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Everything posted by Youngatheart

  1. Hi, Well I've just been treated to two ZOOT 2x10 so the GK is now surplus to requirements. I'm open to sensible offers so feel free to pm me. I live in Tonbridge, Kent for anyone who might like to pick up or locally meet or postage is around the £30 mark. The sale also includes the genuine GK cab cover. Apologies for the pics I've just realised they're on their side, D'oh [attachment=11070:DSC00104.JPG] [attachment=11071:DSC00103.JPG]
  2. Thanks, short and to the point and much appreciated
  3. Well my original question has certainly sparked a debate! Now here's another one. I have an Ashdown EVO II head with a speakon and jack speaker connectors and I have the GK Neo cab which also has a speakon and 1/4" jack. I ordered, and today received, a GK Goldline 2x10 from Soundslive in Newcastle. Prior to ordering I asked if they could confirm what connectors the cab had as their website gave no details. To cut a long story short despite twice promising to get back to me they never confirmed the connectors and low and behold the cab arrived today and all it has is a single 1/4 jack! What are my connection options? can I come out of both connectors on the amp? Don't worry I'll be onto Soundslive tomorrow but just considering my options. Thanks for all the input so far your help and advice is much appreciated.
  4. Wow that started something off! But now I'm thinking b******s I wish I'd asked the question before ordering the 2x10 to go with my 1x15. At present I have a GK 1x15 neo cab, so what would have been my best bet as the additional cab? What I did go for was the GK 2x10 Goldline cab.
  5. Is there any reason why you can't stack a 1x15 on top of a 2x10. Trust me there is a sensible reason for me asking this
  6. [quote name='rodl2005' post='216581' date='Jun 11 2008, 08:07 AM']I reckon you'll be fine. Sounds like a great rig! congratulations! Outta the Ashdown amp-w/ a spkr lead- into the 2x10"- then "daisy-chain" (run a lead from) the 2x10" cab to the 1x15" Of course U can also just run the 1x15" by itself or the 2x10 at smaller gigs/reheasals etc.... Great way to go![/quote] Thanks I'll try and get a photo on here as and when I get everything together.
  7. Hi, After advice again please. Just received my Ashdown 500 EVO II and I want to connect it to my 2 GK cabs, one's a 2x10 and the other a 1x15. Now looking on the back I see that te EVO has one speakon speaker connector and each cab has one speakon and 1/4" jack, how do I connect them? I was assuming the cabs would have 2 speakon connectors so I could daisy chain them.
  8. Thanks, That all makes good sense. What do you need to be doing to make an amp work to it's full capacity? in all honesty I can't imagine me ever really cranking the head up as it's mainly for on stage sound as I run through a PA.
  9. Hi All, I realise that there are already some excellent posts on the subject of impedence etc but I'm really struggling to get my head around a rig I'm trying to put together so any input would be gratefully received. I've just brought an Ashdown ABM 500 EVO II head the specs which show it has an RMS of 575 watts which I assume is at 4ohms although I can't see that stated any where. Right, now the cabs I'm looking at are as follows. One is a 2x10 rated at 200w @ 8 ohms and the other is a 1x15 rated at 300w @ 8 ohms. Will this set up work? if so will I have to run the cabs in series or parallel? I know I should be able to work this out from the information available but I want to get it right as I need to order the cabs soon. Thanks for all your anticipated assistance
  10. I'm going to be putting the cab up for £100 which includes the brand new ROQSOLID cover (£40) which imho are one of the best makes around. Any interest let me know
  11. Head possibly now sold subject to receipt of payment.
  12. Hi Adam, My number is 07738558311, I am out at rehersals tonight but you can still try. Was it just the head you wanted at £500? Derek
  13. Thanks for all the responses so far but the V4 hasn't sold yet. Just to confirm I'm looking for £500 for the head and flight case and I'm open to offers on the cab although I can't let the cab go until the head has sold. I need the cash to get a replacement in place. Cheers
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='207135' date='May 27 2008, 11:36 AM']Youngatheart, get the book Chord Bassics by Jonas Hellborg, its old but an invaluble source for bass chords!!![/quote] I'm searching now! Thanks for that.
  15. Thanks for all the sound advice. I appreciate it's not something I'm likely to use on a regular basis but something I feel I should understand. with double stopping for instance what determines which note you use along with the root?
  16. Hi, Can anyone point me in the direction where I might find a resouce that shows the fingering for bass chords something like you see for guitar? Sorry I know it sounds a bit lazy but for some reason I can't get my head around how I would structure the chord.
  17. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='206690' date='May 26 2008, 05:46 PM']Lovely amp, I have a V8. I was gigging at Penshurst Place on Saturday night with the V8 in fact. Could have popped in to say hello [/quote] Was that in the Medieval Hall? been out there many times through work, what was the sound like?
  18. Hi one and all, Before treading the dreaded EBay route I thought I'd test the water on any interest in my TE V4 head. A brief history of my situation is that at the ripe old age of 49 I've joined by first band (yes I know bit of a late starter) at the same time my back started playing up, yes I know the age thing again, so with a number of gigs lined up the thought of humping the V4 about doesn't fill me with enthusiasm. The V4 is my pride and joy and I'll hate to see it go but I have to be realistic. I bought a flight case for it so it comes well protected. I do have the matching 1248H 4x12 cab which I hadn't intended selling but would if a buyer wanted it. I've just brought a new cover for that as well which cost me £40 (excellent quality though). I've always struggled to get much information on the V4 as mine seems to differ from those which I have seen in reviews. Mine has the vinyl covering and not carpet and on the pre-amp side there is a second gain control which you engage by pulling out the control knob. If you have any questions with regard the head please feel free to ask but I know that there will be far more kowledgable people in the basschat community than me! I haven't put any price because I honestly don't know the current value of a V4 therefore I'm open to sensible offers. Obviously due to its weight it has to be collection only, I live in Tonbridge, Kent. I've added some pics below (hopefully) I will be putting the V4 onto EBay soon as I have to sell it soon but I'd rather it went to a basschatter if there's someone who wants it. (ps had my first gig on Saturday, what a blast!, oh to turn back the clock
  19. Cheers! I'll get Googling for the neck right now
  20. Sorry I guess that was a little sparse in info. The body will be a MIJ Fender Body as for the neck to be honest whether it's a genuine Fender or a copy will depend on the cost.
  21. Hi All! Hopefully a staight forward question. Are there any pitfalls or problems I should watch out for in replacing the neck in a Precision with a Jazz neck? Also any suggestions as to where to get a replacement neck from? I'm looking for a maple fret board.
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