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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I much prefer the new name, to be honest... "Pleasure board" just sounds like... another kind of internet forum
  2. I've just promoted it to the pile of "to read next" books, right after I finish "What does this button do?" (sorry, I'm a big fan of Bruce Dickinson, even if the book is boring me... I had to read it)
  3. I'm not a current owner of Ashdown products (I did own a MAG250 head and 115 cab years ago, as well as a couple of pedals, including the very cool James Lomenzo overdrive, a real unsung hero of the bass overdrive world)... but seeing their participation in this thread makes me feel very warm about them. Customer service is very important. I rate a company not just by the quality of their products but also by the quality of their customer service: when things go wrong, that's when I need them to be there for me. Thank you Ashdown.
  4. I've got the book but haven't read it yet... must get around to do that
  5. I don't like playing through somebody else's 'finger cheese'
  6. is that the same as a "Pleasure Board" but you feel oddly ashamed and dirty calling it by its name... or is that a different product?
  7. I smiled reading that... I imagine you with a nice back garden where one night a new flowerbed appeared. Don't tell me the truth. Let me believe.
  8. I'm a little slow, just to be clear... you kill the neighbours and then put their bodies between the wall and those boards? Simple as that?
  9. Your current house sounds a lot like where I am now. I generally use my MarkBass LM3 into 2x TKS S112 which is always ready to plug into. But you just have to keep it low. I often play at 2 or 3am while my girlfriend is sleeping next door and she doesn't hear me. When I moved in we ran a few 'noise tests' (previously I was in a detached house where I was able to be really loud, and I was worried that I could misjudge levels), so we found at what level I could play without her hearing me, and then surely nobody else could either. During the day I play a bit louder, but not lots more, as it's quiet... except when the neighbours have their kids and friends playing in the garden or the teenage daughter plays her stereo Those that argue using an amp in a flat is antisocial remind me of the time I walked into a bar we were playing for the first time, with my two 212 cabs... the guy in charge of the sound gave me a funny look and said "that looks loud!" in a worried tone. I assured him my amplifier had a volume knob No kittens died and sound levels were as they desired..
  10. You're probably right. If things are vibrating in the room... your bass is going to travel quite a bit! I guess this is also the difficulty: one man's reasonable is another man's too loud
  11. It depends how you play! If you can play your stereo or your TV in a flat, you can also play your guitar through your amp... just don't be a silly billy when you do it edit: "silly billy"... that's what the 'profanity translator' substituted my original text with, ha!
  12. Lucky you. I never liked playing with headphones. Even when I'm playing quietly, I use my amp. But yes, you do have to mind the levels and remember just how much bass can travel through walls. However, to prevent someone from playing amplified at home (keeping levels reasonable) during the day is just not on either. Some people expect absolute silence from their neighbours, and sometimes the same people are the ones who think nothing of playing their home cinemas with sub-bass and yelling in the house at 3am when they come home after a few drinks... It's tricky. When a neighbour has unreasonable expectations and demands, at some point you have to say 'enough' and live your life too... but you're taking a gamble as to what happens next, so it's important that you remain 'reasonable' even if others aren't, so that if the time comes, you cannot be found to be at fault.
  13. oh, she does sound high maintenance...
  14. It's always tricky with neighbours because you don't really want to start having issues at your own home... Given it looks like it's just this week, I'd lean towards keeping very calm, polite and nice. It may be worth not simply just shut down bass entirely, but actually have a conversation as to what would she find acceptable... maybe there are certain times, or lengths of time, that she would not be so bothered by the noise, and you could both reach an agreement. In my view, that would be the best outcome, where you both feel you give a little, but also take a little: respect. And then cross your fingers. Good luck! Noisy or supersensitive neighbours can be a real pain.
  15. They may be the stock ones, but that doesn't mean you won't like others better, right?
  16. But even the vocal line is near identical to that in Creep... unlike the other 'versions'.
  17. Not always. Some of the first CDs were indeed very good... but a lot of them, especially when they were reissuing older albums on CD, they seemed rushed jobs and not mastered properly for CD. It was very disappointing to buy CDs of albums I had had for years and find they lacked... 'life' , compared to what I was used to. The problem is not the medium, is what you put in it... Masters designed for vinyl are very different from those that are destined to CD, so you need someone to spend a bit of time remastering the thing to be issued on CD, and they didn't always put enough care, clearly.
  18. and I was indicating one of several reasons why that might be. I'm not arguing.
  19. Interesting, thanks! I have never seen any other reference to a Retro 215. Could it be they planned to make it but changed their minds? Anyone has seen one of these Barefaced Unicorn cabs? Ooops, I did it again and changed the name
  20. ufff... that's a seriously sexy bass!
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