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Everything posted by oliverw92

  1. I cancelled my order, however i think i will just pre-order it from them for my new address so i get it at that great price - don't want to risk losing that good price!
  2. Thankyou for your input guys Ordered the Promethean 2 days ago when it was in stock, just checked my account now and it says out of stock and not coming back in until the 1st of next month I had to cancel my order since i am moving house on the 28th
  3. I will most likely get it end of this week, so I will let you know what I think of it if i get it before you
  4. You going to get the carry case combo Eude? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_p5110_promethean_bundle.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_p5110_promethean_bundle.htm[/url]
  5. Ok that settles it - Promethean it is!
  6. I agree with you about the hifi sound of the Genz Benz - the only youtube i found of it, i didn't like the sound. However i found some videos of the Promethean, and like you said, it sounds like a Markbass! We use a Markbass CMD121H in my Jazz band (unfortunately it isn't mine ) and the Promethean was very similar to the 121H - shocked me a little bit!
  7. ARgh such a difficult decision between the Shuttle and the Promethean! Eude have you found any decent videos of the Shuttle?
  8. Deepbass what about the heads that are in the Promethean and the Shuttle 3.0 10T - they are detachable from their cabs and are 300W heads, so would be suitable for driving a more powerful cab at a rock gig etc.
  9. eude: thanks for that - sounds like the perfect option having that second cab underneath. janmaat: Unfortunately it is a bit out of my price range - £700 is too much unfortunately Just been listening to youtube videos of the Promethean - I absolutely love the sound, and that Vibe control seems really useful. Seems like the best option for me now.
  10. Ooo thanks for the heads up, that is way cheaper than anywhere else! Now it is definitely between the Shuttle 3.0 10T and the Promethean. I like that the Promethean is all in one cube whereas the shuttle has the head sticking out the top, although i like that you can get that add-on cabinet for the Shuttle.
  11. Got a link to some of the GK combos?
  12. Hmm the Ampeg Micro looks nice, but i really want it to be a combo, or have them joined together like the Shuttle 3.0 10T. The Gallien Kruegers all seemed a bit heavy to me too unfortunately. There are lots of hills in Bristol where i will be going to uni! I'm thinking the Shuttle 3.0 10T is looking perfect for me, either that or the Ibanez Promethean. I shall have to see if i can convince certain people that it is necessary to spend almost more money on an amp than both my basses combined!
  13. Yeah i just found your thread, it has been a great help! Thinking the Genz Benz 3.0 10T is going to be my best bet at the moment
  14. Hi, I am going to uni next year and I need to upgrade/downgrade at the same time - upgrade from my Laney Hardcore Max (i.e. better quality), but downgrade to something a bit smaller/lighter/more portable. My budget is a max of £500. I would like to find something that could give me enough power to do Jazz gigs on its own and possibly small rock gigs where it would also have the help of an in-house/PA system. I will be playing a Crafter Cruiser 5 string and a Crafter Congress 5 string fretless through it Amps I have found so far are: Phil Jones Bass Cub Phil Jones Bass Briefcase Markbass Micromark Out of those at the moment i am thinking the Briefcase is going to be most suited, however i really am not sure. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks, Oli
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