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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. It varies. Many have the P pickup in the same exact spot as a standard P. The two I have... one has the P half a centimetre farther towards the bridge compared to standard, and the other... the P is actually 1 cm closer to the bridge.
  2. It can happen, yes. But it depends hugely on the actual pickups, wiring and how they're set up (balanced heights). I currently own two PJ (one passive, another with active EMGs plus preamp) and while the position with both pickups on is slightly more scooped, it doesn't get lost at all. I like a bass with presence (despite my avatar, I use a Stingray most of the time). I rarely like the Jazz pickup on its own, it sounds too thin unless I use the preamp to thicken the sound a bit, so for me the bridge pickup is just there to add to the P pickup. I play with the pickup heights until it sounds right. Generally it means one of the is slightly more prominent on the 'both pickups on' mode than the other.
  3. This. Big 3 mm diameter luminlay markers are easy to see with normal light... and can fluoresce after exposure to UV light. There's UV lighting on many stages, or get a UV lamp yourself and enjoy bright luminous dots without prior 'charging'. I tried various stick-on solutions but they all end up moving and/or detaching. Replacing the existing markers is easier than it sounds and will look right.
  4. I don't think there was a question that Sandberg are decent manufacturers. The only question is 'why' do they do what they do. Do their instruments work? Yes, and very well. But it seems an odd way to do things to me, and to some others. That's the only question: "why did they go that route?"
  5. Try the white nylon tapewounds (copper version, or standard). I think those will do the trick. They can do old school vibe, but only when you want them to. They are very versatile and unlike any other tapewounds. Highly flexible too (or 'low tension') which I like too.
  6. It depends which DRs you're talking about. The round core versions (Fat Beams and Sunbeams, not sure if there's others) are noticeably more flexible than the EXL170s I was using previously (similar gauges). But it's not as if the D'Addario nickels are particularly taut either, however I notice the difference. DR Hi Beams are more taut for sure. Not sure about the others in the range as I haven't tried them.
  7. ... or a long speaker cable a guitarist friend of mine adapted the space under the stairs to house a guitar speaker and a microphone, with cables running into his music room, so that he could crank up his little valve amp but still get reasonable levels in the room. (yes, I know, not the same thing as you will not have the controls at your fingertips... I'm half joking )
  8. sack button I still prefer the electric shock one... Yes, google calendar is far from being ideal... but it was the best solution that we could use easily.
  9. Thanks. I was curious because I'm a big fan of DRs and I was wondering which ones you were comparing them too. Previously I used to just get D'Addario (EXL170 in my case). I mostly use DR Fat Beams now (stainless steel) but also use Sunbeams, and I find them less bright from day one than the D'Addario, as well as more flexible... which is why I ended up preferring them. Just personal taste/opinion, of course.
  10. I love it. The problem is getting people to use it properly. I've been using google calendars for a while for a similar purpose and I love the smoother functionality of this app... but I failed miserably at getting people to use google calendars. I got some to use it, so it helps, but it's far from a complete solution since humans are the weakest link here... Can you make the app to give electric shocks to selected band members on demand?
  11. so he's removing the use of backline... but then he puts those speakers in the same place... what? why? You are going to have an uphill struggle, I think. If you want to stay in that band, be prepared to struggle, and use earplugs. It's ridiculous.
  12. Very much the same. Perhaps a bit more on some models sometimes. The problem is the price is in euros and the GBP has lost a significant % of its value against the euro, so we spend more pounds to buy the same bass now.
  13. I used to have an E series Tele as well, black/maple, pretty beaten up but felt and sounded amazing... I sold it for £200 or £250 a few years ago and I've kicked myself about it a lot. It was the best Telecaster I've played. I actually had it refretted with big frets (when I bought it the frets were very low, it clearly was a player and had been dressed many many times) and it was fantastic.
  14. Overdrive pedal just left the building with a friend. It's actually on probation, so it may return in the future... but I have a feeling it's gone for good Very cool pedal, this one. I bought it impulsively recently tempted by its small size... but I just didn't have the heard to start attaching velcro to it as it was so nice and shiny and I actually didn't need it. It excels at low gain, almost imperceptible, the kind that only really sounds 'dirty' by itself but blended in the band it sounds clean... If you are after a little pedal to thicken the sound a bit this is pretty good (it does higher gain sounds too, of course). Anyway... it's gone
  15. I needed to refresh my hazy memory and found that you can adjust the delay indeed: http://www.ibanez.com/products/u_effect_page18.php?year=2018&area_id=&cat_id=6&series_id=156&effect_id=32 and this review is also cool and mentions it: http://www.greatguitarpedals.com/ibanez-weeping-demon-review/ and now I'll go away before I get too tempted to buy it
  16. I agree. The VMs are not bad at all, and the Jazz I had was pretty nice... but every CV I tried/had has been a noticeable jump in quality.
  17. David Wilson in Hexham is not too far and he's fantastic.
  18. I don't think hating pub toilets can be classified as a weirdness. Sorry. You need to try harder to become a member of the weirdo club. We welcome you to apply again at a later date if you work on it a little more. I once played a gig in Kidderminster (we travelled from Scotland) at a music venue attached to a pub. There was accommodation on the first floor for us to stay. It was a room full of sofas and cushions and I decided not to assess their state of cleanliness (I stayed in my sleeping bag and avoided contact with my surroundings as much as possible). There was a toilet with a bath and shower... but there was a leak so we could not use it... so we needed to use the toilets in the pub downstairs. After a busy saturday evening before anybody attempted to clean. I *need* to brush my teeth before I sleep. That's just me. I'm not comfortable otherwise... that night I don't know how I managed. Wading through fosters to get to the dirty basins to brish my teeth was throughly disgusting. The smells were not better. If I ever make it into a big band... I'll have my own bathroom.
  19. Same here... if you're using the zero fret as a nut and cut grooves on it, then what's the point? Use a metal nut and be done. I have not seen any zero frets with grooves from factory, and that includes the 4 I've owned (one guitar and three basses). edit: just read the Sandberg info... I don't get it, then. What flavours can I have those humble pies in? I'll eat one, but I'm still confused as to what the point is...
  20. See what you have done? It's all your fault! !!!
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