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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. True, gigs are getting more and more annoying... but I'm not sure if it's the people or me getting old
  2. A little melodramatic? I see lots of phones... but I do not see any sign of any life being taken away from gigs because of that. I don't like having my view obstructed, but let's not make up stories
  3. Just because you don't need/want your phone it doesn't mean others should do without. As long as they're not holding it up obstructing your view, what do you care?
  4. He'd better not come to see my band, then. We're peaceful but not pacifists
  5. that's probably a very fair assessment
  6. They don't keep the phones. They put it in a pouch that they seal, and you keep it. Then you need to find someone from the venue so that they open it and you take your phone back and they keep the pouch. Can you imagine how much fun that must be?
  7. I like their style, the new colours, black hardware etc... the 5-bolt neck joint is great... lighter as well? great! But... I'm not sure about the neodymium pickups. I'll have to try them before categorically say NO!!! but I'm not impressed by that change.
  8. I agree. The people being a nuisance are really a minority. Deal with them as it happens, rather than go the lazy way and create yet another half-baked rule. Because we don't have enough of those...
  9. Although they do not bother me as much as other people... I don't get the obsession and I'd rather people refrained from constantly filming everything. However, the pouch thing, I'm not sure I like it... it seems an unnecessary extra that will definitely make money for someone, and I detest being treated like a child. My phone is with me most times and I'll bring it to the gig, but it stays in my pocket. I don't appreciate having to queue again for a stupid pouch thing and being treated like I'm in kindergarden. There are behaviours that annoy me far more than telephones: people throwing their plastic beer glasses (not empty) above me and sometimes partially on me, people who feel the need to test their strength by pushing everybody around (it's very tempting to turn and show them that I'm probably a hell of a lot stronger than them), people who dance like they're alone and end up punching the bodies around them (again, so tempting to place a single well aimed fist... and see them drop to the ground... but I control myself, for now)... people 'crowdsurfing'... It used to be that there was an area where those activities would happen but you could easily avoid them without having to stay at the back. I find that more and more if you want to be close to the stage, you need to endure that. So... you want me to have that, and wear a sodding pouch for my mobile as if I were a 5 year old? Is that how we really want to do things?
  10. Uf... I can see a Frog in my future...
  11. I know people say this in jest often, but I *did* spill my coffee over my T-shirt !!!!
  12. I'll be there next Friday and Saturday... I might take my amplifier and see how it goes. It's got a built-in adjustable HPF so that must help.
  13. Then go to Chris McIntyre. You won't regret it. Great guy to chat with too... although I always feel guilty from taking him away from his work
  14. and if my grandma had wheels she'd have been a bicycle...
  15. I'm not sure that drilling 4 holes equally space is so complicated that you would expect 'teething problems' from a guitar manufacturer with decades of experience... They look like were made by a previous owner, the rest of the bass does look ok to me... correct bridge and saddles, etc
  16. It's again translated mostly literally, so it doesn't sound quite right to a Spaniard, but the words make total sense on that one at least! The pronounciation is awful, 'though, it took me a few listens to figure out what he was singing
  17. It looks like a literal and half-arsed translation into Spanish, and in one case they got the verb wrong... but it's pretty normal as far as translations in songs go. You'd imagine they'd use someone who actually speaks the language, right? No le gusta caminar - He doesn't like to walk (nothing about dancing on that one!) No puede montar a caballo - literally and in isolation "no puede" = "he can't", however... if you say "no puede montar a caballo" it implies that there's some kind of impediment... either physical, or maybe he's not allowed to. When you really mean that the guy just doesn't have the ability/know-how... we'd use "saber": "No sabe montar a caballo". But I don't know what the right person should be... the Spanish ones are in third person while the English ones in first person. I would assume the English is the correct one... so it should be "No me gusta caminar, no se montar a caballo" Similar story with the other bit...
  18. I found this below here: https://web.archive.org/web/20140810054301/http://www.cbsc.ca/english/decisions/2011/110831.php
  19. ... and that's not what I said (sorry, I don't mean to pick on you today :D) I just said that a Stingray without the preamp still makes a sound that you *know* it's a Stingray. The right pickup at the correct spot already gets you a lot of what is characteristic in a Stingray. How close it gets it will depend now on an array of other factors. Some basses with certain pickups can get so close that the difference does not matter. Others... not so much. At least that's just my own experience playing with my own Stingrays and various OLPs I used to own years ago, made with a variety of woods and which I modified in many ways...
  20. It is a crap idea, sorry The point you're measuring will vary from bass to bass due to the strings used and action which affects the intonation adjustment, which is not the same for every bass. The scale length of 34" is just the *nominal* scale. However, the measurement from the pickup to a fixed point above it (choose any fret, not necessarily 12", 20" will do just fine) should be the same for every bass.
  21. And it works both ways... sometimes you like someone, until you listen carefully to what they say.
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