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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. Pinball - the link you have there for the Perfect stranger Rock Band doesn't work either mate
  2. [quote name='inthedoghouse' timestamp='1420299656' post='2647783'] I've seen Cloudbusting on YouTube a few times - excellent band! Hope to see you play sometime :-) [/quote] Cool! Depending on the age of the vid it may not have been me bassing on it, but my predecessor who Ive never met but is a well respected member of this very parish Im led to believe. If you get along to a gig be sure to pop and say Hi
  3. heres a question then how to identify which part of the Squier range a particular bass is in? I have an amber P, I think its VM but how can I tell?
  4. Ah just noticed, youre in two bands two. Or too
  5. Almost forgot, Im in two ands, is that allowed? - https://www.facebook.com/pages/That-70s-Band/125458960800802?fref=ts
  6. Always up for a few more 'likes', heres my bands FB - [url="https://www.facebook.com/cloudbustingkatebushtribute"]https://www.facebook...katebushtribute[/url] Now to work my way through that list n.b. Perfect Stranger Rock Band (apt name) link doesn't work
  7. the Groovy Ghoulies, aside fomr being one of the best cartoons ever made, were/are the finest band ever created, like evahh
  8. Randy Crawfords libido is legendary amongst the people of her native Georgia. Her song 'Rainy Night in Georgia' is probably not about what you think it is......
  9. Gigged my Squier affinity again last night, did the trick as it always does. Even tho I got it second hand its still the most expensive bass I own
  10. Tously haired blackster band Placebo aren't as good as the real thing. Or as expensive I believe
  11. To all potential 'relicers' - this is what an original 45 year old bass looks like. so put that angle grinder away for crying out loud. Lovely bass mate, all the best with it
  12. Oddly enough as an old fart of 43 myself, I usually put more energy into my performances than a lot of the youngsters ive shared stages with. Not that I do that with kate Bush of course, thatd look a bit weird
  13. That ^^ sorry to say, but id be more embarrassed going on stage with a HB that has been reshaped to look a bit like a Rednef, than going on with a standard HB. Which I do, a £95 maple jazz. Sounds great! and to be fair don't look too shabby either but vive le difference and all that
  14. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1419441657' post='2640040'] It would make a good twin [/quote] haha! yes it would
  15. It has been fiddled with but then put back as it was, the only difference is ive set the action higher coz im a clumsier player than you. Easy to set back tho
  16. It is nice indeed, and will be for sale again in the new year
  17. Everybody talks like that in Birmingham, Worcestershire
  18. Previous incarnations of the band Ben Folds Five have included Charlie Washes Six, Mary Dries Three and Harriet Airs Four.
  19. whats wrong with a lined fretless? Lovely bass mate I cant even afford an empty wallet
  20. Oasis unibrow Noel Gallagher bought his first guitar from foul mouthed comedian Bernard Manning ( who incidentally had a lucrative sideline in turkey products) "Whats that knob at the front for?" Noel asked "That's Liam" said Bernard "Hes a ******* ****"
  21. the Who's Roger Daltry was not, in spite of claims otherwise, born with a plastic spoon in his mouth.
  22. Pop munchkin Toyah Wilcox has never been incarcerated in any way shape or form, but wrote her two best selling hits whilst only two years old. To this day, no-one knows why.
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