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Posts posted by colleya

  1. A pretty standard mid January pub gig.

    Quiet-ish. About 30 or so folk in a reasonably large room, all visibly enjoying themselves/singing along etc but not enough critical mass to get any proper dancing started.

    Until 11.45, when the doors opened and about another 30-40 people arrived and headed straight for the dancefloor.

    Turns out the original crowd had all been texting their mates telling them to come down as they were really enjoying the set! So we gave them a couple of extra tunes then left them wanting more. Think we need to start at about 11.30 next time we play there.

    Kit wise, my new sennheiser IEMs (courtesy of @knicknack) were a big improvement on my old LD unit.  It was also the first outing for the new RCF 702 sub, upgraded from an Alto TS 115a.  Noticably tighter and with more physical presence, especially with music form the iPad between sets. Actually got a bit of 'I can feel that' type bass that the Alto never produced. Plus it's 2/3 of the size and weight, which is the biggest positive for me as I've got to lug the thing around.

  2. 2 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    All this talk of Modulus and we appeared to have summoned a nice Quantum in the for sale section 😀


    Hmmm. So if I start a thread about a stingray 5 special in charcoal sparkle for £500 what are the chances......

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, 4000 said:

    Sorry to hear all that Andy. I’ve had a few years of “loads of stuff going on in my head” and have experienced a few bereavements this year, so I sympathise. It’s easy to start to lose the plot when that happens (or it is for me, at least). 

    Hope everything gets better for you.


    ⬆️ This.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    Haha. It’s staying. Stress not...although I know there’s a queue of vultures lined up 😂

    One of the reasons I didn't go for the power jazz. I'd have come to try it out, but I'd really have been hankering after a go on the flea.

    • Haha 1
  5. Sorry to hear about your grandmother Andy, hope the family is ok.

    The chase is often a big part of the fun. It's easy to build up in your head that a particular bass/amp/cab/whatever will be the one. I get sucked into that a lot.

    If we thought logically about it we'd spend the cash on lessons, but where's the fun in that? If the basses you have make you happy and you can afford to keep them all then keep them mate. Looks like you've got a great collection, don't over think it.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DaytonaRik said:

    Around a dozen and absolutely intentionally - we all have jobs, other interests, some have families.  This project was always going to play 10-15 gigs a year and that's what we make sure happens.

    This is our attitude too. I really like it as it means I look forward to every gig, filling the diary is pretty straightforward and we can cherry pick the venues that we like to play.

    • Like 2
  7. Nine.

    The band agreement is about one gig a month as we've all got families/jobs/other hobbies too. We had a full programme booked but our singer got an 'orrible chest infection in October.

    Try as we might, none of the rest of us could hit the highs needed for our 80s set so we had to cancel three gigs whilst she recovered properly.

    Fully booked for 2020 though, so fingers crossed.

  8. 45 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    They’re nice. Off out with mine shortly...

    I just missed out on the duff deluxe that was on here a few weeks back. Been doing far too much looking since.

    Guaranteed that the moment I'm back at work one will come up and sell in about 10 mins!

  9. I've had a search for this but not found anything too recent.

    I lug the PA to and from gigs. This includes a couple of big boxes full of XLR/power cables as well as a full complement of extension leads.

    I've seen a few toolbox on wheels type contraptions but would need something with a bigger capacity (about 60L) and without all the fiddly drawers etc.

    Essentially I'm after two/three stackable storage boxes that form part of a trolley. A bit like this but probably bigger.


    Does anyone have any recommendations?



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