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Everything posted by johnthebassist

  1. Awesome bass, not being played enough since I moved to a 6-string. Need to sell to fund expensive first year of London car insurance. The original Sabre was an awesome instrument and while not mint (see pics), this one is a GREAT example. Squarepusher uses one, as did Tony Levin, Louis Johnson. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmBllyLhAms"]Here's a track I recorded with it back in 2010.[/url] This bass does not come with original hard case, though can be shipped in a Warwick rockcase (I have a spare one). Looking for [s]£1500[/s] £1300, happy to listen to offers. I am prepared to ship abroad, but buyer must arranage and pay for shipping. I've shipped sold and shipped lots of basses over the years, so it will travel very safely! If you're local (West London), you're wlecome to come over and give it a blast. Cheers, John [attachment=142104:2.jpg][attachment=142105:3.jpg][attachment=142106:4.jpg][attachment=142107:5.jpg][attachment=142108:6.jpg][attachment=142109:7.jpg][attachment=142110:8.jpg][attachment=142111:9.jpg]
  2. BUMP! Bass is still for sale, open to offers
  3. This brilliant bass is still available, also on eBay. I'm happy to ship in a warwick "rockcase" flight case.
  4. Bump. Still considering sale.
  5. PHOAARR!! If I hadn't bought a Thumb 6 a few months back, I'd be all over this. That probably doesn't help much, but I'm sure you'll have no problem shifting it. Massively tidy.
  6. Nice bass! I used to own a 4-string "violin-burst" model and I still regret selling it (it's the one I'm playing in my profile pic). The wenge necks are fantastic on these and I had a second pre-amp fitted in mine - that MM-style pickup is actually two J-type pickups in a single housing - got some really interesting sounds out of it. £650? Someone's in for a MASSIVE bargain here! Wicked instrument.
  7. [quote name='Kees_SoS' timestamp='1359850601' post='1961306'] Is this the one they had in the Bass Gallery a while ago? I played on it and it was something else. [/quote] Hey man - yes, it is. It's an unbelievable bass and I spent a fair bit of time being blown away by it in the shop myself. [quote]Awesome stuff, any reason why you are moving it on so soon? Looks a complete beast![/quote] Thanks! It really is a monster bass, but it's also very heavy - about 12.5lb. That said, I adjusted my strap back by a couple of inches last week and played two 45's with it on Thursday night...and it really wasn't so bad, so I might keep it yet. It seems insane to get rid of such a monumental instrument after lusting after it for so long. I probably wouldn't get a chance to own another one like it. Decisions, decisions...
  8. I'm very reluctant to sell this beast, but I'm not sure I can justify keeping it either. This is a very early, very rare Thumb 6 NT, only the 27th 6NT built and by Mr Hans-Peter Wilfer himself (I have an email from HPW to confirm this) Specs: Wenge neck (26 frets) Tigerstripe ebony fingerboard Bubinga Pommele body Twin Bartolini soapbars MEC 2-band EQ small dot markers The bass is virtually spotless, no dings or scratches. I've owned it since October 2012. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2u9eB5uRh4"]Here's a video [/url]of this bass in action: As I said, very regretful sale. Please get in touch if you're serious. Thanks John P.S image uploader isn't working in the office - will add pics shortly.
  9. OK, dropping the price on this beauty. It's not being played and deserves to be. Who am I to hold this much Funk to ransom for the sake of £100? £1500 folks, that's all I'm asking for. If you'd value it differently, please do let me know. Cheers.
  10. Still available, this badboy.
  11. Corr blimey guv'nor! If I hadn't just bought a Thumb 6, I'd have been all over this. What does it sound like and what's the control layout, if you don't mind me asking?
