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Posts posted by colleya

  1. 42 minutes ago, wateroftyne said:

    Just in case any potential buyer fancies a change from orange, I've got a white frame I'd be willing to pass on. It should be a straight swap, and it'll look like the one in my video, but white.

    Typically generous of you, thanks.  I might take you up on it if it doesn't sell!

    4 minutes ago, silverfoxnik said:

    Excellent Far Sale ad if you don't mind me saying.. And it sounds like a great amp.. 

    Really enjoyed your band video btw too! 

    Thank you, I borrowed a bit from TPJ's original ad but also took the opportunity for some shameless self promotion for the band!  The thread about the recording of that video is here.  


    • Like 1
  2. GAS has struck so I'm putting out feelers to see if anyone is interested in my Handbox R-400.

    Hand built amp with a 3 valve preamp and class A/B power. 400 watts @ 4ohms. You can get a great range of tones from this using the eq section and contour. The DI out sounds lovely. This amp doesn't have the extra lights at the front. It has a few scuffs and a couple of cosmetic chips on the case and front from my use that I've pictured, but is in perfect working order.  Serviced last year by David Lunt in Stockport.

    9.8kg on the bathroom scales

    I'm the 3rd owner. This is an earlier model that was sent as a trial amp to a Basschat member, then sold to @TPJ who sold it to me. 

    Collection from Sale, South Manchester much preferred, or I can ship at cost when I get a suitable box.

    Here's @wateroftyne's review of these amps:

    And here's this particular one in action with my band:


    2020-03-12 18.23.40.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.23.54.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.24.09.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.24.14.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.25.21.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.25.33.jpg

    2020-03-12 18.26.13.jpg

    • Like 3
  3. 11 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Liking the band name "Jump the Shark" ............Kool name.

    Sounds like it was a great night. Everyone goes home happy. I love it. :D


    Cheers, it's a TV phrase for a show that has run out of original ideas and has to rely on gimmicks to get attention. Seemed appropriate!

    • Haha 1
  4. Arden Inn, Accrington for the first time last night. Second gig in a week which is unusual for us.

    Arrived to an empty pub, thought 'uh-oh'. Still, got to set up in peace whilst chatting to the friendly bar staff and a couple of locals.

    Soundchecked and then everyone turned up. Packed the place, danced all night, including to the tunes through the PA during the break.

    Loads of nice feedback, and a great landlord.

    Stingray 5 into a Handbox R400 and Barefaced Two 10. Lovely!


    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, redbandit599 said:

    We all chip in and just decide what we fancy doing next every now and then at rehearsal - just happens when we realize we haven't got anything new to learn.

    Helps that we can get stuff to a 'jam it out' stage quickly and at that point we decide if it's worth gigging or not - all songs are liable to getting dropped if they don't deliver and no-one gets too precious about 'their songs.'

    Same with us. We all have a 'Good God no' style veto as well. However in the past we've played a vetoed song as a request and it's been ace, so we've learned to give most suggestions some rehearsal time regardless of first impressions.

    One of my sneaky tricks is to add potential newbies to the playlist that I put through the PA before & after gigs. It gives us a decent idea of crowd reaction to the tune.

    • Like 1
  6. I had a similar if much, much lower budget experience aged 14.

    On holiday in Ireland I bought a mars bar from the local shop, opened it and promptly won £100.

    Back home, some scouring of the local copy of Loot turned up a Westone Thunder 1A which I promptly bought. It was a serious step up from the battered, no name school bass with two strings (both A) that I'd started on.

    Stupidly sold the Westone a few years later to fund a fender jazz. No pics either.

  7. We've had good experiences with Alto kit in terms of price vs performance for our monthly outings at the Dog & Doris. You can get a very respectable setup for circa £1k including stands/cables etc.

    Currently using TS 312 tops, 1604 Live desk (tried a digital desk but a combination of signal dropouts and not having a physical fader to tweak instantly made us go back to analogue). Used to have an Alto sub but we've just got an RCF 702 which is a significant improvement. Of course YMMV.

  8. I've been using a PJB bighead for a few years. It's great. Plug in my phone with Spotify, my bass and away we go. Tone is really good, although I don't use FX. Charges quickly and is super small.

    They come up used periodically for about £100.

  9. 3 hours ago, ezbass said:

    Ah, the musician’s lament. Been there, regretted that. Yet I still think, “Hmm, not really playing that, it needs to go.”

    I haven't really had it with any of the other basses I've sold, but that Jake was pretty special.

    To be fair though, I do know why I sold it. Needed the money to pay for my new Stingray!

  10. Reporting in following Saturday's gig.  The RCF 702 replaced Alto TS 115a.  Running it with Alto TS312 tops.

    Noticeably tighter and with more physical presence, especially with music form the iPad between sets. Actually got a bit of 'I can feel that' type bass that the Alto never produced. We don't put bass through the PA, just kick drum but I got the distinct impression that it would handle it just fine as long as you don't take the mick volume wise.

    The cover is also ace, as it has little zippable flaps, cowboy underwear style, meaning that you don't have to remove it at all.

    Plus it's 2/3 of the size and weight, which is the biggest positive for me as I've got to lug the thing around.

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