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Everything posted by flip

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='102173' date='Dec 10 2007, 02:57 PM']Then have 2 or 3 bands and proper change over time. The promoter wouldn't like it? Tough, it's not his gear at risk!![/quote] Or just tough for your band as the promoter will find another act willing to play the bill instead. Don't get me wrong, no-one wants some tosser balancing pints on the top of their amp or throwing guitars at their speakers, but I've found that most venues prefer bands to share gear to some extent. Each to their own though, I'm flexible enough to use my own gear, or someone else's. Whatever makes things easier on the night. We play a lot of gigs where a band will play with us in our hometown and we provide the gear and then vice versa when we go play their hometown. I'm off to see Minus The Bear this week too!
  2. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='102102' date='Dec 10 2007, 12:33 PM']Bloody too right mate!!! ive only ever had bad experiences with gear sharing!! about a month after i got my mesa m2000 bass head (bought on credit) we were playing in leeds with a pretty big american band called minus the bear!! the bass player was really sound and very polite, he asked me if he could borrow my gear, there was really no other option, no other bass players had bothered to bring anything!! (so annoying ive not just put my self in loads of debt to make everyone else sound good!!) any way we played our support slot and then minus the bear took to the stage.........3 songs in there was blue smoke flooding from the stage!!!! yep my amp had blown!!! BIG TIME!! i was not a happy man!! i was a nightmare!! mesa eventually sorted me out (i phoned them direct) sound control were being slow and useless!!! but from that moment on i dont care who you are!! famous or not!! your not using my gear!!!! to me its just plain lazy to expect someone else to provide everything for you!!!! get a job buy some gear then get up on stage!! rant over [/quote] Was the amp faulty or did he knacker it though carelessness though? As I recall I used the Minus The Bear bass stack when my old band supported them! Great band. I still think it would be chaos if three or four bands on a bill all brought their own gear, some of the venues we play would have issues storing 4 bass rigs and 4 drumkits. Plus the changeover times would be increased.
  3. I agree that in an ideal world everyone should own and use their own gear. However, if you're playing a tiny rock club with 3 other bands and everyone brings their own gear then there's gonna be no room for the audience, and the soundman would probably burst into tears. I find that communication prior to the gig is key, contact the other bands or promoter and find out what you need to bring beforehand. That said, I've played plenty of gigs where I've lugged my rig there for no reason, or been advised not to take it to find the other band has decided not to share! But, respect is key in these situations, I would treat anyone else's kit like my own and would expect anyone using mine to do the same. I nearly got into a fight with some cockwit who insisted upon putting his full pint on top of my new ABM500 when I was in my old band. He understood the seriousness of the situation after he did it the second time! I do remember playing a gig where the support bands bassist literally brought a bass, they had to borrow my amp, leads and even a plectrum!
  4. PM sent, very interested in these cabs!
  5. [quote name='Raggy' post='98967' date='Dec 4 2007, 04:54 PM']I would recommend Riffs Bar (best pub in the World) the 12 Bar and the Vic tho.[/quote] Another Swindoner here! (I used to post on Bassworld back in the day too!) My band (Seven Years On) are playing Riffs Bar on Friday evening, Swindon has some great venues!
  6. flip

    Light P-Bass

    I'm really hankering after a fairly light weight passive precision style bass and wondered if such a thing existed? I know you can get aerodynes but I really want something with a p style neck as opposed to a jazz, as the thicker neck suits my hands better. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
  7. Morning, Does anyone know where I can get these speakers from? I'm thinking of replacing my Ashdown mini 15 with a Nemesis 15" or another EBS Neo 12" or something along those lines. Basically I want a cab that's more efficient and maybe a tad lighter than my Ashdown but I don't have the huge amounts of cash to throw at a single cab. Thanks for your help, Phil.
  8. Hello! Right then, I've scoured this site and many others for the relevant information and drawn a blank, so here we go: I have been after a black scratchplate for my Jazz for ages, but being the awkward import it is, most 'standard' fits won't do the job and I really don't want to pay loads to get a custom one made up. Anyways, it's like the second bass down on [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=4"]this page[/url], if anyone knows where I can score said plate then I would be most greatful. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by kinda posting this bit twice, if so then I'm sorry! Thanks in advance, P.
  9. flip

    Hello Again

    Hey there, Thought I'd introduce myself here before trying to acquire scratchplates and sell pickups! Right, my name is Phil and I play in a band called [url="http://www.myspace.com/sevenyearson"]Seven Years On[/url]. I used to post on Bassworld a while back when I played in [url="http://www.latitudeblue.co.uk"]Latitude Blue[/url], but spare time seems to be a distant memory of late... Anyways, as per requirement I tend to play: D'Addario strings on a Lakland Skyline Precision or a Japanese Fender Jazz through an Ashdown ABM Head into Ashdown 15" and EBS 12" cabs. Whilst on the subject of Japanese Fenders, I have been after a black scratchplate for my Jazz for ages, but being the awkward import it is, most 'standard' fits won't do the job and I really don't want to pay £30 to get a custom one made up. Anyways, it's like the second one down [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=4"]here[/url], if anyone knows where I can score said plate then I would be most greatful. I will start a proper post about this in the right section too. Cheers, P.
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