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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. We've got great lumps of it out the back
  2. Too Drunk to F*ck - Dead Kennedys fun little bass line that jingles lol Also on the punk theme, anything by Rancid. Nothing too far from the mainsteam there
  3. Ok , Im hoping I dont get flamed for this coz its a genuine question, and I mean no offence Ive never heard of Alleva-Coppolo. Its a nice looking bass thats for certain, but what are the qualities that would make someone choose this over any other p style bass please? i.e. exotic woods, amazing electronics package etc etc. Like I said, I mean no offence with the comment, just genuinely curious cheers, Dave Sprocketflup
  4. Dischords can sound good tho ( I hope anyway, Im ever so good at them lol) Easist thing to do is try it next time you two are in the same room with your instruments I would have thought?
  5. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='886527' date='Jul 5 2010, 05:53 PM'], Sound Control/Reverb were also dreadful for customer service and now they've gone,[/quote] Have they? Cant say as Im surprised - again same story as Sarah5string had, zero enthusiasm and customer service. What I always do tho in these situations when met with total apathy or arrogance from a sales assisatant is to be staggeringly overly cheerful just to piss them off . Sometimes they get the joke and wake up a little. The other ploy is to play so completely dumb and see what kind of bullsh*t you can drag out of them, that can be fun too. remember, they are being paid to be there - its only proper to get your moneys worth out of them lol The bass Centre ( if you are thinking of the place just round the corner on Livery street) is alos long gone, shame really, got some really good deals and service from those guys
  6. Im a (relatively) new face - hurrah!! But I need to know - Dave Vader, what is going on in your avatar? It looks like the story of the Titanic remade using bass hardware
  7. Is that an offer OTPJ? Any ideas about the hiss?
  8. Hi, time I got shot of this bass as I never play it anymore and I really do need the money with both myself and the wife out of work now, its a Washburn XB-600 6 string in gloss black. The bass is in very good cond, no dings and just a small mark on the body pick up under the low B string. BUT there is a prob, the bass has developed a hiss, dont know how to fix it, it goes up and down with the volume and changes tone with the bass and treble knobs. Would love to be able to fix that but dont know how, the bloke who is interested has said he will take it as is, but I have no idea where to pitch it price wise? Any help greatly appreciated
  9. [quote name='Musicman20' post='882748' date='Jul 1 2010, 09:54 AM']Ive not had that experience yet, but I have had a friend who also plays bass say I have trademark 'Gareth' runs/fills and slides that I tend to use in certain songs.[/quote] Id be well happy with a comment like that. Ive had folks tell me that theyve never seen anyone play a bass like I do - I was chuffed to bits and made sure I never asked them if that was a good thing or a bad one lmao
  10. that is hooooge
  11. Hi chap, could I take the progressive bass and the bass handbook of your hands please? **edit ** and the for dummies as well - ooh greedy
  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='880643' date='Jun 29 2010, 09:12 AM']Thats just plain wrong. They should ascertain the facts before charging.[/quote] lmao welcome to the world Crazykiwi, theres so much to see
  13. Ah - Waynepunkdude and Doddy, I apologise i thought the suggestion of "Bass guitar for dummies" was a p*ss take I spend large portions of my time taking the p*ss sometimes I assume everyone else does too Many thanks for all the recomendations - Doddys list in particular is wicked - Im off to redeem some Waterstones vouchers that Ive had lying around since christmas
