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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. Im not actually married to Mrs Flup, but may as well be, weve been together over twenty years. At the moment we have two children, a 6 year old girl and our son who is 2 and a half. I had a break from playing for many years and took it up again around 3 years ago. Joined my current band shortly after that and had a few gigs around the country but not too many. Then this time last year, the band just took off. All of a sudden our gigs were getting busier and better quality venues wise and the list just grew and grew - and keeps on growing. We are all very pleased with whats been happening lately. Except Mrs Flup. She is resenting the band more and more, with every gig that comes in seemingly. I have to almost beg just for a practice. With having the small children ( quite demanding ages) and us living far from any family that might have been able to lend a hand I can see where shes coming from. But now that this ball is rolling I cant just stop it. Ive played my way towards being in this position for years, I am certainly not about to just throw it all in. I am pretty sure Im not the only one that has found themselves here. How did/do you deal with it? Any tips would be gratefully appreciated.
  2. [URL=http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/images_zps8fcbb091.jpg.html][IMG]http://i392.photobucket.com/albums/pp4/sprocketflup/images_zps8fcbb091.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. I must say you look very happy about it on the picture
  4. It's really difficult to find what you want on eBay. I was searching for cigarette lighters and found over 15,000 matches
  5. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31449838"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31449838[/url]
  6. I'll never forget what my Grandfather said to me before he died. "Are you still holding the ladder?"
  7. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1423411610' post='2684465'] I tend to be more of a reverse snob...which admittedly is just as bad in its own way. I take pleasure in turning up with a bitsa or an obscure Chinese brand and have it sound perfectly fine. I guess it helps that I am not overly fussy in terms if tone. As long as it's a pretty warm sound and not too clanky I'm happy. [/quote] that pretty much sums me up too I guess, I have for the last eighteen months played the Cloudbusting gigs with a Westfield PJ, amatuerly defretted, fretboard holes filled with Polyfilla, one string missing and some of the tuners on backwards. Had loads of bass players come up and ask me what it is, also until fairly recently this was paired with an Encore P bass copy. When I turned up for the audition, I worked out that the guy before me had brought along a flight case for his amp head that was worth more than both the basses I turned up with combined. Glad I wasn't auditioning for JTUK;s band, as I woldnt have even got through the door
  8. "whats all this shouting? We'll have no trouble hyarr!"
  9. [quote name='Triumphman' timestamp='1396372207' post='2412831'] Let's start a never ending game of what's the next line! Only rule, no looking it up on google, that's cheating. I'll start it off with an easy one. What's the next line? Artist and title too please "Hey you with the pretty face ......." [/quote] a quote of the very first post in this thread ^^
  10. Im going to be ordering a bass online soon and these guys have the best price ive found so far - any feedback? Is it likely to be a painless transaction or akin to watching a whole episode of Eastenders? Your thoughts please ta like
  11. That is the mighty Half Man Half Biscuit with their seminal 99% of Gargoyles Look Like Bob todd. Next line - "I don't normally like tomatoes John, but this is delicious." Love it. Do ya ken ted Moult? lol How about this "I am un chien Andalucía"
  12. I have no idea how the HB is so weighty. Its a Jazz in natural finish, black scratchplate, a copy of the Fender 75 J I believe, Luckily I only use it for 3 songs in my current set ( 4 if the drummer gets in a bit too quickly with the intro to "Sat in Your Lap" ) but even that digs in to the old shoulder a bit. Im seriously thinking of routing away some wood underneath the scratchplate to try and lighten it a bit. Anyone know the pros and cons of such an exercise?
  13. Me and the wife stopped at the services recently for some breakfast. We got two fry ups, two coffees and two jam doughnuts. I got to the cashier and I said, "I'm sorry, love, but I only have a £50 note." "That's okay," she said, "just put the doughnuts back."
  14. Oh yes, I was VERY shocked to see my HB come in at 7.9kg
  15. I rather like mine, but need to invest in a reinforced shoulder
  16. Here we have an OLP Stingray in natural. I bought this as a bit of an experiment, I favour slimmer necks than this offers though. Condition is quite good, a few buckle rash dents in the back but none that peirce the lacquer. the control plate edge has lost a little of its chrome plating, but still looks great. (pictures show no strap buttons - it does have these, I took em off for cleaning) Im after £160.00 Ideally Id like to say collection only, but I will .post the at the buyers cost. Im based in South Devon, near Lyme Regis Overall, a great looking bass at a decent price. [url="http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/005_zps2d5c9cc1.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/004_zps107ac499.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/003_zps94882e6c.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/001_zpsb291b029.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s392.photobucket.com/user/sprocketflup/media/002_zps2aae04da.jpg.html"][/url]
  17. A bloke threw his coat behind me and asked me to look after it mid song. "Sure" I said "Im not doing anything else right now...."
  18. Hi Im after doing a bit of fret crowning/levelling, can anyone recommend a decent file or set of and where to get them please? Ta
  19. I have an affinity PJ and am well impressed with it. that Jazz may have to go on my list as the HB jazz I bought (identical) weighs the same as a small town
  20. I had chance to noodle with an Ibby recently and fell in love with it straight away. Was hoping the shop would do me a deal for cash but it wasn't to be, so a bit more saving required. But yes, I think my decision is made, thanks for the input everyone
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