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Everything posted by pablyth

  1. [quote name='Steevo' post='1288912' date='Jul 1 2011, 11:43 AM']Thanks! Looks like i'll have to give it a try.... I've always been interested to know the power consumption of equipment so as to be sure that venues have sufficient power sockets available. Although an amplifier/speaker is rated at 500w at 4ohm or whatever....does it actually draw this power? i.e. can you have a max of approx 6 x 500w cabinets on a single 13a socket?[/quote] 6x 500w cabinets will not draw 6x 500w. 6x 500w amps is potentially a different matter. A 13A socket can deliver slightly over 3kw continuously. So, if by magic your 6x 500w amps happened to peak at 500w power draw too (I'd be highly surprised if they were anything other than valve amps!), then yes indeed you could run them all off one socket, just. I would suggest, unless it's more the curiosity that is driving you, that you not worry about it if you have a 13A socket all to yourself. Personally I'm very interested in the numbers as I work for a company that provides solar power for festival tents and stages. Sadly I enjoy hearing how much current someones gear uses.. I would however suggest using a plug-in RCD, it'll throw a fit on dodgy sockets protecting you from spikey hair and smoking shoes, or worse. If you attach a clamp meter to one core of the cable it will show a positive current, if you attach it to the other it will show a negative current. The magnetic field a clamp meter measures travels the complete circuit of positive and neutral equally, so it cancels itself out if the meter is around both positive and neutral cores. In that situation it should show 0.0A current. You can only measure one cable core at a time. Unless you build a bunch of extension leads with separated cables, the plug in meter is far easier for AC mains.
  2. pablyth

    Dog Bone

    I was listening to some old tracks I recorded, and thought this might be useful as I had a bass free version. Wrote this something like 6 years ago, me on guitar with some drum loops. Hope someone finds it useful to jam along with. [attachment=64124:Dog_Bone__master_.mp3]
  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1003269' date='Oct 28 2010, 02:17 AM']Sound absorbing is all about converting the air movement energy into other energy, usually via friction producing heat, so the bamboo fiber absorbing sound is because the fibers are free to rub together. Doesn't apply when they are glued. Bear in mind weight and durability issues aren't there for monitors, because you aren't expecting to be moving them much. I'm pretty sure it will be equivalent to very high quality ply in most ways, as with most things, the existence of cheap poor quality ply drags down it's reputation overall. Really, to achieve stiffness, you can do it with cunning construction, tensioning and bracing, have a look at aircraft woodwork to see how to achieve maximum stiffness for minimum weight.[/quote] Thank you for your explanation, makes perfect sense. I agree and think it's not practical for anything other than stationary speakers, but I've enjoyed the hunt anyway. I will be building a cab from plyboo, but it will be a stationary use sub. Mostly just for the sake of it! Thank you for your comments, it's appreciated.
  4. pablyth

    funk loop

    Thanks! Been having fun with this today.
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1003230' date='Oct 28 2010, 12:14 AM']What you want in cab material is strong, stiff, non-resonant and light. That website doesn't actually give any details at all on it's actual properties, which indicates marketing and style over actual physical usefulness. I'd imagine it is quite a high proportion glue due to bamboo only coming in strips, so it probably disproportionately heavy, and bamboo is known for springiness rather than stiffness. I think a cab made out of it would bounce better than most. Flooring and furniture benefit from spring, I think traditional hardwood ply would be better for a cab, but you could do it just to be different, it wouldn't end up heavier than an MDF cab (which benefits from being very non resonant, and cheap, but loses out on the weight and strength). Oh., and when you are working it, it will have the most vicious splinters going.[/quote] Thank you for your reply and advice, it has prompted me to delve a little deeper. I totally agree with your weight and difficulty of working comments, the weight alone could well be a reason to forget this whole thing. It's about 20% heavier for plyboo over plywood, hmmm don't know if I can accept that.. Bamboo is seriously stiff in one direction though, and with opposite directions working in the ply I'd imagine it should have a good overall stiffness. After finding a set of $18k speakers made from bamboo I searched more, as this seemed to indicate bamboo is good for audio. (or they are just trying to show off with alternative materials) [url="http://www.ascendacoustics.com/pages/products/speakers/SRM1/srm1.html"]http://www.ascendacoustics.com/pages/produ.../SRM1/srm1.html[/url] - Bamboo speakers seem to be fairly high price range items. Now I'm just confused though - [url="http://library.witpress.com/pages/PaperInfo.asp?PaperID=18"]http://library.witpress.com/pages/PaperInfo.asp?PaperID=18[/url] - This is related to fibres, but absorbing sound? Guess I'm doing lots more research. I'll save that for at work, if I don't forget it totally over the weight.
