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Posts posted by tino

  1. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='935330' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:55 PM']Huh?!

    If I don't like someone, I don't buy their product, visit their store, and will speak to them as little as possible, how is that a lie?

    Not really, often people are intrested in a guitar or product, and during the course of investigating it, end up crossing paths of the company with bad results, or can see a bad reputation, and change their minds.

    Thanks for raising the level of discourse with wit and maturity, though.

    Uh, isn't that the whole point of people saying they're not buying them.....[/quote]
    Right Im off & you are in charge...Give the buggers hell

    Loads of Love Uncle T

  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='935303' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:37 PM']It takes a few weeks to sort the wheat from the chaf here just like anywhere else but there are 11'000 people on BC, At least 5 or 6 have of them have some albeit limited knowledge about certain things,We almost worked out what it was between the 10.994 left but someone mentioned a weak G string on a Stingray and we forgot what it was again! :rolleyes:

    On a serious note if you post a sensible topic in the right section you will get some great knowledge on all makes and models of bass which is usually followed up with an argument and everyone stating why their favoured bass is best but I have not found a forum on anything yet where that is not the case.[/quote]
    This is fast becoming a sequal to Love Story................
    Bless you all yep Swanny too........
    Really must pack the case.......wheres the e ticket???

    See ya'll in a week or so.......
    How many teles can you get in a suitcase????

    Take care & god bless BP.................there I go again :)

  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='935265' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:14 PM']For my money there is the pre Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray,Holy grail of the MM scene Original and best, But also the Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray all the rest for me are just reasons for people to buy other versions,Maybe the Stingray 5 if you like an extra string but for me standard 4 string and one big phat pup is the only way!
    There are subs,olps,sterlingrays,ray34's and a whole raft of other stuff but stick to the pre EB and the standard EB 4 or 5 and you cant go wrong IMO.[/quote]
    In the main correct....BUT PLEASE.....Dont tell anyone I said so :)

  4. [quote name='paul h' post='935254' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:02 PM']Hey Swanbrook. Welcome to the forum, not all threads are like this, lighten up, etc. etc. :)

    But surely you have spotted the irony here? A thread basically about someone being rude and confrontational to his customers is now being challenged by someone being rude and confrontational. Feel free to disagree....god knows we cover that debate here often enough but how about little a less of the "bullshit" and "school ground crap" and "lots of twats on this forum" comments. I am amazed that anyone has tried to placate you at all with that attitude. People have been banned for less.

    And for what it's worth, I read the original post that kicked it all off over there and I don't think the guy was being "a prick" at all and it seems that most here agree.

    Have you thought of going out and coming back in again? Starting fresh? Maybe go in off topic and ask about your prematurity problems?

    Let me get the door for dear ol Swanny,and wipe yer feet on the way out!

  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='935255' date='Aug 24 2010, 08:03 PM']OK swanbrook its time everyone told you that the compulory Tino clash is a kind of initiation to Basschat,So welcome and please ignore Tino, By his own admission he talks some rubbish :lol: (But strangely some actually sensible stuff but rarely in the same thread?)[/quote]
    By some rubbish I propose you actually mean mainly rubbish,Ive even been known to gargle with Andrews liver salts if that throws any light on the matter...

    I wish I was BP or a quid behind him :) Wouldnt wanna look like the bugger though :o


  6. [quote name='swanbrook' post='935226' date='Aug 24 2010, 07:44 PM']Because to say that you only buy things from people you like is a complete lie and then not to buy a guitar because you don't like the CEO of the company would tell that you really never had and intention of buying one anyway.
    Maybe first impression are right I see there is some sense here but this whole bp= ...... crap is school ground bullsh*te.
    It serves no purpose. If you don't like ebmm don't buy them it kinda simple really.[/quote]
    Look all I need is another 8532 responses and its a record :)

    Do you really beleive that I beleive everything I spout..

    Lighten up its a laff

    And I dont know if you have heard but..............allegedly BPs not to fond of you :rolleyes:

  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='935143' date='Aug 24 2010, 06:52 PM']This is it.

    Sound wise? Sterling's sound more modern/hi fi. Stingray all the way for me![/quote]
    On this I shall concur......... :)
    Wait its cheap crap really :rolleyes:

    Early SR was a totally different animal whereas Sterling basses and 20's are pants...but thats just my opinion....and I'm right

  8. [quote name='iconic' post='935113' date='Aug 24 2010, 06:31 PM']All this talk of Musicmans must be getting boring, but please tell me what is the difference between a Musicman StingRay and Musicman Sterling, I can see you can select pup combo's, what else?

    thanks for your patience gentleman[/quote]
    About 800 quid :)

  9. [quote name='hagguy' post='930107' date='Aug 19 2010, 06:12 PM']up for sale my robin ranger custom

    its handmade in houston texas

    seymore duncan hot rail- bridge

    fender lace sensor - middle

    bareknuckle paf humbucker - neck

    its a early 90's version with reverse headstock

    one piece birds eye maple neck

    swamp ash body

    the guitar is a lovely player and is a great mix of strat and tele

    design very versitile tonally and nice looking in deep purple

    google robin guitars and check

    out the prices this is a bargain[/quote]
    Did you get that one off Lee in Gwent