  14. Ok thanks for the recomendations ( the serious ones anyway )lol Anymore?
  15. Hmm - never been a fan of Fenders, but they do look quite fetching in black dont they?
  16. Ok, youve all got a lot to answer for... Im looking for some recomendations for bass related reading material as I have recently been drawn back to the low octave fold after a lengthy break and would like to catch up with as much as I can Also reading some of your threads his giving me serious GAS, and to think I only joined the forum to alleviate it....... So what would you guys and gals recomnend? i love reading, me
  17. [quote name='onenation' post='878101' date='Jun 26 2010, 12:57 PM']Hi All, I am tuning the 5 string down to A (A.D.G.C.F) and the strings that are on it are flapping round like crazy. I don't know what gauge they are, but they need replaced! In my experinece of guitar tunings, the lower you go, the thicker the strings, I take it this applies to basses too? What I need to know is which make/gauge of strings would be most suited to this type of extreme downtuning. Also the best website/shop to buy 5 string sets. I can find heavy gauge sets for 4 strings, but nothing for 5's. Thanks in advance, A.[/quote] Had a Hipshot on my old stage bass that was set to A, I used to run Elites in 125 or 130 depending on what the shop had, never had too many probs
  18. [quote name='TomNicoBassman' post='876881' date='Jun 24 2010, 09:39 PM']Interested, the defects the only reason for the price tag? Hows the action and sound of the bass overall? any problems?[/quote] Hello, Do you think the price tag is too low? Not sure what you mean with your question, are you asking if these are the only defects? Yes they are. The action and sound are how you would expect from a standard Warwick Thumb, its got a bit of everything tone wise and plays lovely. You're welcome to come have a look / strum, I only have a 10w practice amp here tho but you are welcome to birng your own amp of course.
  19. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='869469' date='Jun 16 2010, 09:33 PM']I've promised myself I wouldn't post anything of consequence any more in the local forum, but reading this thread has annoyed me intensely. I've known Paul Balmer for a number of years as a professional colleague at Northants Music Service. I know at first hand how much trouble he goes to in producing these books - I wonder, for example, how many people are aware that he met Les Paul in person during the production of his book on the guitar that's named after him, or that he personally dissassembles and reassembles a surprisingly large number of individual instruments of different vintages before committing anything to print. I haven't seen the Bass book, but I'd be frankly astonished if his approach to this project were any different. Like everyone who knows him around these parts I hold his scholarship in regard, and I'd be prepared to bet that he knows more about his subject than 99.9% of the members of this forum. Oh, and did I also mention his skill as a player? The difference being that he can do it on pretty much anything with strings and frets (or not...). Everybody's entitled to their own opinion of course (and critics will no doubt point out that I probably have a vested interest in defending Paul), but I can't help thinking that the opinions expressed in some of the preceding posts would come over a little more convincing if they were based on having actually used (or at least read) the book concerned, rather than simply lumping it with the car manuals.[/quote] Chill out fella, its called 'having a larf' I doubt anyones comments were totally serious....... almost
  20. Well the buyer received his package the next day so swift delivery, but in the process they had given it a knock and ripped one of the hinges from the hard case, so it was very hard knock. Good grief
  21. So you gonna tell us what the new acquisition is then 4000? **dying to know** (i.e. nosy b*st*rd ) I for one have no bloody fingernails left after this lil saga.... lol
  22. Thanks for all the replies - I went with Interparcel in the end. Booked a collection for AFTER 12.30 as there would be no-one home until then, wife gets back at lunchtime and theres a card thru the door - they tried to collect at 10.47am Anywasy to give them credit, they returned and collected it at 4.00pm after a (i imagine) shouty phone call from the missus. Will also post what arrives at the other end once hes received it. thanks again everyone
  23. Im hoping this hasnt been covered, I did a search but got no results. I sold an Aria Pro recently to guy on another forum who lives on the other side of the Uk to me, so I need to post it. Bass is wrapped in bubble wrap and ensconced in its (non fitted) hard case, which is wrapped in brown paper and addressed. All ive gotta do is find someone to deliver it. I recently had a t*sser of a bad experience with Parcelfarce, who absolutely destroyed a unique item even tho it had been packaged to within an inch of its life and cared not a jot. They seriously must have seen the Fragile notices all over it and viewed it as a challenge, so Ill not be using them again. Anyone? thanks in advance Dave Sprocketflup
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