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Everything posted by Arrakis

  1. Im reluctantly offering up my 78' GT120. This is a beast fo an amp and sounds as awesome as you'd expect from a Matamp. The amp for its age is in good condition with the only issue being that unlike every other Matamp ive seen this one is unusal as its sleeve is not timber and because of this has taken some some knocks in its lifetime. I paid £900 for it and am hoping to recoup. If there are any questions im more than happy to answer them. I can email more detailed pictures for those who are interested. Cheers
  2. Heres a quick pic of mine out of its sleeve minus the faceplate [attachment=86483:21052009143.jpg]
  3. Looks, like I'll have someone to finally compare notes with about the Bass 200 glad your hunt finally paid off. And nice work for enquiring about the slave.. i saw it but never thought to ask! Looking forward to seeing them all done and looking fancy
  4. Thanks for the reply. Yeah I had an idea that the answer wouldnt be a simple one but thought I'd throw it out there anyway, forever reading descriptions of guitar drivers and figured there may be something similar with bass drivers. Yeah I can understand no one wanting to give misleading info. I've gathered a fair bit of info now from various opinions and have a much better idea as to what Im going to do. As for the sound description.. well you know what us musicians are like haha we have alsorts of terms which dont really make sense like boxy and organic but everyone kinda knows what you mean.. So I guess watch this space and i'll let you people know how i get on and what #i end up going for/with
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='1216036' date='Apr 30 2011, 06:31 PM'][url="http://www.barefacedbass.com/"]http://www.barefacedbass.com/[/url][/quote] Thanks but its only a contact form on the website
  6. Ok thanks for the replies. Its going to used in a supportive role rather than a lead sound playing detuned stoner/doom pushing out lots of fuzz/drive going to be running in conjunction with a 2x15, the 2x15s dont especially sound great at pushing out the fuzz. Now I have had a very mixed response about this on various forums including this one, theyre going in a Matamp Retro 4x12, now Ive phoned the factory and their view is that it should be fine to swap out the guitar speakers for bass drivers, now before people start saying thats wrong I have also spoken with someone whos done it with good results so my point to this thread is to basically find out what drivers on the market are good for specific styles/sounds etc Does anyone have a contact number for barefaced bass? would be great to chat to them about this and get their view.
  7. Well im looking at getting some 12" Bass drivers and there are alot on the market. I was hoping that people could give their opinions and experiences on the differnet ones availbale on the market I havent been able to find any comparisons anywhere. Im kinda looking at Celestian Neo green labels or Eminence Delta or Deltalites.. whats the general consensis?
  8. Thanks for all the replys people really useful information has given me alot to think about. [quote name='Phil Starr' post='1212215' date='Apr 26 2011, 11:58 PM']There is probably no technical problem in changing the drivers for bass ones other than just choosing the right ones. If you start with a ready built cab then the choice is going to be limited. Most bass cabs are ported cabs for the very good reason that this is the best way of getting a decent level of bass out of a relatively small cab. Tuning a ported cab is critical for a decent sound and you'll need to get to grips with all this to get a good result. If you tell me the size of the cab I can suggest some drivers that you might consider. The internal dimensions would be good. You should realise however that there may be some woodwork involved in adapting the cab. Four 12" bass speakers are going to cost you £200-300 for anything reasonable and more if you go for lightweight or better quality. You'd probably get as good a result with less hassle by selling your cab and putting in that extra for a bass cab you can try before buying. Not all 4x12's or even 4x10's sound the same or give the fuzz you want. On the other hand you may enjoy fiddling around with speakers and you'll learn loads in the process. If you can afford £200 and don't mind if it is only a partial success then you'll find loads of people here to give advice. Over to you[/quote] Hi thats encouraging to hear, im definitely up for having an experiment, I figure as long as any cutting can be on the baffle then it should be fine as this part of the cab is removable although a pain it is doable and therefore reversable. The external dimensions are 14.5"x28.5"x30.5" thats depth, height and width abviously need to lose an inch or so to take into account the thickness of ply used, and an extra inch from the depth due to the recess from the picture frame front. I realsie selling and buying a bass cab would be sensible but my Bass 200 is in Green tolex as is the 2x15 so I'd like them to match the 4x12 and as the Green is no longer available from Matamp getting them to build one for me isnt an option either.
  9. Well the reason i want the extra cab is that the 2x15 isnt particularly good at dishing out the fuzz, I like more drivers for that they seem to sound better, the 8x10 i used to have sounded great for that. I was contemplating trying to make a new baffle for 10s but figured it would be easier to swap out the 12s for bass ones though obviously this doesnt seemto be such a gd idea. As for the 2 cubic feet, Matamp Retro cabs are pretty beasty in size so perhaps putting 2 drivers in with the other holes blocked or on a new baffle would work. Not sure I fancy running the 2 amp ideas as its more to go wrong and lug around (says the bloke wanting 2 massive cabs lol) etc What I dont understand is that I have used bass 4x12 before of the same dimensions of this cab, a marshall and a old trace elliot cab both branded bass 4x12 both the same size... so whats up with that?
