Second hand Yamaha / Ibanez, and an amp with decent wattage (second hand too), unless you just want to practise. Warwick Rockbasses are quite decent too. I've never been a fan of fender copies, just a personnal dislike so I wouldn't know about Squiers, but the Vintage series is suppose to be pretty good.
a couple of examples you may find shopping around :
Yamaha BB414
Yamaha RBX374
Ibanez SR400
Ibanez SR500
Ibanez RD
Ibanez BTB
Ibanez ATK
Warwick Rockbass
Peavey Millenium BXP
Seocnd hand, between £120 to £200 depending on condition and luck.
You can find very decent oldies too, especially in the ibanez range. I got my K5 for £220.
For amplification, Dont expect something fancy, but Peaveys, Fenders, Crates, Berhinger... Plenty to choose. You may even be lucky and find a decent Gallien Krueger Backline or Ampeg B-100.