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Posts posted by colleya

  1. Saw them on the Boys & Girls In America tour. Excellent live, a really good atmosphere. It's still their best album.

    Saw them again on the Stay Positive your. Franz (keys) had left and a fourth guitarist had joined. It was offensively, painfully loud and they'd lost the great balance from the previous gig. Still a decent gig but I had very high hopes from earlier.

    Looks like Franz is back now, but they haven't been anywhere near Manchester recently. I'd definitely be buying a ticket if I was nearer to London though.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm the youngest in my band at 39. 

    You may well find that a lot of folk our age are just getting their heads back above water after years with young kids and now have a bit more time to spare.

    We've all got families/jobs etc so agreed early on to gig about once a month and rehearse every fortnight or so. Because we got this sorted early there have been very, very few disagreements about commitment etc

    Go for it, and good luck!

  3. 12 hours ago, BrunoBass said:

    The first was a Fender Duff McKagan which I tried in a store and was blown away by, so I took the plunge.

    Never been interested in sig models, especially the over branded ones. It's definitely more specs and appearance that sell a bass to me. So when I saw Brunobass' Duff on the for sale board last week the GAS went into overdrive.

    Took a couple of days to shuffle the funds around before messaging and just missed out on it.

    Still sig-less.😢


    • Sad 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, T-Bay said:

    To be fair, a well tanked crowd are almost always better than a stone cold sober one.......

    Agreed. Miles more fun playing to a nicely oiled crowd who are up for dancing & singing. The other bits also come with the booze though, so within reason I try to smile and humour them. If you play pubs, you're going to get drunk folk. I'd much rather put up with the associated buffoonery than the soul destroying experience of playing to two bored barmaids and a passing cat.

    • Like 2
  5. 33 minutes ago, Happy Jack said:

    On the other hand, some of these bozos are sources of great band stories for the years to come. 

    Had an excellent one a few gigs back. I'd developed a dead spot on the A string 1st fret about 3 songs into the first half. Thought it was the strings (pink DR neons - hey, it's an 80s band) so spent the break swapping over to my reserve (standard colour) set.

    A couple of songs into the second half a punter wanders over: "Where's the guitar you were playing before? You should play that one, it was much better"

    For the record, it wasn't the strings, just needed a little truss rod tweak. However it was a night for gremlins and I was already stressed out from trying to sort mystery IEM problems so wasn't thinking straight enough to spot it.


  6. An absolute cracker of a gig at the same pub we play every Halloween.

    Full day of the dead fancy dress, even busier pub than usual and tried out my new Smoothound which worked perfectly.

    The sound was great, but funnily enough I didn't play that well (possibly due to being paid in beer & accommodation). The atmosphere & fun factor carried it completely though.

    Anyway, pics.





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  7. 21 hours ago, EBS_freak said:



    Apologies for it being a bit rough around the edges... guitarist, keys, perc and female singer all deps... and this was after a run through at soundcheck when somebody came up to us asking us to play Timewarp... so we gave it a go... warts and all.

    Sounds great! Especially love the drum mix, and no discernible warts at all! Also looks like a really fun gig.

    • Like 1
  8. Cheers gents, appreciate the comments. The bass sound came out with more mid and treble than I'd usually dial in, but I like it a lot.

    @Beedster Our singer was really struggling that day, lots of coughing between takes etc. She did a fab job of covering it up but her power at either end of the range was down a bit which affected her ability to really go for it. And then we made her do this:


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  9. 17 minutes ago, skidder652003 said:

    The only consecutive criticism I might be so bold to add would be some colour wash lighting?

    I took our lights and asked about using them, but the lads there advised against it.

    What you can't see is that the fourth wall is about 3 feet in front of the singer and has three whacking great light panels on it. When I asked about the lights they said that these panels would wash them out completely.


  10. 58 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    We’ve looked at that too - seems really decent 👍🏼

    We couldn't justify spending full day in the studio and video shoot type money. It's fantastic for the price. No, it's not perfect - our singer was really suffering with sinusitis and I made my usual stupid mistakes but still really happy with it. I'd go for it if I were you.

  11. To help out with the upcoming gig booking season, my band booked in at Unit 26 Studios in Trafford Park near Manchester for a 'recorded rehearsal'.

    3 songs, recorded live, warts and all, with a multi camera setup in a 2 hour slot.  First hour was setup and warm up, second hour was 2 takes of each song.  Then mixed down, edited and sent to us 2 weeks later all for £150.

    We're very happy with the results. As a pub covers band paying for a full showreel was a bit much so this was a nice in between solution.  I'd absolutely recommend the studio.

    For those who are interested, the bass rig was all bought from the sale boards on here:

    • Stingray Stealth 5H - via @derek
    • Handbox R400 - via @TPJ
    • Barefaced Two-10 - I forget who from and can't find the PMs about it.

    Here's one of the vids, would be interested in your thoughts.



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  12. 32 minutes ago, timhiggins said:

    Definitely been well worth it for us and you can always hire one to try before buying 👍

    We use a single first generation Alto 15" sub with two 12" Alto tops. It's just vocals and a bit of kick drum though the PA and the sub helps give the sound more depth, especially in larger venues.

    I don't find the sub too heavy, but the new gen 3 ones are lighter and look lots better. We don't need to upgrade, but that's not how these things work right?


    • Like 1
  13. Hi Les,
    I've had a fiver for a while as it solved the faffing around detuning to drop d for some of our songs.

    D'Addario nickels 125-45 are pretty light without being useless, but I've got DR neons on at the mo to fit with the 80s theme.

    Notes played on the low b do have a certain thicker 'quality' that the same notes on the E don't. I tend to play a bit higher up for that extra little clarity, however it does make running the fretboard lots easier when I use it properly.


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