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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I don't like locking jack sockets. If something catches the cable and pulls hard, I'd rather it comes off than breaking the cable, or the socket, or both. I had one in a Cort GB74 and hated it as I always forgot it was locking. Battery compartments, yes, the flip style ones... but with proper connectors that clamp to the terminals and not the flimsy bent metal contacts my Stingray has... eventually they stop working well and cause problems. Easy fix to bend them back, but it's just temporary. Truss rod wheel if the adjustment is at the body end, EBMM style. Saddles with adjustable spacing. Adjustable nut height, like Warwick do.
  2. Yup. Too many of those. Delusional fools. Earlier in the year a couple of guys from one of my bands and I were trying to put a new project together. We found this guitarist... oh god, it was painful. All he could do was bluesy licks and not very well. Horrible tone, horrible control. He really wanted to be the 'star' and when we moved away from the songs we had agreed on and thought we'd jam a bit to see how we play together, all he wanted was solo. Painful. When our drummer contacted him the next day to say thanks but we didn't think he was what we were looking for, he had a real meltdown and started posting to the group chat we had set up, accusing us of being threatened by a superior player and this and that, and how we clearly have no experience and we'll never play in front of an audience (? we have been, regularly, for years, in multiple bands... he knew that!). It was pretty amazing. Ended up blocking him in all social media.
  3. I'm not sure anyone is really 'impressed' at fingers vs pick or viceversa. A certain (small) proportion of the audience may be impressionable and admire a little bit of slap even when it's not done very well. But pick or fingers? I can't imagine anybody really cares or even notices. And why should they? edit: whoa, watch out for zombies!
  4. There's suggestions that a lot of the 'new' TC pedals are rehoused Behringer ones.
  5. mcnach

    HPF + LPF

    Oh, I'd be interested to see how you like it when you build it!
  6. The 18" is likely louder because it's bigger but the whole frequency thing depends on the box too, and 15" = better lows is just BS. There are 15" cabs that are bass-central and others very middy... and you won't say an 810 lacks lows, right? If you get another identical 210, you won't have to consider how the different speakers interact dur to having different responses... you'll get the same but louder and with better low end... and both cabs will receive the same amount of power. edit: I didn't realise this thread had ran for days already... sorry for the useless reiteration
  7. That's what would make me uncomfortable about the movie if it went too much into his personal life: the fact that they kept a lot of it under wraps while it was going on means that he/they did not particularly want to make it all public. So out of respect I'd rather it stays that way. I didn't realise Freddie knew about his illness so early on (1985). I always had thought that he found out much later, closer to his death. I like how the band kept things private, and despite the obvious falling out when he went solo, they still respected each other. I think that's something that says a lot about them as human beings, and it would be wrong to break it now in order to make a movie a little more... 'sensational'. In my opinion, of course.
  8. The bass on the Buggles version stands out to me. Great sound too.
  9. "people" want dirt... so those "people" are disappointed (people with quotation marks to indicate that's people as defined by certain press)
  10. I think it was pretty well balanced. It more than hinted at certain other aspects of his life that tabloids would love to write about but were unnecessary to expand on in the film, in my opinion.
  11. I can't say I've noticed that effect, not even with the Isolates (which isolate a LOT and leave pretty much just bone conduction as the main way to get sounds to you, although the foam does allow for some extra treble in)... but all my shoes/boots are pretty flexible and I don't have a heavy stomping gait (I'm pretty light at 70Kg too)... I can't imagine anything 'wrong' with the plugs could produce that effect... but if my sinuses were blocked I imagine I'd 'hear' a lot more my 'internal head' noises, and maybe that can include vibrations from walking? I do not know.
  12. This. In my case Award Session (Cleartone) first because I knew Steward first... but I've bought from both. Not terribly often, as their stuff is good and lasts a long time
  13. I was really hoping I would like it... but I know that low end loss would annoy me in the end. Of course... I could use it with something like a Boss LS-2 to blend in a little clean bass to it. I used an LS-2 before to blend clean bass with various other effects, overdrives especially. It's a good option. But it defeats the purpose of creating a tiny little board.
