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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I played a gig like that once, where three of us had wireless... and would occasionally pop into the other room, still playing, watch the screen a bit, try to make eye contact with someone and entice them in, and return after a failed mission. We had no more than 10 people coming and staying. We still got paid and the bar told us "I knew I shouldn't have a band during the match"... The thing is we thought it was a bit early for a gig on a Saturday and we double checked and asked if they wouldn't like us to play later... Ah well...
  2. They behave like that because they know people will not intervene. If after they threats what they get is the other people around them stand up and mob them out, they'd think twice next time. Same reason why two idiots in a bus can make a trip a nightmare for 30 or more people travelling along. If one person stands up, they rarely get back up. They act like bullies because we let them. I almost end up fighting an idiot behind me in the cinema. Nobody stood up for support and both of us almost got kicked out. It was only at the end that an older couple intervened and told the cinema staff who was the trouble, and the idiot and his two mates were expelled (while making noise and throwing their drinks around). It frustrates me no end that collectively we allow a small minority spoil it for the rest, when we have it in our hands to stop the bad behaviour, and it would not require any violence at all.
  3. which is fine, as long as your drawing doesn't extend to your neighbour's wall...
  4. I use straplocks (well, the rubber washers... after years of Schallers I moved to the rubber washers and never looked back). But once I had a strap break during the 3rd or 4th song of the 1st set. Not the strap itself but the loop that joins two parts. That was fun. It'll probably never happen again as it must have been an odd defective one (didn't have any signs of wear and I had it for only one year or so)... but now I also have a spare strap in my gigbag.
  5. Sure. But that's not the issue, is it? The issue is that some members in the audience decide that they don't need to pay attention (and that's their right) and subsequently they prevent others from enjoying the show. It's not about what the band thinks or not... Just like when I go to the cinema. If an idiot three rows down finds the movie boring and wants to start playing with his phone illuminating everything or chatting away, we are going to have a problem.
  6. tight non-boomy focused low end is what copper white nylons do well... it's just your definition of thumpy and mine are a bit different... tomorrow we can talk about 'growl'
  7. that's why I prefer the copper white nylons instead, it's too easy to get all 'thumpy' on most black nylons... which is fine if that's what you're going for, but I'm not.
  8. "yo sabe"? tch tch... I expected better by now
  9. The Flare Audio Isolate plugs are curious. I was dead against them at first. They seemed an overpriced rubber plug without any interesting audio properties. One of the guitarists in my main band was using them and loved them, after trying various others, and I just wouldn't have it. But eventually I gave them a try and I really like them. They let enough midrange that pitch recognition is never an issue, even in the worst stages, and I can hear my bass very clearly while still hearing everything else. They do cut a LOT of sound, which can be a bit strange at first... but I rarely use my ACS pro 17 since. Small, quick to put in (or take out)...
  10. That's more satisfying, but it requires more skill to make it look accidental in front of many witnesses. Still... worth trying if you couldn't get at him earlier!
  11. next time accidentally step on his left hand before the gig...
  12. If you are just talking protection, then sure. If you want a better sound experience, then it may be worth spending more, it depends on your situation, your band and venues you play, and your goals. From 10p foam plugs all the way to IEM systems, they all offer protection, the main difference is how well they allow you to hear what you want to hear. There's no 'one size fits all'/ But use some kind of protection.
  13. A Zoom B3n with DI would be a terrific FX box indeed! I don't remember what they used to charge. I had a VT-Bass that I was looking at having it done, but before I made up my mind, this one appeared for sale in here and I bought it. So I had two of these for a while. They were my source of overdrive for the RATM band, one set with low gain and fat, and another higher gain and treblier. Because they have a built-in speaker simulation they actually sound pretty good when you go DI. With other pedals you sound great when you hear your amp, but unless you mic the cab, when you engage the distortion it sounds often too fizzy out in front. I have an OmniCabSim for speaker simulation, so I can use any overdrive pedal I want now I recently got the SA Aftershock and the idea is to use that instead of the VT-Bass, as I sometimes want slightly different flavours of dirt, and the Aftershock gives me that and more (if I get around to reading the manual! ) plus presets... but I do miss being able to see where the knobs are set up at a glance, as on the VT-Bass... so I might end up keeping it if nobody wants it. You can never have enough dirt boxes, right?
  14. FINALLY... some pictures, so you can see it's in pretty good cosmetic condition (and otherwise too). The sticker is what Putnam adds to their mods and you can see where the DI socket (XLR) is installed. The little sheet of instructions was inside the metal box after all.
  15. probably not, but they don't sound nearly as good.
  16. They're a vast improvement over the usual 'xmas tree' plugs for sure. However I find with mine that the seal is not perfect when I move my jaw. We made the mould as I was biting on something keeping the ear canals open but it clearly wasn't perfect. They work. However, I started using the Isolate plugs and I prefer them. They shouldn't be that nice, being just a plug of foam and some metal... but I like the attenuation they give me and I can hear everything I need to hear very clearly. They're just around £30.
  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and ~ oh, and some ' ' ' ' ' ' ' too.
  18. although... they dropped the ~ from the N... the 'real' Spanish name would have been Ibáñez
  19. Thank you! It irritated me terribly for years... then I found other stuff to be annoyed at. Like bad spelling.
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