So I'm pretty happy this morning.....
Last month my band and I turned up to our usual rehearsal space to find a note pinned on the door saying the bailiffs had been in. That would have been fine except the week before we made the executive decision to hire a lockup box inside to store all our stuff in. A few frantic phone calls later and we got hold of the bailiff who explained that the landlord who ran the rehearsal space was £100,000 in debt and had done a runner. Not before trying to flog all the gear left inside including our own I might add.
In the end, our stuff was fine and as we'd left it and we ended up taking a permanent room on for hire through the owners of the building, actually saving us money on what we were paying weekly. Last night the manager was milling around and asked us is we were sorted for equipment as they had a room full of stuff repossessed from the landlord which used to be hired out to bands. A few minutes later we were being guided into a room crammed full of drums, mics, amps and cabinets. After wading through I managed to find a few things of interest and bagged myself the following for the handsome sum of £30!! (I'd suggested £30 as a joke and he agreed straight away. Kicking myself that I didn't suggest £20 now!)
I know a lot of people look down on Behringer stuff but this thing is built like a tank and sounds immense. That said, I've no idea how I'll ever move it in my Clio but I'm not worrying about that now.
I managed to take some mental notes of the other stuff remaining in there (a lot of it was crap) and will be going back in. Of note I spied a nice Marshall guitar cab with gold tolex and cream badge, a crate combo and an old fender bass combo. The manager has no clue about any if it's worth. I'm not sure whose loss it is but it'll definitely be my gain.