  6. I so hope it's the drill version.
  7. Seriously considering building a J12 using Plyboo. Plywood made from bamboo. [url="http://www.plyboo.nl/bic/5_info2.html"]http://www.plyboo.nl/bic/5_info2.html[/url] Sounds strong and quite dense to me, have a feeling it'd make a good cab. Although I'd love to hear from anyone who disagrees?
  8. This is some really excellent information! I never chatted with you Oldgit, but there is definitely some of your spirit still working in BC. I've been doing SEO for a few years now as part of my job, our site gets 1500 visitors a day on average. We're highly ranked, totally independent, and never pay for any advertising. If anyone would like any additional assistance, I'd be honoured to add my offer of help to this thread gratis. Feel free to PM me, and make use of my very boring skills.
  9. Or put it in one of these. [url="http://www.peliproducts.co.uk/cases/1770.html"]http://www.peliproducts.co.uk/cases/1770.html[/url] Have used the small cases, sent one up Everest as part of an expeditions solar power kit. Shockingly strong. Probably quite expensive at this size though.
  10. Ask for insurance, most couriers will insure non-glass items for a premium (something like £12 extra for, I think £1k cover). Even Royal Mail does additional insurance up to £500 for a premium, but most couriers will go higher. I ship £500+ glass solar panels almost every day by courier and we've have had very few breakages. Admittedly we do pack them very well, but not enough to cover a serious drop or the fork-lift running into it. Not really practical to totally protect sheets of glass with up to 1.6 x 1m involved. Might as well do the suggestion below when it's high value and fragile.. If you want something to arrive safe, have it strapped to a pallet and sent (clearly marked as DO NOT STACK!). A bass would probably fit on just about a standard euro pallet, so roughly £75 UK to UK (remote areas cost more). Luckily everything we send is covered by 3rd party £35,000 insurance. This is for our company, but it covers everything in transit, worldwide, whoever the courier, glass or not. With a £200 excess though, unfortunately. I bet someone would do a personal goods in transit one off insurance. Still, if I had a nice bass in transit, I'd rather have it arrive in perfect condition than get an insurance payout.
  11. That looks excellent, very well done. Congratulations on a fine build.
  12. [quote name='AnalogBomb' post='998527' date='Oct 23 2010, 11:00 PM']What I'm trying to say is, do people go for looks, sound or a combinations of both. I love the sound and warmth of Warwick basses, but cant stand the looks! I'd love a Sadowsky, but although they have a Jazz-esque shape, I just can't get used to the lines on the body! Am I mental?!? [/quote] Whatever feels right. If something feels off, if there is something you're not comfortable with, whatever it is, then probably best to walk away and keep looking.
  13. [quote name='Old_Ben' post='998569' date='Oct 24 2010, 12:27 AM']That's what she said.... Anyone found using a powerball can help to build up stamina? I've got one and definitely helps me keep up a pace. as for getting to a pace, probably just practise to a metronome? fast songs you can learn; battery or master of puppets, both good for string changes at a fast pace. I agree with the muse and maiden too![/quote] I agree, if time is spare and a bass isn't available, something like this will help. I use a home made version of a powerball, rather - made at work. A ball of elastic bands left by the postman. It's great to throw in times of frustration too, loves smashing things after randomly bouncing off at a tangent. Plus I can make it large to strengthen on long finger stretches, if the postman would get in gear and deliver more elastic bands! Helps with my left and right hand strength, when otherwise I'd just be wasting my time working! I'm a reformed guitarist who's not been playing bass that long, finger strength and consistency is one of the things I work on very regularly.
  14. [quote name='beyond' post='996959' date='Oct 22 2010, 12:48 PM']I know there is probably no answer to this but here goes. How can I overcome nervousness. I am new to the bass and at the moment only play to myself in front of the computer, but the minute anyone comes into the room to watch I go to pieces. In my day job I have meetings in top boardrooms, meet and have discussions with all types of people including top celebs etc. and have no problem at all, but the minute I pick up the guitar................. Why is this?[/quote] There is the old 'imagine the crowd naked' one, but wouldn't it make sense to go out and play naked yourself? Surely you'd be too busy trying to cover yourself with the bass to worry about playing. In all seriousness though, I suggest you sit down in front of a webcam and record a video on your PC, with full intentions of showing others. You'll screw up in the anticipation that others will see it at first, but keep going, you'll get it how you want. At least you get to screw up in private. Next I'd move on to playing in front of someone you trust with your feelings. It'd actually be good to screw up in this situation. The right friend will show you how your fears are unfounded, and people actually realise you are learning and will be impressed by progress and not the lack of it. As long as you don't go around harping on about how awesome you are at bass, instead mentioning that you have only recently taken it up, you'll pretty much always get a decent reaction. If you don't, then I suggest getting new friends. Then I'd suggest playing with others, maybe a duo jam, moving onto a band. Bit by bit. I wish you good luck.
