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Posts posted by tino

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='974943' date='Oct 2 2010, 01:05 PM']This is an early 70s (not 60s) JapCrap Les Paul bass copy, it would've been shortscale (probably 30 - 32") so you'd have real trouble finding a bass neck to fit. If you put a guitar neck on, you will have to reposition the bridge fittings to suit the scale length, which should be around 25".

    If you do a conversion & put 6-pole guitar pickups in, I'll buy the bass 'buckers off you. :)

    NO NO NO sell me the buckers :)


  2. [quote name='Neko' post='969267' date='Sep 27 2010, 11:17 AM']Hey, I'm a total newbie to all this! Been leaning bass for all of maybe a month now, moved on from acoustic because all I ever really wanted to do was play bass (and chords got REALLY boring...)

    Anyway, I have a Squier P-bass (she's lovelyyyyy :) ) and a 15W Ashdown amp, since at the moment I pretty much only play to myself and I don't think the neighbours would be too happy if I was rattling their windows! As I'm really new to this, I've not got much of a musical repertoire, but I like to play rock and alt stuff. I'm also a total geek as I'm learning the Tetris theme right now!! :D

    I've been told I'm 'too old' to start learning bass (I'm 24) with the idea of eventually playing little gigs with my own band and that I need to 'grow up'. I decided to join here because I'm looking for less negative conversations about bass :lol:

    I really am rubbish at these intro things and don't know what else to put now! So hi, that's me, be nice and I'm sorry if I get confused at all :)[/quote]
    Who ever told you you are too old at 24 was talking out of his or her JACKSIE.......................FACT.....I played Drums from 6 to 19....lead & rhythm from 14 to 42 and bass from mid 30s till today some 20+ years on...I taught my Son Dan who is an acomplished Musician and Im currently teaching my Grandaughters....like Phil Lynot once said..." Dont beleive a word"
    Crack on son enjoy it your half way there

    MrT....the short white one :)

  3. [quote name='Mikeg' post='975930' date='Oct 3 2010, 01:16 PM']ive got a crappy bass lying around, its a jazz style bass, looks lovely but its got quite bad neck dive.
    any way to fix or help it?[/quote]
    Get yourself a "Hunchback"
    I currently have them in medium and large sizes price £10 + £12 respectively.....
    worked for QUASI

  4. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='976023' date='Oct 3 2010, 02:49 PM']I must be really stupid because alot of that made absolutely no sense to me

    The wiring kit I bought was the same wiring kit as used in Fender's current AM series and the Steve Harris sig series but I just didn't bother wiring in the cap and I think it was a 0.05 cap... now I don't know what that means but yeah, i didn't wire it in

    From what else I read here, it looks like capacitors aren't actually needed then?[/quote]

  5. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='973400' date='Oct 1 2010, 12:52 AM']Arghhh

    Just been on Facebook for the first time in over a week to find that there is an event on there called
    "Munition at the Snooty Fox - 13th October"

    Now, I have wanted to play the SF for ages and wouldn't have a problem with this had I not already told the guy who organised the gig that I wouldn't be able to do the 13th and 14th due to not being able to get the days off work to which he said "that's fair enough dude, I'll try for something after the 16th then" which is fine with me...

    But no, I tell him tonight I can't do the gig to which he tells me that he forgot I couldn't do those days and that we can't cancel the gig so I'll have to either find a fill in at work or they'll have to find a fill in for the actual gig.
    I said to him about doing the 17th instead and he said "Nah, we can't do that day cos the drummers got work and can't get the day off" which he only found out 2 days ago meaning this problem came up 2 weeks after I first stated I couldn't do the 13th and 14th.

    Now be honest with me, am I in the right for feeling completely pissed off and ignored over this situation or am I just being stupid?

    Either way, they'll have to sort something as I will not be doing the gig as I'm not losing my job over it

    Of course you are right.they are total WAN**S and for a monetary consideration I can have a hit taken out on them :)

  6. [quote name='Bassassin' post='976013' date='Oct 3 2010, 02:41 PM']Cheers for that! August '72, then?

    Youve talked me into keeping the bugg*r.The neck swayed it...I cant understand how the body got in the condition it is and the neck appears unused.....I think they possibly used it as a cricket bat...
    Mrs T is gonna lose it....flowers me thinks may go some way to swaying it. :) .Yeah like that will do it Possibly 10 days in the Caymans might :lol:

    Shes already kicked my new Fender.....but there was a smile when the Mesa sold on the Bay :)

  7. [quote name='Bassassin' post='975643' date='Oct 3 2010, 02:03 AM']Not sure you'll necessarily make much of a profit parting it out - the unusual pups mean that the body, electronics & scratchplate aren't very much use without each other - there would have to be a bunch of people looking to restore the same type of bass & fighting over the parts for them to get decent bids. The neck would do OK on its own, but you're really only talking about £50 or so.

    Do it up a bit & sell it complete - sort the wiring, give it a meticulous clean-up, then take some clear, detailed pics & write a good description/listing title & it'll Ebay for a bit more than you paid.

