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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Only if you use picture frames as props onstage 😛
  2. I did that on an old OLP (Stingray style) bass. It was an interesting exercise that ultimately turned fruitless: I liked the sound with the pickup right where it was originally. A Precision pickup at the Stingray pickup position sounded really good too. Of course, that's just for my taste.
  3. I'm not convinced about that explanation, since the nodes change position as you fret different notes and the string length varies.
  4. Neither is the Bugera The point stands, 'though: I could use an amp capable of delivering a million watts... I don't want to play any louder than I already do, so I would set the amp to a setting that will not put a million watts into my cabs. You need an amplifier capable of delivering the power you need, with cabs that can use that power, and it does not matter much what's the maximum an amplifier can produce.
  5. Indeed! I have noticed a few times people trying wireless systems and wandering off away from the stage, testing the range, and then commenting on the slight delay. When you're 30m away from the stage, any processing delay is going to be minimal compared to the delay due to the speed of sound. It'll still be delayed if using a 30m cable!
  6. I find it very interesting how many people are quick at saying how crap his son(s) is (are)... I'd love to hear the songs these people write
  7. Why not? I used a 600W one into a 250W cab quite a bit.
  8. mcnach

    HPF + LPF

    Have you found info about the slope? It should be steep for them to call it an HPF but it would be good to know. The LPF only comes down to 3 kHz, which is good to tame the top end, but not that useful as an 'effect' if you want to use it to get an ultra deep bass tone.
  9. I'm looking to try these as a substitute for my favourite DR Fat Beams... (stainless steel version)
  10. The duct tape is probably so that the guitar wouldn't talk. That guitar must have seen a lot...
  11. Hmmm... and the Nux can actually capture IRs too. So, I could potentially borrow a couple of good microphones from my friendly recording studio, and create IRs of my Two10 cabs... Now THAT would be pretty interesting.
  12. Well, I bought the Radar. Let's see how it works. The thing is... the more I look at the Nux, the more I like it: it may be simpler, but all controls are there on display easily. On the Mooer, I suspect I'd find one model I like enough, tweak it a bit, and pretty much use just that. I'm not a big knob-tweaker :p
  13. He's using two guitars because one has a kill-switch, which he needs, but the other works better for a number of songs. I think this can be addressed by grouping the songs intelligently. The tuning... it's only between standard and drop-D. Should not take long at all. Could even use a Hipshot d-tuner thingy (I have those on a coulpe of basses): instant retuning. FRontman being shy... that's a problem.
  14. Torpedo CAB does a lot more, to be fair. But the Radar does the bits I need it to do. I actually wish it were bigger with a larger screen and a couple more buttons. The NUX Solid Studio looks interesting too:
  15. Tuesday, first gig with a new project. Just a small gig to try things. We booked the place (cheap on a Tuesday), invited another band to support us, and made it free entry (so nobody gets paid this time, it was purely an exercise to test the water... not my idea, but I went along with it). It was surprisingly well attended for a Tuesday. Nice atmosphere, a few random passers by came in when they saw the posters / heard the music outside... All good. However... to my surprise, our main singer is not a good frontman. This was not apparent during practices. He's pretty outgoing and I thought he'd be good. But he said nothing between songs, kept looking away... and in some circumstances it would not be too bad, however... guitarist... was pretty much retuning after every song and changing guitars frequently. Way too much silence, waiting... Ugh. I need to address this in a way that doesn't hurt people. Guitarist is a little tricky... We can streamline the set by grouping songs in a way that minimises guitar changes and retuning... but I still think he does more of it than needed. And retuning, it's only drop-D! But it still takes him far too long, and checks every string... whether that is because his guitars go out of tune (which can be addressed) or because he just feels he must (OCD is harder to address)... we will see. Why can't life be easier?
  16. 12V and large current draw... so I'd definitely use the (included) power supply. The supply is bigger than the pedal! As a person who detests scrolling through menus (the Zoom MS-60B was great, but I hated navigating through all the options), hooking it up to the PC looks very appealing, as I'd use this primarily for recording/silent practice.
  17. True! I just noticed the balanced option if using a TRS cable. I think I'm getting one and see... I use an OmniCabSim live, as for one of the bands I use a lot of different overdrives and DI just does not sound right, too brittle, but it lives in my board. A little thing like this could be pretty useful to have on my desk for quick recording of bass and guitar... The Mooer TresCab also looks interesting. More limited (no balanced output and of course no IR stuff) but all the basic controls are there, without using menus and lots of scrolling and clicking buttons (or... button!)... although it appears it may not be as good. Hmmm.
  18. The Ray Foster character may be fictitious... but it's clearly based on (loosely) on Norman Sheffield. "Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...)", the first track on "A night at the Opera" was composed with him in mind, which fits. And he looked like this:
  19. Ok, not exactly the same thing but... that little Mooer packs a very interesting set of features nonetheless for just around £100. It's primarily a cab simulator pedal, which should be great for recording (probably live too?). It contains tube power amp simulations, speaker cab models (both guitar and bass), and EQ. All very tweakable: type of valves, type of cabinet, microphone model, placement, distance from speaker... the EQ section can be either graphic (6 band, I think, where the centre frequencies are user-defined) or parametric, and it has an adjustable HPF *and* LPF (although the LPF only goes as low as 3000Hz, I think). With a standard size output socket and a little headphone output as well. 36 user presets. In addition, you can load custom IRs... Has anybody got experience with this?
  20. Keeps coming up on Facebook. Keep reporting it as a scam... Of course, someone will fall for it I hope there's a hell where these people (scammers) end up, being forced to watch the X-factor constantly for all eternity
  21. I was not sure about it when I went to watch it, but reasoned "well, I can always just close my eyes and listen to the music and nothing else" Of course, you need to like Queen for that. I've watched it twice now (Unlimited Cineworld card, accompanying different people)... still enjoyable. But I'm getting to the point where I need a break from certain songs
  22. With regards to active/passive controls, a while ago I came to the realisation that what I'd really want is a passive tone control coupled to an active mids control with adjustable frequency centre, something like the John East module which covers 100Hz - 1000Hz (or 200Hz - 2000Hz, as it's got a switch for both ranges). I don't need a bass control, really. Treble? A passive control is sweeter, for my taste. What I want is to control what happens in the middle, and with a wide range like that, I can get punchy low mids, or hollow tones, or beautiful deep bass tones... For me the on-board EQ on active basses is merely to fine tune my sound and make some small adjustments for specific songs, but the basic sound comes from the amplifier's EQ. The small adjustments I want are all in the mid range or something that a passive treble cut is better suited for.
  23. Top loading bridge too. Passive tone control, whether there is an active EQ on top of that or not.
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