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Everything posted by Phantomnin

  1. Well, we can add this thread to basschatters meeting in random places. Good job tonight.
  2. I go to Blues Jams around Essex...the term 'jam' does seem to be used differently here by different people. The Blues 'Jam nights' that have survived in Essex that I have been to, tend to put random bands together, but the bands usually play reasonably well known blues songs. The thrill is, playing with a new musicians with no rehearsal time, and responding to each other, especially when half the band rarely have heard the song being played. I love it, especially when the song just flies. I've been going for about three years to these and it has made me a much better live musician. I have had to try and lock in with a huge variety of different drummers. Now, another jam I go to is more an open mic night, where there are a mix of individual singer songwriters and other musicians. It's also fun, but a different vibe. Saxybassist: I go to the Hot Hob Jam and 'Blues at the Nags' mainly. Both really well run Jams in Essex.
  3. Although in many smaller venues you can change where you are standing. I'm 5'3. The photo is like nearly every gig I have ever been to.
  4. I love headless basses, and the status ones I have tried are the best I have found. I don't think they are toys...just very well made basses and as I am really short with tiny hands (don;t snigger at the back!) the 32" streamlines really work for me. I play blues and occasionally indie. But I went to the factory and tried out some of them before I bought. Glad I did, as the Kingbass really doesn't work for me. Something about the short top horn.
  5. I have taken all 8 grades in Rockschool bass on the last curriculum, and have all the books on the new curriculum. I also have all the trinity rocks books as well. My verdict. The Rockschool books are really good and I got so much better from using them. The grades made you get better at a gradual rate. The songs allowed you to choose to focus on mainly rock, or other modern styles. The exams were professional. BUT most importantly, the backing tracks (especially on the new curriculum) are of excellent quality. Which really helps if you are going to listen to them x hundred times. The trinity books are also pretty good, and are similar. Although they do use 'real songs' the backing tracks are of a slightly lower quality. And they don't sell a companion guide of technical tests (Whoch I would strongly advise you get). Also the technical stuff is less challenging than the Rock School books. The songs at the higher grades are harder in some cases, but the music is less varied, with less spaces for solos etc. Cheers Andrew
  6. As for finger stretchers/strengtheners. Really, don't. Years ago, when I took up the bass, I remember the my fingers aching and feeling stretched, this hardly ever happens now. This is a combination of using less pressure, stronger muscle memory and a REALLY loud amp, which does the work for me.
  7. Get a shorter scale bass? I have all sorts of issues here, as I have the last third of my index finger missing, and really small hands to start with. Avoiding the question about why I took up bass the fact is nearly anyone can do it. I can play scales anywhere, although around the first threat I do move my thumb pivot point quite a bit, as threat using the side of my index as the bone like tip isn't possible. So it is possible, but much easier on a 32 inch neck.
  8. Awwwwww...if this had a bendwell and 16.5mm spacing I'd have been checking my balances. Love streamlines. On the house for a great bass bump.
  9. All now under offer so I'm closing this one down. Thanks for the interest.
  10. Tech 21 now sold. Time running out for the other two.
  11. Tech 21 not on ebay. Other two are now on ebay. Sigh.
  12. Same as most people here. Playing live, I tend to know the roots and everything else is relationships to it. I can read music (Grade 8 in Bass). But even then I find I memorize it after a couple of goes and the music works as a shape prompt for me. Interesting though.
  13. Just trying to collect some feedback after a few sales I have made. Cheers Drew
  14. Just sold a pedal to Russ. Very quick deal. All done and dusted in a couple of hours and he paid cash.
  15. RC 20 XL now sold. Pedal sold to a bass chatter.
  16. 34 inch...I played my main Jack for long enough. The Status 32 inch scales have a bendwell..that's where the extra length goes from the 34 inch.
  17. Had a good week and cut the prices bump
  18. I almost always play Headless. I owned two Hohner jacks for years, and upgraded to two Status Streamlines. My problem is the opposite. Give me a headed precision and I fee like I am playing a different instrument, this has got more pronounced since I got the Streamlines as they don't sit the same way as a normal bodied bass when you play sitting down. Miss the hohners...had to sell them to afford the streamlines, but they were great inexpensive basses. As for headless...the tuning, the balance outweigh the endless conversations about where the headstock has gone.
  19. Saw him live twice, although last one was twenty years ago. Very good trad player and a real character.
  20. Markbass Super Synth now definitely sold. Price cut on other pedals.
  21. Markbass super-synth is on hold (sold) pending the usual.
  22. No thanks..I have my trusted triumvirate of pedals that I use. Trying to cut down to that.
  23. I found, if you go early the sound hasn't gone out of control and you get better service on a lot of the stands. After I've done the tour of the stands I spend most the day away from the exhibitors and in the gigs and masterclasses, which are often great. I had a hoot on the Saturday and went to 3 of the live shows and 2 masterclasses. The food was expensive, but there was free re-entry and a Tesco Metro opposite the venue. I also got books I wanted and two status gig bags, all at show prices. I also got talking to some BCers. All in all a really great day.
  24. Yolanda was playing and I missed it? NOOOOOOOOOO! I saw her last year and have seen the deep MO (her band) twice. Still, Lee Rocker was fun, Guy Pratt was hilarious, and the others I saw all gave me something to think about. Great to talk to some BCers in the queues. Had a great day though. Got a load of books and two Status gig bags for my streamlines.
  25. No one wants to pick up at the bass show? bump
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