  10. Thanks for responding, ok thats the sorta stuff I wouldnt have thought of. Curious though how the 2x15 is in a 4x12 size cab.. I guess having a play around with a couple of drivers might be worth it. Always a fan of having more Matamps shame my LX is on guitar duty.. should never have parted with the 120. Well any ideas if I did try this, now what seems to be an awful, idea what 12" driver I should stick in it? I was thinking deltalites mainly for the weight issue Matamp 4x12s are heavy enough lol
  11. Hi people been awhile since I've posted. Right, I'm hoping you guys can help me out on this. I have a Green Matamp Bass 200 and a matching 2x15 loaded with Fanes, I want to convert one of my Green guitar 4x12s to bass so I can have a full stack. What speakers would you guys recommend? should I load all 4 or just 2 drivers and leave ports? I have no expertise in this area so any suggestions would be great. This rig is mainly going to be having Stonerrock/doom played through it, C standard drop A#. Cheers
  12. My 2x15 is loaded with Fanes but its wired as 4ohms, in series I think, but marked on the cab as '15ohms' which is pretty worrying. I thought I would be able to rewire it to change the impedance rating. Jeff knows more than me though lol
  13. Sounds like you had an awesome day, great news about the mid control on the GT200 was something I was always going to request if I ever went for one, what were the mods you've made to yours? That 400 sounds like an absolute monster, scary stuff... awesome though can't wait to hear it.
  14. Arrakis


    The Zeke is a killer pedal I own one and its my main bass distortion. The Rams Head is also killer, I'm borrowing one from Mr Main at the moment and its awesome on both the bass and guitar, if you want a huge fuzz D*A*M have now re released the early one knob Meatheads that are bass heavy, its called the Meathead dark and it also rocks. The Super Bee is ok on Bass but not my first choice. 100pounds is a steal for a zeke, I got mine for 160 which is also a steal haha
  15. Mines no. 106 and its my main pedal for drive, absolutely awesome pedal. Keep it and use it more
  16. Sounds like its all worked out. Yeah I must admit the GT Retro I had pretty warm after rehearsals etc If the GT1 will be fine for bass it'll be great I might find out if i can have them take a look at my LX see if it would be possible have those caps switchable so can go from guitar to bass. Yeah a GT2 would be awesome, when i inquired Jeff said they wouldn't be too much more. As for the 2x15 I haven't compared mine to any of their new bass cabs. The only other bass cab iv tried by them was the vertical 2x15 that they made when they were making the GT200 for the first time, I think they modeled it on a sunn cab. Its was in the new green weave and sounded awesome. Am really tempted to convert one of my 4x12s into a bass 4x12 or 4x10.
  17. The GT120 is lighter than the GT200 just because its a lot smaller unit. It still weighs a bit though but more manageable because of the size. So did the factory recommend a GT1 for bass as a suitable smaller output head? I always thought that it wasn't a good idea to run bass through the GT1 because something to do with the possibility of the current arching across the windings in the transformer. Be really intereste in hearing about the modded Bass GT1.
  18. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='869161' date='Jun 16 2010, 03:40 PM']So what's a GT120 or GT1 like on bass? I do like my EL34 100w amps I've got a very naughty thought playing in my mind Going to call Jeff again to discuss [/quote] My GT120 sounded great with bass used to run it through my Ampeg SVT 2x10. The GT120 is in affect the same as a GT200 but with smaller transformers and EL34s not KT88s
  19. [quote name='Finbar' post='869200' date='Jun 16 2010, 04:25 PM']GT1 is loud enough, but not that versatile. At all.[/quote] I'd have disagree on that one the GT1 is an awesomely versatile amp in my opinion.
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='868521' date='Jun 15 2010, 10:17 PM']I had that confirmed by Matamp, this one isn't made by them, but one of the early run made 'down south' as they put it. Not A/Bed it with a Matamp (my slave isn't really comparable), might compare with a GTV soon though. It is two channel, unlike Matamps. It's main appeal is that you can bias it yourself (the VU acts as a bias meter) and it is fused to hell, and all tag board, so easy to maintain.[/quote] Matamp have done two channel amps, the current GT2 is a GT1 with 2 preamps that you can switch between. The GTV isn't a two channel amp, it is a single channel pretending to be a 2 channel. And I seem to remember a 2 channel Red amp floating around somewhere.
  21. Very nice I'm liking the finish, same as my GTOL.. pretty
  22. SOLD pending payment
  23. [quote name='Johnandahalf' post='867308' date='Jun 14 2010, 07:11 PM']What are you thinking in regards to shipping etc? I'm based in Scotland and might be interested[/quote] Hi I dont know I haven't shipped anything this big and in the UK before, I'll make enquires..
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