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Everything posted by REDLAWMAN

  1. I hear what you're saying, Plankspanker and thanks. Bad timing, I guess.
  2. Everyone loves a pedant....... Andy, I can't even play bass, mate, let alone geeetar..! Joking apart, I'm going to trade this on Friday at a music shop if it doesn't sell.
  3. Cheers, mate- much appreciated.
  4. No...!! I've no idea what it is, but I'm sure no one wants one of them..... You should have searched: it's been listed on here for ages.
  5. I'm still looking to sell this if anyone is interested. £950 or trade plus cash for a Custom Shop 'P' or a working and reliable 1970's SVT.
  6. I actually went "Oooooo-Eeeeek...!!" when I first played a Berg and then lost the power of speech entirely for a good week. I really thought Glen Campbell had taken over my body and was playing vicariously through my fingers. Then I bought it..........
  7. Really kind of you, thank you.
  8. Greyparrot- apologies; I hadn't seen your post with the vid clip of Elvis' guitarist. That'll teach me to post before my 4th coffee and 10th B & H..!! What a great vid: exemplifies the kind of music I took up bass to learn to play. Really lovely offer and thank you, but I fear you may be just a little too advanced for me. I only started playing this Summer. I know the major scales and chords, understand the root/5th thing (and the odd 3rd) and I can play my way through just about anything I've got the chord charts for in this simple, non-connected way, but I've only just discovered the diatonic chords and I'm only as far as connecting I-IV-V in 'C' with a lot of concentration and very, very slowly!! It's joining the chords up- 'Walking', I guess you call it, that I'm trying to master now. Nothing fast or flashy: really just slow stuff like 'He'll Have To Go' and 'Help Me Make It Through The Night', where you've got the 3 tones that either go up or down at the end of the lines (that is a musical term, right...?? ). Thanks Marvin- I'll check those out. I find stopping and starting songs in iTunes a real nightmare!
  9. Marvin: not sure what you mean by MM's Bootcamp- did you mean to post a link? Thanks Pete; I've checked it out and there's some really helpful stuff there. Not sure what Tux & Guitar Pro are (PC software, I presume), but great material. Apologies Greyparrot for thread-jacking!
  10. I've got to say Greyparrot, I think that's fantastic! I'm a beginner and I understood about as far as the root/5th, but when you starting doing what to me sounded like R/5, but moving up & down the neck (as if pumping a Remington shotgun), I lost it, sadly! Just up my street music-wise though: I'd love to be able to play like that one day. Great sound, too. Thanks very much.
  11. Just so I understand this correctly, when you say 'scoop the mids', are you meaning to knock them down, so that in effect, the low/bass notes and higher/treble notes appear disproportionately louder and stronger and, therefore, you have to boost the mids on your amp to get them strong enough again?
  12. I'm sure, Clarky..... Did I read way back on Page 10 of this 27,000 post thread, that you get the handsome discount, too, for Basschat Forum Membership...??
  13. Is it safe to come out yet...?? You're clearly a very popular man, Mark, and quite obviously a top-bloke, to boot... It seems those Bergs aren't too bad either..... I hope you've got one left Mark, because I've already hoovered the carpet and I've got my heart set on seeing the New Year in playing a few Root/5ths along to Jools Holland through it....
  14. Thanks everyone, really appreciated.
  15. Has anyone out there bought or played the 'Big Baby' (or B-B Sub) yet? I'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts/observations/opinions if you have, please.
  16. Many thanks, Thebassman.
  17. I look forward to it Mark and appreciate you taking the time to respond: I'll call you in the New Year. Merry Christmas...
  18. Bizarrely co-incidental in that it happened precisely after the point I asked you very nicely to please not talk over me, Mark, but in any event, apology accepted. You did, however, almost persuade me to buy the Berg' Mark and yes, I would like to come over to Warwick to play it once I can get down from this Welsh hill...
  19. I've just had the most bizarre encounter on the telephone with Mark at Bass Direct in Warwick. I 'phoned up with a view to spending close to £2,000 on two new Mesa-Boogie cabs. In a nutshell, he talked over me constantly, effectively 'slagged-off' Mesa- Boogie, Markbass and Barefaced cabs: told me I wanted a Bergantino NV 412 to go with my Littlemark THEN HUNG-UP ON ME.....!! Clearly not in need of the business......
  20. Does anyone know where exactly you can buy (or try) Mesa-Boogie Powerhouse (or Vintage Powerhouse) cabs in the UK? No one seems to have them listed for sale. Same question with Carvin cabs. Cheers everyone.
  21. Run that by me one more time WH.....
  22. You lucky man.........
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