as anything else but the cheap Chinese bass it is and it’s suitability for a platform for upgrading. 

    Offers & trades? Sure, hit me up with what ever you have...

    Message me if you have queries etc.imageproxy.php?img=&key=d49e236f730b63a2








  2. War torn bass head needs a little tlc electronically. One output works ok the others need attention ( possibly output mosfet replacement) other wise functions ok. May even be sorted by switch cleaner on the Mono /Biamp switch. I never bothered I just used the good output in my rehearsal studio for years!

    Sold as a fixer upper but works if you use the single good output. The other outputs sound gritty and distorted.

    Cheap as chips for a 700 watt head!

    Any queries drop me a message....





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  3. Excellent condition,  lightly gigged ( less than a dozen outings) monster bass head. I won’t get into the controversy around the wattage but it’s safe to say it has more watts than you would sensibly need. The tonal flexibility is amazing and the compressor does the job as it should. 

    It’s big iron amplification with a big sound to match... any queries pm me!

    Thanks for looking!











  4. On 14/01/2019 at 12:58, Quilly said:

    I've heard of people changing the MOSFET transistors etc.

    Eminently fixable... I repaired the uv lamp the mosfets and the caps in this series 5 in Qatar in early 2016. All the parts were available from the local electronics shop ( maybe I’m spoiled here as they look more like RS than Maplin) I’m a broadcast engineer so this is like bread and butter repairs to me but never let it be said they are difficult to service. (Don’t get me started on modern multi million pound broadcast equipment some of that stuff is seriously no user parts replaceable haha)








    • Like 5
  5. And there's me with a MOOG Little Phatty for sale. Gotta say im a little tempted but my 5 string itch is more than satisfied by my Status. Trouble is the lady wife will kill me if another bass comes through the door...she thinks 4 is the sign of megalomania. I say no,if you need an example of this, choose any dictator from the past 100 years. Besides who NEEDS 20 pairs of shoes....Imelda. This has taken on additional poignancy as shes from Manila.  Shes still not talking to me and this last exchange was last tuesday......shame also cos i used to live near Mr Eggles factory in Bodmin Road many years ago. He was something of a local legend...tipped to supplant PRS in england in fact, we all hoped!


  6. Lovely sound from this powerful combo.

    Built by those talented folk at Taurus in Poland. 

    Little to no use ( only at home)  . 

    Hybrid valve /transistor preamp with compressor / limiter. Switchable horn.

    Come and try it out. I have  the box for this so can be posted ( we’ll need to work logistics/cost that one out) 

    The Taurus brand is endorsed by George Anderson of Shakatak 

    Thanks for looking 


    More details here : http://www.taurus-amp.pl/bass/discontinued-products/combos/slt-12.html






  7. Little Phatty stage 1 with USB upgrade. (performed by HHB)

    It’s in great functional condition with yellowed keys ( sunlight in my music room) hard to capture on photo but you will notice it, affects nothing functionally. 

    Running 2.1 firmware can be upgraded to latest but never got round to it

    If this interests you come and check it out. 

    Thanks for looking.












  8. Lovely 5 string bass bought recently in this parish but not for me I fear. I’ve restrung it last week with Dunlop Stainless Steels and she’s sounding fab. Both the preamp and the PUPs are full EMG ( upgraded from  the Fernandes fitted FGI pre original)  Neck through construction gives sustain for days and not too heavy for a five string ( I have no scales to accurately weigh but she’s in the 4-4.5 kg range, definitely lighter than my Status 5 Empathy which is just over 5kg if memory serves.) Rob Trujillo played one on Metallica’s Death Magnetic but don’t be fooled this is no metal only bass. Any trial welcome.

    Trades welcome let me know what you have cash available for the right bass (Warwick preferred not Rock Bass though)

    Thanks for looking









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