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nathan bossoh

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About nathan bossoh

  • Birthday 05/02/1993

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  1. man i still wish i could buy this particular burner, its like the best one ive ever seen around. ihope you finda good sale man.
  2. £250 bump ill put some pics up of the chip area and stuff soon
  3. [quote name='theFALLEN' post='959437' date='Sep 17 2010, 01:49 PM']Hey man, Don't mean to rain on your parade or be nosy but I had my Ibanez BTB 405 in sale for months and only got interest when I dropped the price to £175 just FYI. Thanks man, Good luck with the sale.[/quote] thanks , yh i know im probably never gonna get a sale on my bass here, but the only thing is that i can reduce the price one bit other wise i cant buy the bass that i want to get when i sell this, but im asking around my friends and around other places as well and i do have potential buyers for it so im just waiting, if that goes through then i can stop posting it up here fianlly. thanks though
  4. looks like its back to trying to sell this Ibanez here again as soon as possible. so BUMP, for Ibanez 475 for sale, it doesnt look like my friend is gonig to buy it by tommorow. £350 for my ibanez BTB 475
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='899628' date='Jul 20 2010, 12:27 AM']yeah my warwick has a better sound for church than the P bass. The P bass can have the tendency to be to fat sounding and be too dominant. Good for more rock numbers. I tend to have to play more the hillsong end. The challenge is funking them up a little, hillsongs tend to be the most dreary songs musically, chug chug chug[/quote] yhh i agree with you alot, thats very true. lol well good luck, im sure there is a way to do it without taking too much away from what hillson style is about.
  6. [quote name='tom1946' post='899680' date='Jul 20 2010, 07:38 AM']I play in a church music group and I buy my own stuff I agree Rich.[/quote] well not to be rude, but i dont go to your church and you dont go to mine. so you cant suggest that i should be able to buy my own things just becasue you do since your not in my situation or life.
  7. [quote name='captainjon' post='899593' date='Jul 19 2010, 11:32 PM']Ken Smith is a great bass for church! I play warwick, but would go for a Ken Smith if I could afford one. Depends on whether you play Kirk Franklin or Hillsong more. jon[/quote] Well i play a bit of a hill song style with one band that im in called ICI, even though were a gospel band by name, we do more hillsong style stuff (so far), but me myself am a jazz / gospel bassist. yh the ken smith tone suits gospel soo well its always hits me when i hear it. that another reason why i want to get the ken smith.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='899559' date='Jul 19 2010, 10:57 PM']I was going to say I used my Fender P bass at church yesterday and it sounded fine, then checked your myspace (nice drumming too) and you play a different style of music so maybe isnt the best fit, also depends on amp and playing style. A 'Fender Precision' could be worth anything from £50 to £50,000 depending on what it is, it maybe was a bit daft just to pluck a price out the air for a bass that doesn't belong to you. If it doesn't get used maybe it would be in your churches interest to sell it, if you stuck photos and info on the 'bass guitars' forum then folk on here should be able to give you a rough valuation, then the guys at your church can decide if its worth selling. But don't fret, if you dont sell the ibanez in time and miss this ken smith then another one will turn up. We've all been in the situation where the seeming dream bass comes up and you really want it, but if you don't have the money, you don't have the money. Wait and save. Also if you want a wee bass challenge.... go listen to everything you can find by james jamerson.... incorporate his style in your playing at church.....[/quote] yhh thanks man. yh im really not sure about the price but i was just looking around on the internet and saw a general price range of £4-£500 on the type of bass it was and looked like, so thats where i got the price from. yh i will have to do that, even though i cant sell it now, ill still do all the research i can on it (but i cant get a pic up since im not selling it so i cant bring it home just to take pics then take it back). but just incase soon that they do decide to sell it because im not really a fan of fender myself and i know that the other bass player isnt either, its just what we happen to have in our church. only thing is im not sure when another burner will come up, im hoping soon if i cant sell my ibanez and buy this burner for friday. but well see anyway, thanks. yhh i listen to him a bit myself, not that much but my church is more of an african church, so even though i play jazz and gospel more my churches style is not like that atall. but i still love james stuff although i dont listen to it much. thanks again
  9. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='899510' date='Jul 19 2010, 10:25 PM']too late[/quote] sorry about this whole thing, but i did say "possibly" in my starting message, it was never definate, but i guess that shouldnt have been put that there, i should have made sure that this confusion would not happen, so thats my mistake. sorry.
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='899515' date='Jul 19 2010, 10:28 PM']Now I am confused! So the friend you are hoping will buy your Ibanez... is that the same friend from the church? BTW don't take the hump; I don't differentiate between bible bashers or angry agnostics. [/quote] no the guy who might want to to buy my ibanez is my friend on facebook who said he might wat to buy it, when i posted it up on facebook on my wall. he said he might possibly buy it, but then when i was going to sell the fender instead, i was going to tell him that i dont need to sell the ibanez anymore but since i cant sell the fender now, im just going to see if he wants the ibanez still. thanks.
  11. i firstly raised the price cos when i was selling it, someone PMed me and said that since i dont know anythn about the bass it could be worth more than iv put it for, so i decided that just incase, id raise it to £500, but then he called anyway and said, we should sell it, (both of us hardly know anything about fenders) but he just decided that a four is easier for him to paly on, so there is no point sellin the four, i should just stick to selling my 5. and the reason that i have to still sell my ibanez by 5 is becasue the person who im buying the ken smith burner from messaged me to say that someone els is intrested in it as well, and he can only now hold it for me till friday. so sorry guys. you can check out my post on my Ibanez BTB 475 bass, there are pics for that when i posted it a couple of weeks ago on here, and it cost less. (but im hoping that my friend will buy it so that i wont have to try sell it here). again, sorry for the trouble and confusing you all.
  12. Well this is random, Sorry guys it looks like this bass isnt even for sale anymore. The other bass player just called back from my church and decided that we should keep the fender, since he finds it hard right now to play on my ibanez since its a 5 string bass and if i sell the fender, then there will be no 4 strings for him to actually play on. so it looks like im back to selling my ibanez BTB 5 i have that posted up as well, most likely, but i still need to get it sold before this friday, (although one of my friends did express intrest in the ibanez so maybe he will buy it) sorry for the trouble. i didnt think he would change his mind.
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