First of all, hello! Just found my way here and I'm in need of a bit of advice.
Having got back on the horse about a year ago, I picked up an Ashdown Electric Blue 180 head and 2x10 compact cab just to shift some air and compete with the rest of the band (one of our guitarists makes amps, very nice ones too, and very loud). The head only delivers about 90w into the 8ohm cab (as I understand it, I'm mostly of the plug and play persuasion), but it's been just about fine for pub gigs.
I'm now getting to the stage where I want to upgrade a bit. Space & portability is an issue, I play about a gig a month for fun (classic rock and a bit of blues), and I don't want to be lugging acres of gear about, or using up all my brownie points filling the front room with an 8x10 (or having to explain how much it cost). I'm after a punchy rock tone, so I've been looking around and come up with a few scenarios:
1. Get a little mark 250 (or a II, there's only about £20 difference on GAK) and keep the Ashdown cab. I'm happy with it up to now, but am wondering if it'll do the head justice.
2. Get the Ampeg Micro VR and keep the cab. Looks the business IMO, cheaper and even more portable.
3. Keep the head and upgrade the cab - the barefaced gear looks amazing, but I'd need to save up, and do I need such high end gear for what I do?
I was wondering if anyone has an opinion, or some advice.