    Anyway the pickup codes should be 5 numbers - the first is the pickup model, second the year (2=1972 etc), third the month and the last two the day of the month.


  8. It was meant for the Japanese home market and as such in agreement with Fender(I take it,its a Fender)is not to be officially exported from Japan,they do get here in volume and attract a slkightly higher price than the MIJ & CIJ,,,some are in less usual colours etc


  9. [quote name='Musicman20' post='975705' date='Oct 3 2010, 08:51 AM']Interesting to hear actual user reviews on these pickups. Most people assume Nordstrand are the pinnacle, which clearly they are not.[/quote]
    Poor results may well be obtained when pulling out stock pups and replacing with Nordies and thinking thats that!
    Wiring,switching and pots & caps may well require modification to get the best performance,its a bit like putting a V8 5 litre in to a nissan Micra....sure sounds pretty stood still but let it rip and the gearbox is kaputt!!
    Nordies are at the top of the game for passive if fitted correctly to a well set up instrument,if your going to put them into an £80 Chinese faker ...DONT BOTHER

  10. [quote name='molan' post='975415' date='Oct 2 2010, 09:04 PM']Only experience I have on a direct comparison was in a lovely Roscoe SKB I had. It came as standard with, supposedly custom wound, Barts but the previous owner had bought some Nords & gave them to me with the bass.

    I swapped them over and really didn't like the Nords at all. To my ears they sounded very sterile & seemed to rob the bass of the nice 'organic' sound it had.

    The Barts seemed to really bring out some character from the bass & worked well without any on-board pre-amp adjustments but also responded well to the pre as well. The Nords seemed to over emphasise everything too much for me.

    Could just be that the Barts had been well matched by Roscoe of course.

    I have a '78 J with Lollar pickups - they sound rally 'active' in a passive bass :lol:[/quote]
    Im of the same opinion ...the Nordies will sound extremely bright when pre amped they come into their own as passive...I have nothing with Barts so I cannot comment.
    the lollars I am a fan of with both bass & my teles an extremely versatile pup..

    However the best sounding p/a pickups that I ever had and I wish I had not let them go were made By Evans in australia and were fitted to a Fernandes P Project Jazz which came off Gumtree....an amazing neck superb tuning system with a great preamp also made in house by Fernandes....but the most uncomfortable body ever,just could not get on with it unless sat,then greed got the better of me :) .....I want them back just the pups and PA..
    So if you ever see a set of Evans Jazz pups please let me know.. :)

    Good Luck whatever way you go

  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='975139' date='Oct 2 2010, 04:48 PM']Ooh - interesting, seen a few of these pups but never with a brand stamp. Do they have an ink-stamped number as well? Many Maxxons tend to & you can date them from the serial. Very good news that they work - what are they reading?

    Yes inkstamped numbers with a sort of engraved Maxon.... no way to test the reading though.......In fact just after my laST post I managed to buy myself a Fender 71 jazz body & neck from a pal that was insistent that he would never sell so Im splitting up this bass and parting it out :) to pay towards for the parts I need for the Fender....good old recycler that I am....its got a beauty of a neck,nice pups and most of the hardwares good the body needs love but nice basis for a relic....and I cant really undertake 2 projects at this point in time...ones pushing it as far as Mrs T is concerned :lol:
    Needs Must etc etc etc

    I will take a few pics of the pups for your records if you want them


  12. [quote name='Bassassin' post='968661' date='Sep 26 2010, 06:24 PM']Here's the link:


    Looks nice, obviously depending on condition. I think it's a Fujigen J copy, fairly early 70s going on the tuners, pickups & trc. It's had a headstock pin badge, which from the outline I'm fairly sure was Eros (compare it to the one on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=31025502980"]this rather nice EB-3 copy[/url]), which would support the age & the Fujigen theory. Early Eros guitars were sourced form Fujigen & Matsumoku - I had a Fujigen Tele & Mat LP, and the EB-3 is a Mat.

    I think if you can get it for around the £100 mark it would be something of a bargain, assuming everything's OK.

    I feel you are absolutely correct....had it to peices today PUPs are Maxon and lo & behold they work....its the control plate pots etc that are at fault,the neck is very nice with absolutely no fretwear but the body needs some love and a few coats of cellulose luminous green maywell get the vote :) ,tuners came up real good with a bit of spit and polish.....the bridge has all but had it but thats a relatively cheap fix in the big scheme of things...
    For Luminous green please read Olympic White....the GD was looking as I was typing :lol:

    Seen and all singing & all dancing control plate on Ebay USA with 28 different variations so thinking pop that baby in...could end up with something very nice for less than 200 sovs


  13. [quote name='TommyK' post='974884' date='Oct 2 2010, 12:16 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1979-MUSIC-MAN-SABRE-BASS-NECK-/110592668413?pt=Guitar&hash=item19bfd632fd"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1979-MUSIC-MAN-SABRE...=item19bfd632fd[/url]

    Hmmmmm. Discuss. :)[/quote]
    Whats to discuss :lol:

    On the other hand if it had been recently personally RoasteD by BP under laboratory conditions and scientifically proven to be the eighth wonder of the world....then Id be remortgaging my home for this B*gg*R........unfortunately this not being the case I feel its a lot of dough for very little....and even the little has been corrupted and therefore devalued...
    Right thats my tuppence worth :)

  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='974656' date='Oct 1 2010, 10:14 PM']Depends what you mean by "nice" - by her own admission, she sh*t on her boyfriend's cornflakes.

    we're all out of milk here...... Dont suppose you have her mobile number?????

