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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Was there ever a "Retro 215"?
  2. lesson learnt... in Venezuela, use a fork for soup if you must...
  3. Well... interesting that you say that, because... in South America they have sometimes preserved a lot of words and phrases that in Spain we have either lost or "corrupted" into something else... so sometimes you could argue that there's a lot of "proper Spanish" on the other side of the Atlantic. As I said... it's a jungle.
  4. there may be something there, I think in Mexico (and possibly some countries in South America) lana can be slang for money. We don't use that meaning in Spain, but I've certainly heard people say (in a movie) "uf, mucha lana" when they thought something was too pricey. There are a lot of differences in the Spanish spoken in different countries... sometimes with hilarious or embarrasing results. While in Spain you would "coger el autobus" (take the bus), in Argentina that would imply you want to have sexual intercourse with the bus. In Spain coger and agarrar mean pretty much the same: take, grab... so an Argentinian would say "agarrar el autobus". It's a jungle out there...
  5. post pictures when done!
  6. Good amp. I had the 9.2... Versatile and good sounding.
  7. I don't particularly desire a lot of sustain, I think... but I can think two reasons: 1) you can always mute/deaden a string/note, but you cannot lengthen it. 2) low sustain could be a reflection of the general build quality: not rigid enough to allow strings to vibrate... Still, I'm not sure sustain is something generally considered much when thinking bass guitar... although other bass instruments can have sustain in spades, so why not.
  8. Yup. When I bought my RH450 early in 2009, it was something like £750, and the RS210 cab £370... A couple of years later or so when I was thinking of selling the RH450, the price dropped to about £600... or maybe less, I can't recall exactly, but it was a big drop. I wasn't very happy.
  9. She has, but she doesn't like the necks that much. I know, I know, I considered breaking up with her, but nobody is perfect
  10. where? Their website says only roundwounds available... edit: oh... going through the menu it says otherwise... medium scale you say? For a 4 in-line Fender style instrument ok? Hmm.... their info says to use the long scale for 34-35" standard basses, and they do not have tapewounds on long scale.
  11. Hmmm. I hope they get them back in stock, I'll keep my eye out for them. The price is good, and I love tapewounds... yet they're all quite different from each other, so I'm curious what these ones will be like. I went off Status strings because I bought my first two sets from them (flats and half-round or whatever they called them), and one of them had a terribly dull string, very imbalanced compared to the others in the set. Something was wrong. I contacted them but they ignored me... so I saw no reason to go back. Maybe I was unlucky. I hope I'm luckier next time.
  12. It's true... not just the type of string... sometimes even changing the gauge on a given bass just seems to turn it into something else. I used to go for 110-50 or 105-45 but nothing lower... Then I tried a 95-40 set on one of my Jazz basses, and it was like playing a different bass! It felt different and led me to play differently too. Fun to mix things up a bit.
  13. oh, of course. The idea of buying used strings was alien to me before I joined BassChat. Which is a shame, as I went through a period where I was lucky to pay minimal rent and I had a lot of extra cash for toys, and coincided with my wanting to find about strings, and I had LOTS of different strings... all bought new, and many were removed after a few days and stored never to be used again. Eventually I go rid of the whole lot as I did not need so many 'backup' sets... Then I realised that there was a market for them, and also came across that thing where they were collecting slightly used strings for schools etc... what a waste on my side We could have organised some kind of "used string library" on BassChat to allow people to try different strings for a bit. Even if used, it could be very useful. Although the logistics probably mean it would be too much effort for comparatively little gain unless there were enough people interested... and I think most just use whatever they're used to and rarely stray. If I had a double bass, I think I'd try to brainwash myself into believing my existing strings were the absolute best and that any change would inevitable be doomed and could actually signal the beginning of the end of the universe... £160! Ouch!
  14. I think what he meant is that while you can only bump your own ads every couple of days or something like that, some items get bumped constantly while there's a conversation going on.
  15. Nah. The 'chit chat' may be happening because there's a degree of interest in the item for sale. It's a good place to discuss details publicly. I get your point that some items get bumped to the top more than others, but I think it's a small inconvenience compared to what you can get in open discussion, with updates etc. I like it how sometimes you see a bass for sale, and a previous owner chips in with useful details that the seller didn't remember fully or things like that.
  16. I'm sorry, I'm already taken... (thank you for your kind words... you've just seen a bit of my nice side, I can be a real idiot at times too ... SHE is the great girlfriend and amazing human being, I'm only learning but slowly)
  17. There are quite a few BF users on that Mesa Subway thread... the problem is that at over 500 pages, it gets complicated to find specific details I remember quite a few Two10 and Four10 users, as well as some of the neodymium speaker range as well.
  18. Ouch! I guess... not a lot of "I feel like trying a different set of strings just to see what they're like" on the double bass world!
  19. I'm just worried that this time was a Squier... a couple of years down the line it may be something much more substantial in the dent it'll cause to my bank balance. She has a talent for picking out the most expensive item out of a list, before she knows the price. Yeah... I guess I'll have to break up with her... or start saving!
  20. my ex was the same... we shared the musical taste, but she was clueless about instruments. My girlfriend... we actually met through bass! She was a local fan of my main band. I had seen her coming to our gigs in town for nearly a year, so I recognised her in the crowd and we'd say hello, but nothing much beyond that. One night, between sets, she comes to me and tells me she plays guitar a little and has recently started playing bass... and was learning my basslines from the only CD we had out at the time. That was pretty shocking. Even more shocking was that she was nervous to talk to me because... I was the bass player in this band she really liked "omg" But she needed to talk to me because live I play a few things quite differently and she was trying to figure out what I do in one particular song... That song was the opener for the second set so I made sure to make it obvious to her what I was doing, and she was there watching me for the rest of the gig (I was embarrased by then... look, I play bass because I like the power... and hiding in the back! :D) Anyway... after that we started chatting... that led to going for a beer or 16... for walks... lunch... and we've been together for a bit over two years. Bass is awesome.
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