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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. The pickup looks to be in the right place, from the images I've seen... so it will probably have a Stingray-type kind of sound. It's a different pickup though so that accounts for some of the sound too. The preamp is not that important. A 100% passive Stingray has an unmistakeable Stingray sound. The preamp only allows to to 'access' other Stingray sounds. If you really want a good Stingray equivalent without the price tag... look for a USA made MusicMan SUB, the ones made between 2003-2006. The range of finishes is limited among other things, but they are true Stingrays in anything but name. Around £400 for an excellent condition used one, and they're not hard to find. I have a white one as well as a 'proper' Stingray, and it's not going anywhere.
  2. You wouldn't want to look at the audience in some of the places I play...
  3. ufff.... an all-fiesta-red.... luckily I'm not needing a new bass... :D
  4. Not sure the truss rod offers much torsional rigidity, and aren't the lower strings (BEA) generally lower tension than the higher ones anyway?
  5. I can understand why they feel that way, although it may come across as being unnecessarily obtuse to customers...
  6. Like Jack, I prefer a tuner pedal in front, so that I can mute the amp.
  7. Not sure about that. It might make you a happier player, maybe. It will make you a poorer player too. :p
  8. The thing is that most basses can do a varied kind of sounds, and so do amps with their EQ controls etc... so I'd argue that almost any bass/amp can be made to sound midrangey and aggressive. If I had to choose... I'd choose something with a humbucker close to the bridge, and pretty much any amp (the choice of speaker will also play a big role). Many people would argue a Stingray would fit the bill well, or a Sterling... but the fact that they're used to record some decidedly mellow sounds too shows that it's not just the bass but what you do with it. A Precision can sound huge and deep, but can also be an aggressive trebbly clank machine.
  9. Not really looking for anything at the moment... but feel free to tempt me (by PM)
  10. Didn't take you long to ask! But yes, the feet are ok :D
  11. I think they finally learnt to glue it properly (fingers crossed, I use my Two10s regularly and they still look fine) edit: one of the handles seems to be coming loose... I'm not kidding. Really. Deep breath.
  12. to which I'd answer "what if your DI blows?" I generally use mine, but if someone is precious about using theirs... I will. It's not like anyone can tell any difference in a live situation. In one band I use quite a bit of overdrive, in that case I use my OmniCabSim pedal's DI, no questions.
  13. Fortunately this thread is not like the EB MusicMan forum. Here we can both like Maruszczyk instruments and still feel free to point out the weak parts, if/when found. I own two (got a third but I sold it) and I really like them. I would still look at Maruszczyk first if I wanted a bass that's not a straight production model, cheese-screws notwithstanding
  14. That's pretty poor... Here's some Luminlay dots fitted on one of my basses:
  15. let me know if you need luminlay pictures that look better... I had mine installed by a local guy and he did a good job. He also said when I approached him "oh, yeah, no problem, that's easy"...
  16. Labella white nylons. Roundwounds with a nylon coating. Very flexible/soft to the touch (50-105... don't be afraid, they'll feel softer than a standard 40-95), very well balanced sound, and prominent low mids... The copper version of the white nylons are a bit nicer in my opinion, but I think you'd enjoy either... and being tapewounds, string noise is non existent.
  17. It was not noticeable when I used one. I only stopped using it because altering the gain a bit changed the volume a lot, so it was hard to make quick adjustments live. Nice sounding pedal, and very versatile. I also had the Vintage Drive... that one was bad for bass loss, which is a shame as it sounded very nice. BUt it's good for guitar
  18. Nothing wrong. But it is especially fun to play along to tracks when the bass is not there.
  19. I kind of do the same: using my laptop's speakers there's precious little bass.
  20. Or they clearly believe that it is what their potential market wants to hear (cynical, moi? nah... ) (and I say this as a big Stingray fan, the bass I play 99% of my gigs with... the Precision on my avatar was just a phase :p )
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