  14. I used to have one, it was nice but didn't love it. I also had a 3Leaf Proton which was much more my thing, it also does down-sweep... but both those pedals are significantly more expensive than the Donner/Eno/Valeton/Mooers, and I just don't need something like that badly enough to justify the cost. Maybe if I get another Donner and use it upside down? 😛 Valeton... I have a little OC-10 on its way to me as well... I regularly use my MarkBass Octave, which is very nice and is the best tracking octaver I have tried (and I've owned a few... MXR, Aguilar, EBS, OC-2 and OC-3 of course... and many others) but I miss the 'dirty' vibe of the OC-2 I stupidly let go. The tiny OC-10 will go very well with the Donner/Katfish and the little Mooer Hustle Drive for a minimalistic yet funktastic little board of fun
  15. Right... so, the Donner Dynamic wah stays. I really like it. I love its size... it means I can easily squeeze it into any tiny board I may put together. It's not an effect I would use a lot in the bands I play with, so the envelope filter I prefer (my old Source Audio BEF) stays at home as it's too big to make sense and I'd rather use an overdrive and octave instead, when space is limited. But with the Donner, this has changed. The Eno TC-61, unfortunately, is not for me. There is some degree of low end loss even with the range set towards its bassiest setting, and I don't want that. I wonder if there's some easy mod that one can do to adjust the range a bit lower... because the range is wide, it's just that it covers higher frequencies: clearly designed with guitar in mind. Being such a small pedal, I doubt any mods would be something I could do easily. I keep playing it trying to decide that the low end loss is not too bothersome... but I'm too picky with this. I also got the Valeton Katfish. That thing is much smaller than I thought! It's only a little wider than the other two (a LITTLE) and the other dimensions are the same. And it sounds... very good. No low end loss, and transparent like the Donner: the bass/guitar still sounds like your bass/guitar. It as the same usual set of controls, just arranged differently to the Donner but it does pretty much the same. I think it can be a bit 'gurglier' but there's not much between them. I am keeping it because what's better than one small envelope filter? Yes, that's right! TWO envelope filters. Saves me switching things from place to place. If only one of them did down-sweep...
  16. I received it... and I think it's going back. For my liking, it loses too much low end. It works well enough on guitar, but it's clearly set for a treblier range than I'm after. It's not a huge amount of loss... but it's noticeable. It's a shame, as I really like the downsweep envelope filter sound but not many pedals out there do it. Certainly not in economical and small form.
  17. what? 👀 I really don't know what you're talking about.
  18. If only it had an envelope filter instead of the chorus... EDIT: I mean the "Dirty Q". That fuzzy sound does nothing for me, and they chose a "Bass Balls" type of filter when their Katfish envelope filter is beautiful on bass... pity.
  19. I have one of those, the very same one, it works well
  20. It's very difficult to judge from videos, because most are just demo'd on guitar, and many quite badly. The Donner is definitely a decent one. Not as versatile as my old SA BEF, or as burpy/gurgly as the old Proton I used to have, but it has a nice range of good sounds in there, for bass. On guitar I have no issues with it whatsoever. It's very nice.
  21. Since we're talking cheap pedals... how is this for an envelope filter? Tiny as well! Donner Dynamic Wah. £22 delivered. I bought one and it sounds really good on bass. It's very easy to set, with no volume differences, no low end loss, and it sounds just like your bass, but doing weird noises, as opposed to changing the tone completely like some do. My only gripe... I wish it did down-sweep too. I'd have bought two or three to have 'presets' Love it on guitar too... this is a good review on guitar:
  22. The Eno should be here within the next couple of days. Meanwhile, did I say how nice the Donner one is? Now, I've just ordered the Valeton Katfish too. Well, I was having trouble ordering new tyres and I thought the best way to ensure my card was still working was to order something else, like a small FX pedal. It is only logical, right? 😛 I should just get the Joyo Wow Wah as well and be done with the lot, like I did with overdrives But seriously, the Donner is a pretty cool envelope filter, on both guitar and bass. Don't let the price put you off (as in, too cheap)
  23. DiMarzio Area J. They're not very expensive and sound much like traditional single coils, but they're humbuckers... and of course you can play with the wiring, trying series/parallel and see what you like best. They can do traditional well, but no hum. And can also be fat Jazz machines.
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