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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I was kidding, of course... my phone does capitals too. The user, however...
  2. I'm guessing you mean Devine? I saw him with a funky coloured One10 somewhere, yes... But I think he's still very attached to his Vanderkleys.
  3. 8-10 weeks was what I was quoted the 3 times I had a bass made by them. Every time it was within that range. I think that was crazy quick for a completely custom-specced instrument. 20 weeks is not that long for an instrument you really want, but it may sound like a lot for an impulse buy.
  4. When I lived in the US I saw drunken patrons too... (maybe not as much...). There is walking (I know, crazy, eh?), and when distances too long there are taxis. I don't know anybody here who relies on their own car for 'nights out in town'.
  5. I asked because I'll be at Stramash on Saturday. In case you were there, to catch some of your set at least The Orange Terror will be set not too far from your settings above Maybe people are starting to notice.
  6. Next Saturday? Not in Stramash by chance?
  7. oh god... really? are we having snowflakes here too?
  8. Good price too. (I don't need one 'though... I have a J-Retro, a U-Retro, and an MMSR in my collection from when I had a few more basses)
  9. I just noticed that the knob spacing on the control plate is exactly the same as in the J-Retro preamp, which is my all time favourite preamp for a 2 pickup bass and they are easy to find used...
  10. great wah, and it can be set to automatic mode (detects movement of the pedal, so it switches on when you press it, and has an adjustable delay for the effect to kick in, if I remember correctly?). I had one years ago and I liked it a lot.
  11. I recently removed the PBXN from this bass (see OP) and installed a set of Fender Originals I had, as I wanted a more 'traditional' Precision sound now.First thing I noticed was... Those PBXN were loud!!!! I'm keeping the pickup, I just wanted a different vibe (to use with Labellas White Nylon copper strings)... I'm sure I'll use the pickup again.
  12. Not my bass, but I have one of those... the pickguards on the Classic 50s are metallic with an 'anodised golden' finish. Not mirrored 'though.
  13. I thought the shop would have to refund you and it's for them to get the money for whoever they bought it from? (as in, they need to record the details of any used gear they get and their owner)
  14. so true! my main band was hired once for a casual dining/drinking place, supposed to play between 9 and midnight. Even 'though we kept the volume down (using an electronic drumkit etc), our music is not exactly soothing background. A couple of tables asked to be moved away from the improvised stage, unsurprisingly, as they were to have a meal and chat. It was embarrasing for us to be there, to be honest. We finished the gig (later in the night it got a lot better, volume was turned up and people danced) but the interesting thing was that it was *us* who had to tell the venue that it may not be a good idea to host this kind of gigs at that time of the day... some venue managers don't seem to be very much in tune. Others think that hiring the cheapest 4 guys with guitars will be a hit, and get surprised when the audience doesn't really get into the music they're murdering...
  15. we just have fun and play for ourselves if that's what happens... our first time at a venue in Glasgow that we wanted to get into, we were given a 4-7pm slot on a Sunday. Fair enough, it will not be terribly busy but... hopefully there'll be enough people and the venue will like us and we'll get better slots. The problem is there was some major football match going on. There were about 10-12 people at best, and there were periods where we just played to the two guys behind the bar and one guy who came out of the kitchen for a bit... So we used the opportunity to play a couple of our newer songs twice and use it as practice
  16. Oh, THAT is a beauty, and not in a pimp manner at all. No, I am not tempted by the 5er, but it looks nice. The fatter neck suits it, or something. I've owned various 5 string basses, some very nice (the Lakland 5502 was my favourite) but I just don't use them enough. I can't imagine not playing my 4-string Stingray most of the time. But if I were going to get a 5er, I'd get a Sire V7. The one I tried last week was superb.
  17. I'll keep temporarily your Classic 50 for you. You can come and visit her any time you like
  18. my view too... too much gold... gold and white... it's a good bass for a pimp 'though
  19. I got mine at GAK. Comes with a gigbag.... which I won't use but will be useful at some point
  20. No! Don't do that! Have both! I love my Classic 50s... that is the classic Precision sound and I love it. The Model T of course can do a similar sound if you wanted to, but not quite the same. It's a different and very cool take on it.
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