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Everything posted by Sub_Drop

  1. Just in case there is slight confusion. The photo is old and the victor wooten book has already been sold
  2. Hi people, I'm selling some bass books that I've had for ages. Excellent condition as I've barely used them. CD included with Bass guitar for Dummies. Best of Blink 182 (bass) - £8 Great musician series - Jaco Pastorius - £10 Bass guitar for dummies - £8 Just putting this out to see if anyone is interested.
  3. Yeah that's fine with me. That's not too far. Let me know if you're interested after looking. Cheers
  4. Pictures will be up shortly. I live around the Dudley/Birmingham area. Where abouts are you? I don't mind driving some distance if needed.
  5. I'm selling my peavey combo. £200 ONO I'll upload photos as soon as possible. Minor gigging marks but no damage. Collection only due to size but I am willing to drive within reason if needed. Thanks.
  6. I'm willing to go as low as £650 as long as I don't need to travel far.
  7. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hey people, I've decided to sell my Peavey VB2 which has only been used for six gigs. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm looking for £700/750. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Everything is in excellent condition although there is some cosmetic damage but this is only slight. Foot switch is not included. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Collection only due to the size and weight of the equipment. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Location is around the Stourbridge/Dudley area but I will drive within reason. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks[/font][/color]
  8. [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1328024300' post='1520456'] Well, here's mine! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/15843-my-5-string-fender-jazz/"]http://basschat.co.u...ng-fender-jazz/[/url] [/quote] That is one sexy bass. Loving it.
  9. Yeah it probably is down to my area and just the popularity of the 4 string fender. I already have a reliable 5 string sandberg though. I do want to purchase a fender sometime in the future but I think like most people I'd go with a 4 string. I was just curious about never seeing a 5 string in person by fender.
  10. How come, Fender 5 strings are so hard to come by. I've never actually seen one anywhere around my area. It is just a myth that the internet allows me to constantly look at. Does anyone know why they are so rare or is it just that my area seems to fail in stocking them in music shops?
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hi Like most of the above, it can be whatever you want. some of my friends (not bassists) just see it as free money and are pretty much failing so far. We are in our final year of a 3 year course. If you want to learn and work hard, there are countless opportunities for you. I've already had session work (obviously not playing on major tv programs or touring with high profile, famous people) which I'm getting paid for, had the chance to record an album and work with various musicians through uni, played gigs across the U.K. and generally just got better in all areas of music. My course is just a performance course but I've still managed to learn about recording, mixing and engineering. [/font][/color] Throughout all of the music courses at uni, there are dedicated students and those which don't even turn up to lectures. You will get this regardless of where you go but as long as you make friends with the reliable musicians in the group, you'll be fine and from experience, you'll be in demand by most of them if you're reliable as well. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've already been taught (bass specific) how to achieve a wider range of tone, how to tweak my timbre to alter the entire band and how the music feels/sounds. I've been taught how to read standard music notation and how to even write it out by ear, amongst other things. (general music) I have learnt how to mix, record and engineer for bands, advanced theory and compositional methods and general history on all styles of music. I've learnt too much to write down in my opinion. Hope that helps and makes sense. [/font][/color]
  12. This is just epic. I cant believe people actually say this stuff. Im sure I'll be asking to it in a few days though as I have rehearsals all this week.
  13. Hi guys and girls, I've got quite a few transcribed scores for bass which I've done over the years and I was thinking of maybe trying to get them published or trying to get published and transcribing music for money. I've heard of websites that allow you to upload scores which people can purchase. Does anyone know any further details about copyright and publishing rights and how to get into this kind of business?
  14. The make of my 5 string is Sandberg and the it's the basic JM model. My fretless 4 string is the affinity series jazz bass that I defretted myself. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1345043' date='Aug 19 2011, 06:48 AM']What are the makes/models of your current two basses? There are plenty of options in that price bracket [/quote]
  15. I own a 4 string fretless and a 5 string but I want to extend my range and also play stanley clarke/ victor wooten pieces in the ADGC tuning. What would be a good quality 6 string bass to invest in?
  16. I've done a dep for a function band playing at a wedding in gloucester. I was personally paid £150 but we didn't do requests and it was about an hours worth of material.
  17. Hi mate, i'll take the big muff if its still available. Can you message me details about whether you want collection or p&p thanks mate [quote name='Heathy' post='1257712' date='Jun 5 2011, 08:16 PM']For sale – the following three effects pedals: - Electroharmonix Mini Q-tron - Electroharmonix Big Muff - Tech 21 Bass Compactor They each come with a mains adaptor and Velcro on the bottom. The EHX pedals also have adaptor cables for a Diago power station. A few scratches on the face of the EHX pedals but they function perfectly. Looking for £35 each incl. P&P Here is a photo: [attachment=81832:pedals_1.JPG][/quote]
  18. Only 15 minutes? That doesn't seem long enough to me but fair enough. James Jamerson is always a good idea along with Chris Squire and John Deacon. I was going to do YYZ but I have already played this for my second year performance, so I wanted to showcase something else. I'm not sure whether it would be over the top for what my lecturers want but I'm attempting Stanley Clarke and Victor Wooten pieces as well. I think I have most of my set list now but thanks for the ideas people.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1247713' date='May 27 2011, 11:18 PM']I hope you take this in the way its intended, but if you are having difficulty with this, are you questioning what you have actually been taught, and if a 45 minute showcase is the right way of appraising a bass student's ability? Personally speaking, and probably because I've been around for a while, I would be a bit disgusted at this approach and would be demanding the tutors and governors demonstrate for 45 minutes, their approach to teaching bassists.[/quote] I'm not having difficulty in choosing songs just thought i'd see if other bass players had other ideas. I understand where you are coming from though. Basically we are meant to perform a set list of material to which we can choose anything within reason and perform with a band, solo or both for 45 minutes and we get marked on our performance visually, our communication with the audience and the ability and authenticity to recreate the songs we are performing. It is a strange way to assess our musicianship as it leaves a lot of grey area in certain areas of performing but its what we need to do.
  20. Hi Guys and Dolls, I'm about to start my third year at uni in September and I need to do a 45 minute performance showcasing my playing. I don't want it to become a bass solo, epic two handed tapping and slapping. I want something where the bass part shows a good sense of groove and feel underneath a well constructed song. Any ideas of what might be a good idea to try. I've got a few ideas already but I'm sure some people on here would have some amazing ideas. So far it seems my dissertation is funk, jazz and soul styles of music but I'm open to any genre. Cheers.
  21. Is the Big muff pi USA still available?
  22. Hey people, I've decided to sell my Peavey VB2 which has only been used for two gigs. I'm looking for £850 as I can't bring myself to sell it for any less at the moment. Everything is in excellent condition although there is some cosmetic damage but this is only slight. Foot switch is not included. I will upload some picture when I get the chance. Collection only due to the size and weight of the equipment. Location is around the Stourbridge/Dudley area but I will drive to surrounding areas within a certain distance if needed. [attachment=80634:SAM_0816.JPG][attachment=80636:SAM_0818.JPG][attachment=80635:SAM_0817.JPG] [attachment=80637:SAM_0819.JPG] Details and information on the amplifier can be found at: [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/instAmplifiers/bassamps/enclosures/index.cfm/item/116722/Tour%26trade%3BVB-2.cfm"]http://www.peavey.com/products/instAmplifi...rade%3BVB-2.cfm[/url]
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