  12. Bumping it up baby
  13. As Bootsy might say, "bump bump bumpety bump bump, bump bump bump....bobba". This awesome slab of awesomeness is still available. It's in London and you're welcome to pop over and try it. Let me know if you think my valuation is wrong. Cheers John
  14. My trusty Musicman Sabre hasn't been gigged since I bought a Warwick Streamer Stage II in August 2011. It's a wonderful bass, sounds superb, has been well-used and well looked-after. It's 33 years old, so of course it has a few battle scars, but it's 100% playable and by no means beaten to hell. I had it refretted by Chandlers (London) in 2010. For anybody unfamiliar with this model, it's a twin humbucker version of the Stingray (with slightly smaller humbuckers) and was used to great effect by Louis Johnson (bass solo in "[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ug4bV013KEk#t=160s"]The Stomp[/url]"), Tony Levin ("[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1tTN-b5KHg"]Sledgehammer[/url]") and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLcxve603-4"]Tom Jenkinson aka Squarepusher[/url]. Mine is the same as the bass in the Squarepusher video (maple neck, laquered body, black scratchplate). Just cos I love Squarepusher, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrBBHDJMEuQ"]here's another one of him[/url] with the same bass. There aren't too many of these pre-EB Sabres around these days and the EB ones are pale in comparison (different pickups and pre-amp). The string-mutes on this bass perished about a decade ago (they'd turned to fudge), but since EB have started putting them on the new "Classic" Stingray and reissue Sabre's, I'm sure you could get some replacements. Why anyone would want to mute this badboy is beyond me though. I paid £1600 for this bass in 2008 and a 2010 refret cost another £300. Considering the economy, I'm looking for [s]£1600 [/s][b]£1500[/b] for it, but I'm happy to listen to offers. Get in touch if you have any questions. If you think my valuation is wrong, do let me know. I've attached a [url="http://soundcloud.com/fvfestival/london-afro-beat-collective"]soundcloud link[/url] to a track I recorded with it. If you prefer Spotify, here's a link to the [url="http://open.spotify.com/album/7ELvT5pypE1DX7RrKxNM5c"]entire L.A.C album I recorded using this bass[/url]. Cheers John [attachment=121340:IMG_3103.jpg][attachment=121341:IMG_3084.jpg][attachment=121342:IMG_3086.jpg][attachment=121343:IMG_3094.jpg][attachment=121344:IMG_3098.jpg][attachment=121345:IMG_3087.jpg][attachment=121347:IMG_3091.jpg][attachment=121349:IMG_3101.jpg][attachment=121350:IMG_3100.jpg][attachment=121352:IMG_3085.jpg][attachment=121353:IMG_3099.jpg]
  15. Whereabouts are you Chris? Damned fine looking bass at a good price. Really quite tempted to plump for a Stingray 5 as a big bro to my Sabre 4.
  16. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1347959215' post='1807058'] Nice resume, and having someone totally clued up on PRS and how it works is a major plus, even better such a person who is annointed with the funk Welcome [/quote] Cheers! In general, Copyright collecting societies don't exactly go out of their way to properly explain how it all works, especially not to unpublished writers, so as an unpublished writer myself, I'm more than happy to spread the word. You'd be surprised how many people misunderstand the whole thing. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1347961093' post='1807104'] Hi there, nice to meet a fellow '79 Sabre owner [/quote] Likewise! I believe [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/1234-ahpook/"]Ahpook[/url] is as well. I don;t think there are many about. Not as rare as the Cutlass or Cutlass II, mind. I;d kill to get my hands on one of those. Did think about buying a Status composite neck and having a kinda D.I.Y Cutlass II, but can't quite bear to dismantle a perfectly wonderful instrument. Time to buy a beaten up Stingray, methinks... [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1347961515' post='1807110'] All good ta matey! Still hanging around on here buying and swapping bits and bobs, chipping in where I might know something useful but mostly learning useful stuff myself... [/quote] Glad to hear it, Andy! The NXT 4 went to another basschatter in the end, to do an X Factor tour, I think he said. Traded anything interesting recently?