  15. Remove fret board.. [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm"]http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/removal.htm[/url] Do magic to truss rod. Replace fret board.. [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/attach.htm"]http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/attach.htm[/url] or, maybe.. [url="http://www.guitarrepairshop.com/repairtrussrod.html"]http://www.guitarrepairshop.com/repairtrussrod.html[/url]
  16. [quote name='fjbarton59' post='992889' date='Oct 18 2010, 10:45 PM']Hello everyone. I am new here so first I'll introduce myself. I am Frankie. I have had a little tuition but for the most part I am a self taught bass player and I have a few books on the subject to help me. I Like to play blues and punk but occasionally play other stuff too. If i like the sound of it I usually try to play it and I'm pretty good at playing by ear or from meory however i can read tab and score, to some degree. As a self taught basist I imagine i have missed a lot of basic stuff you should know but my problem s that my playing fingers often lock especially on short repetatives riffs. I like to play with my fingers rather than with a plectrum and i usually play with two but it's the seconds finger that locks. I try to keep my fingers relaxed as a play but Ifind this difficult I would imagine that properly experienced and trained bass players would know how to defeat this demon so I would appreciate any advice. Frankie.[/quote] Hi Frankie Welcome from another newbie. I like to practise technique, which can get boring, but I feel it's worth it. Personally, I practise finger-style speed and consistency slowly and gradually with a metronome. Using alternate fingers on my plucking hand (one and two, or one, two and three) playing eighth notes, so both on and off beat, so one and two and three and four and... over and over and over again, with a simple one finger per fret playing whichever of the 4 notes my left hand is positioned over that I feel like. I do this for a short while, maybe 8 bars, then increase the bpm on the metronome and go again until I can go no more. Boring, but it works for me. Never had a finger lock up though, maybe your hand position is out somehow?
  17. Try reading the tutorials here, some very useful information for anyone wanting to build guitars/basses. [url="http://www.projectguitar.com/"]http://www.projectguitar.com/[/url]
  18. I'm not suggesting anyone try anything, but urine is sterile due to the ammonia. It might not be good to drink, but it's fine on skin. Rather not, thanks all the same.
  19. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='990675' date='Oct 16 2010, 09:55 PM']Hmmmm =S They both fir two 9V battries right so not a huge issue, just something to think about?[/quote] Must be in parallel for longer running time, it's not that greedy though anyway. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='990675' date='Oct 16 2010, 09:55 PM']Whats the scale length? is it a "long" as it were 35"? as i love the Rotosounds but they only make them as a 34" set i think (the mega down tune ones)[/quote] 35" [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='990675' date='Oct 16 2010, 09:55 PM']If i got one i'd change the Pre-amp and most likely the pickups both to Bartolinis, Its got a kill switch right?[/quote] Yup, well my version has. The advertised one just has an active/passive, kinda killish. So seems a touch pot luck. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='990675' date='Oct 16 2010, 09:55 PM']Each piccie up makes me want to take the plunge and buy dmz's 7! haha! Most likely spend the £300 of its worth on doing it up too, strap locks, pre-amp, maybe pups and a re-finish? Then by my maths, £600ish for a bass that seems like its worth £1000+? xD[/quote] If you get a good one in the first place. The finish definitely needs looking at, but I'd give it a go with the current pups, and see what you think of the pre-amp for a while. Actually, that's a good point. Most of it is decent to start with, so a nice project for a gradual upgrade. Thanks for the idea.
  20. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='987879' date='Oct 14 2010, 11:42 AM']Thanks! [/quote] No worries, here ya go. [attachment=61551:IMG_0723.JPG][attachment=61549:IMG_0725.JPG][attachment=61550:IMG_0724.JPG] [attachment=61548:IMG_0726.JPG][attachment=61546:IMG_0728.JPG][attachment=61547:IMG_0727.JPG] Just changed the random set of strings I got from local music store for some DA XLProsteels EPS170-6 super bright. That bottom has tightened right up. Padded strap too, and the weight worries are drastically eased. I've been buffing the front simply with a cloth (lots), not got around to much of the back yet. The factory finish is, um, unfinished. Why have I got 1 battery box, and littleal has 2?