  10. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='935068' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:54 PM']Yeah,I love it too, but I'm considering changing the scratchplate for a tort one though... If I can find somewhere that sells Stingray scratchplates![/quote]
    Have you tried BP I am told hes real helpful :)

  11. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='935060' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:48 PM']Why should I buy a bass that I like(or love) by a company I don't like, when I can buy a bass that I both love as an instrument, and respect the builder/luthier/company?[/quote]
    unfortunately it would appear that luthiery in this case is unwarranted its CNC with fairly low cost labour production line on costs,lets face it if we want something special we are gonna pay through the nose......OR ARE WE
    Dont for one minute think that an expensive name will give you the desired result,in our house Dan is the primary player,I have spent several thousands on having basses built for him to his spec only to find it was no better than a stock Jap or US....
    I am a great beleiver in supporting the luthier profession ( i possibly spend far to much...she says)but sometimes a model can be done to death.
    I know from my experiences with my Rickys that no matter how much I tried to get on with them I had a preference for a Lowly 70's Ibanez copy and all went their way with costly financial losses incurred,yet I knew from Ricky No1 I didnt like them but I kept on hoping.
    Now Im keeeping and modding the Ibby Im sure I will be happy until I'm Not.
    I would however fully agree I would never buy anything from someone that talks down to me like I am an arsehole.....even if I am...Im a customer and fortunately I have the money & the choice.

    The customer my Dear BP is always right...even when I'm WRONG :)

  12. [quote name='Bassassin' post='935040' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:31 PM']1974 Ibanez copy of what, Tino?

    If it's your 2388B/DX then don't - get a Hipshot, which is a direct replacement for the old bridge and will also allow string spacing adjustment - important on those parallel Rick-type necks.

    If you went for a Badass you'd have to fill/cover a bleedin' great route and would permanently alter what is (as you know) a rare & collectable bass.

    Plus the BA2 is an ugly, hefty primitive lump of slag. :)

    Cheers Jon

    Hipshot it is then..........I never really wanted to sell her its just I hate the ricky bridge,main reason I sold my RealARicky..
    Anyone looking to sell a Hipshot???????

    Just had to ask

  13. [quote name='Johnston' post='935036' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:28 PM']Sligo nice part of the country, Hello from the other side of the border !!!

    But for me if I am spending big bucks on something that professes to have magic properties I would ask the salesman questions just as the guy in the EBMM forum did. I wouldn't sugar coat it, it would be asked in a blatent way so the only option was for a direct answer.

    To be basically told it does it because we say it does would have me walking out of any shop. Because of it was the top dog rather than someone earning minimum wage on a shop forum has me seriously doubting decisions made by EBMM at a management level.[/quote]
    Leo never once insisted his product was magical,most of us just agreed it probably was very very good....and it has stood the test of time.

    Will a Sterling,I doubt it as he will venture onto another stating its oh so very very very much superior to the Sterling,,,whether or not it actually is.

  14. [quote name='ped' post='109042' date='Dec 24 2007, 08:05 PM']..Go on then![/quote]

    Yeah I know they dont match and if Im totally honest it sounds better with an ES 175 than a bass,,,scuse the faker

  15. [quote name='Musicman20' post='935026' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:16 PM']On a positive note, Ive recently realised despite what people might think about the forums here or in the US, EBMM know how to make a high quality, US built instrument. I compared the EBMMs to a few other manufacturers the other day, and the cheapest bass, the 2 band Ray, was actually the highest quality and lightest weight. Even more so than the Sadowsky Metro I tried! Shock horror.[/quote]
    YEAH......and I still aint gonna want one :)

  16. [quote name='Rich' post='935022' date='Aug 24 2010, 05:09 PM']This forum has a wealth of info and advice on basses, but I doubt very much we could help you with [i]that[/i]... :)
    Welcome, by the way.[/quote]
    Change of subject....got a 1974 Ibanez copy thinking of putting a Badass on ....anyone here done it...pros surely cant be any cons....can there???

  17. [quote name='swanbrook' post='934977' date='Aug 24 2010, 04:36 PM']I may have shot my load to soon but I do ask you to step back and take a look at this thread as a first time user it
    Really does look like a witch hunt.
    Tino I am not from the dark side unless you mean Sligo which would totally describe it[/quote]
    Its all in jest...lighten up......this thread has run its course me thinks

  18. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='648485' date='Nov 8 2009, 02:04 AM']Hey All


    So me and my my other half got engaged back in summer! i bought her a very expensive engagement ring (Platinum + Diamonds) She's worth it! I couldn't be happier....................or so i thought!!!!

    Tonight was our engagement party, all our family came to see us and it was getting off to a great start :rolleyes:

    Then Jill (my Fiance) did a little toast to thank everyone for coming, then out of nowhere presented me with this......


    as you can see by the very silly look on my face in the first pic i was absolutely stunned, excited and so, so happy!!!! :lol: :o

    its an awesome and beautiful bass!! Im a very lucky man!!



    I hope your all jealous!! lol

    you lucky sod..............................................and tha bass is nice too

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