  17. Thursday September 27th, 2012 @ [url="http://www.bedroom-bar.co.uk/whats-on/"]Bedroom Bar[/url], Shoreditch SOAS RADIO Presents: [url="http://www.lacband.co.uk"]LONDON AFROBEAT COLLECTIVE[/url] + [url="http://www.myspace.com/cafecreme"]LES FRERES SMITH[/url] We'll be on at around 10:30pm for an hour. Should be an epic night. Last time we played there it was rammed and everyone had a lot of fun. It'll be a sweaty one for us, mind - not the biggest stage to squash 11 sweaty musicians onto! You can hear us on Spotify [url="http://open.spotify.com/artist/1P1MZXlpOUdjWiiyZrLddU"]here[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/375943092478053/"]Facebook event is here[/url] Cheers JtheB
  18. I've gotta say, I love Warwick basses, I've had three Streamers (a '97 Pro-M, a '98 Stage I and a 2005 Stage II), all bought second-hand. I can kinda see how something like this happened though. I've never been remotely concerned with looking fashionable/cool, but lots of people are. Though Warwick basses were all the rage in the late 90's (mostly due to Mr Z and P-Nut), they definitely appeared to fall out of favour with the return of that indie/punk sound and the move back to traditional/vintage-looking instruments that happened in the last seven or eight years. With their trademark modern, sleek lines and smooth finishes, Warwick basses didn't really fit into that beaten/road-worn/vintage thing - they inspire people to look after them, rather than smash them around! I guess that photo kinda says it all really - they don't lend themselves to looking beaten. Oh yeah, I've gotta agree - the list prices are pretty eye-watering, especially for the custom stuff! I was on the Status site yesterday and I was really surprised at how affordable they are in comparison. That said, they're a completely different beast, so probably not fair to compare. I think Warwick basses are brilliant instruments, so if I have to buy mine second-hand, that's alright with me. I like to think that fits into their whole sustainable vibe anyway. I will have my custom-shop Warwick one day though
  19. Ello Themrperson Nice to read your story, amigo! I reckon your bass is probably a Marlin Sidewinder - when I was at school, they had a pink (yup, pink) one. However naff you think your bass might be, I bet it's still cooler than my school's beaten up, Halfords-car-paint-pink Marlin Sidewinder. Cheers! J
  20. You're more than welcome! Feel free to gimme a shout any time
  21. No worries! I use super slinkys: 45, 65, 80, 100. They're not the cheapest (or the most expensive), but they're nickelwound and they'll sound great on your Sabre I usually buy mine from Stringbusters. Alternatively, you could try D'Addario Nickelplated Roundwounds - the custom light gauge is 40 - 100. they're a bit cheaper than EB's too I hope the change of strings sorts the problem out for you! Just so you know, my lugs of my Sabre's neck pickup sit 2-3mm above the scratchplate. Does yours have the original exposed polepiece type or the 80's flat pickups?
  22. The Line6 M9 is great value for money. I've not used any of the others mentioned (and my previous multi-fx was a Digitech BP-8!), but it's pretty smooth. Pitch effects are brilliant and the filters aren't bad either. Distortion is a bit pony, that's the only real downside. The interface itself is bonkers easy and you can plug two expression pedals into it and assign them as you like. Great pedal.
  23. I'd head straight to an EBS Octabass. I've used one for years and it's pretty darn clean. It has three tone settings and wet & dry controls. With a humbucker it'll track down to around A or Bb without warbling or doubling. With a single coil you'd probably get it down to Ab or G. Alternatively, the pitch effects on the Line6 M9 are fantastic. I was an analog stalwart for many years, but the M9 really blew me away.
  24. Sorry, should have marked this bass as sold AGES ago.
  25. Nice one Andy! Yes, I remember that now. Come to think of it, I never updated that post to show that I sold the bass. Better do that now. Hope you're keeping well, sir!
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