  21. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='987433' date='Oct 13 2010, 09:25 PM']Piccies? [/quote] Sure thing, I'll grab the digi camera from work and post some over the next week (my mobile phone is steam powered, so no cam ). Looks pretty much the same as the OP's, but with gold hardware. An update after having used for a while: The walnut is pretty dense, a bit mushy low down without a little eq tweaking. Having said that, I've not failed to find a decent sound with a little effort (thick low bottoms suitable for dub through to a high twangy top with rolled mid for slap have been found - that active/passive switch is just to save batteries when solo practising though!). It's not the lightest 6-string even if fairly well balanced on a decent strap, but then again I've only previously used 4's for extended periods while standing. I suppose 4 hours is a fairly long time to be standing up wearing any bass. I'd guess it weighs about 20% more than my J-bass (by the lift a bass in each hand and guess test, most scientific!).
  22. [quote name='TimR' post='987451' date='Oct 13 2010, 09:37 PM']It's time as well as volume related. If you're only subjected for a short while it has less effect. Although night after night who knows?[/quote] Ahh yes, of course, that makes sense. Well enough time to feel the air moving was plenty for me, a few seconds! Plus it was only maybe 2-3 times a week on average for about 6 months.. Maybe 20 seconds a gig total for all the bins, not too bad. Still, anyone tempted to try, I'd advise against it!
  23. [quote name='daz' post='987410' date='Oct 13 2010, 08:57 PM']eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee was the sound I'd come home to every night after going to a gig in the old days of the 70s and 80s. I remember once going to a gig at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric's_Club"]Erics [/url]in Liverpool to see [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Cherry_(jazz)"]Don Cherry[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Slits"]The Slits[/url], and [url="http://reggaelicious.pbworks.com/Prince-Hammer"]Prince Hammer[/url]. I remember seeing a couple of Rasta guys leaning with their heads in the bass bins. But when i even walked in front of them it was painfull, So heavy and loud were they when the reggae band were on. I dredd (ho ho) to think how those guys hearing is nowerdays.[/quote] I have perma-ringing, have had for over 20 years. I used to work for a PA hire company in the 'who cares about health and safety' time (which I still believe was better, but I digress). Every gig one of us stuck our head in the big martin bass bins to make sure they were working. They were not at full power, maybe 50%, and a mere 1k each anyway. To be honest, personally I'd rather stick my head in a bass bin than walk directly in front of a powerful rig. The sub-bass from large bins is very open and is mostly large air movements at low frequency, it was waaaay less painful than mid or tops. There is no real technical knowledge backing this up, I just know which hurt more. I can still hear everything, as far as I know. No frequency black spots, plus I can still hear dogs and such barking in the distance when others claim to not be able to. Over the years the ringing has become something I barely ever notice. Hopefully their hearing is no worse than mine.
  24. Good stuff. So, who was he in a previous life? Is that the theme music to a daytime TV show?
  25. I ordered one last Friday, arrived today. 6-string fretted version. Was expecting there to be problems, however it was only what I would call superficial problems straight out of the box. All the woodwork is good, perfectly butted joins. The only bodywork problem is a tiny amount of machining visible on the body just below the 24th fret. Can't notice it without very close inspection. Will be easy to buff out, when I get around to it. Part of the bridge was slightly out of line, so I unscrewed it, used a pair of shims to aid with perfect repositioning and screwed it back using the original holes (cocktail stick to fill the original screw hole and a tiny guide drill). Sorted, it was just the single front screw slightly out of line that caused the problem. Plugged it in and nothing... Opened the back and it started working. Had a short between components, so I used heat shrink and re-soldered the major exposed terminals. Perfect now. Had to sort the intonation (was pretty close, and easy to adjust anyway), and set up the new strings height the way I like it, and now it plays and sounds way above it's price. I wouldn't go as far as to say a £1000 bass, but definitely would be worth twice as much as the £320 price (including shipping) for the set up and fixed version. I have to agree, build quality (or rather finishing build quality - I bet they get the trainees to screw everything on!) is lacking but the overall components and wood are good quality. Very happy in the end as it only took about an hour to sort it out, best bargain instrument I've ever bought (new anyway). I've been setting up and tinkering with guitars for 25 years, so that may have helped. Edit note: The bass delivered has a kill switch along with the active/passive switch, and gold rather than black hardware.
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