  15. [quote name='wallybass' post='972569' date='Sep 30 2010, 12:23 PM']Hello my friends. I am a drummer who has just acquired some quality basses, and as they are of no use to me, i will be selling them. They are:

    1) A fretless Wal MK3

    2) Two Jaydee 24 GA series

    3) A Musicman Stingray Ernie Ball 5

    4)A Jimmy Egypt

    5) A hohner "The Jack".

    The Jaydees are of interest to me.also possibly the Egypt..prices & location please......condition?????? Any pics...cash ready....If your names Bruce & The Price Is Right :)

  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='972216' date='Sep 29 2010, 11:19 PM']Much as I've been trying to justify keeping it, with the increasing demands on space that my studio build is making, I can't. This is the dog's danglies of big, real man, high testosterone, shoot-first-ask-questions-later, take no prisoners, wrestle naked with hungry alligators, bass cabs. If you value your relationship, do not go out and leave this cab at home with your girlfriend.

    It's essentially a 4-foot hi-fi cab optimised for bass. Not great at low volumes, but when you wind it up, it's monster. If you've got a Markbass head or similar, don't buy this cab, on principle it won't talk to it, and the vibration alone will put the head in therapy for years. This baby needs a big amp with big nasty valves to even think about getting out of bed in the morning. But once it's up.......

    Weighs a ton, looks agricultural, hard to move, but worth it on every level


    Collection/meet-up is best. Postage in the region of £450 :lol:

    Keep the cab...remove the speakers and rent it out to Students....thats like a 3 bed flat :)

  17. [quote name='spud' post='973109' date='Sep 30 2010, 07:52 PM']Bonjour, I forgot to put this up when I first created an account a few weeks ago.
    I have a Squire/Fender (it says both on the bass, in different places) and a pretty poor practice amp. Already learnt abit from this site and am finding it useful.

    Yarite Jon OWARYA :)

  18. Right heres the scenario.
    My sons Mesa rig is possibly sold so we have about a grand to play with.DONT TELL HIM...It can be a surprise :)
    My Grandaughter is currently an "intermediate bassist".....I call it could do better... :lol: but never in her presence :)
    Right.then.....Need a combo around 300 watts for her, that if is not what is required can be shifted without too much of a loss.
    Dont want a Prometheus....but has to be a combo

    What are your thoughts


  19. [quote name='jonunders' post='974248' date='Oct 1 2010, 03:56 PM']hi, i'm 50 and have been playing bass for 8 months. i'm joining a band and i am confused as to what amp to buy.
    1x15 4x10 2x12 combo head + cab. at my age i'm not going to be playing big gigs. any advice would be helpful
    Got a Roland DB700 going cheap absolutely lovely amp but bloody heavy......but on castors....ride it to gigs no tax or insurance required but you cant use M roads

  20. [quote name='Meenie' post='974353' date='Oct 1 2010, 05:21 PM']Ive got a big one on order and i want to get a cover for it, i have contacted Roqsolid and they said they would knock me one up for about £40.

    Just wondered if anyone else had bought a Big One cab and had any other suggestions as to where to get a cover?[/quote]
    IF I had a big one the last thing I would do is cover it :)

  21. [quote name='jonunders' post='974248' date='Oct 1 2010, 03:56 PM']hi, i'm 50 and have been playing bass for 8 months. i'm joining a band and i am confused as to what amp to buy.
    1x15 4x10 2x12 combo head + cab. at my age i'm not going to be playing big gigs. any advice would be helpful

    Mesa Boogie Walkabout scout + cab....it aint heavy its my Mesa

  22. To anyone considering doing a deal with Tom...........YOU SHOULD.....the fellas the most honest chap Ive come across,Ive had 2 Fenders and both were MINT and at a good price...Postage was fast and packaging excellent... :)


    Anything else in the pipeline??????

  23. [quote name='maxrossell' post='969249' date='Sep 27 2010, 10:57 AM']What's the latest bit of gear you got, why did you get it and what did you pay/trade for it? And crucially, was it worth it, or are you a bit disappointed?

    I'd start, but my new gear won't arrive for a half-hour or so.

    Yesterday on the bay I bought a Japanese 70,s Jazz copy,A Burny Les Paul copy and a proper 2009 Gibson J45 mahogany,Today for a mere £10 I bought a 70.s Kay P bass from the street cleaners and last wek I bought a Fender Tele bass from Tom on here..........But best of all my Esquire should hopefully be coming home this week..
    With the exception of the Kay I possibly paid to much.....but when the recession finally ends I will hopefully turn that around then some..... :)

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