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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. I once played a 'festival' gig out in a forest "amps will be provided". When I arrived, they pointed me towards a tiny tiny tiny 30W Gorilla practice amp in the corner. The sound onstage was... well, very difficult. I put the thing on a chair on top of a box so that it could point more towards my ears and I still could barely hear the thing. However, it did have a line-out which they used to send a signal to the desk, and out there in the field the bass was mighty. Yes, it can be done, but if you rely on it for stage monitoring it can be difficult. Not that this is an issue for the OP, of course.
  2. Will you use them with the D800? Really curious to hear what you think about the result I hope the thunder tower doesn't topple over easily!
  3. Really??? That's a shame if true. I still have two of those... I guess I will hold on to them as I'm sure I'll find some use for them in the future. I tend to replace the covers 'though, as I'm not a fan of labels on pickup covers:
  4. Well, it made sense to me! Yes, I have a day job (for now! :D) and the cash was there, I also gig frequently (57 times in 2017, as I found out the other day), so it's worth my using something that feels better to be and gig fees quickly absorbe the extra costs... but if I had to use an LM3 for the rest of my days I would not cry either.
  5. I used Nordstrand MM4.2 and Seymour Duncan SMB4A pickups on my OLPs and I don't remember any issues. edit: hmm, but I also tended to use replacement MusicMan pickguards. Although on one of the basses I kept the original pickguard, and worked fine with the Seymour Duncan. I think whatever you go for should fit or maybe require very minor sanding of the pickguard route to make any pickup fit.
  6. Oh yes, that probably helped a lot. I can't remember what gauge I have on my Stingray, but it's either a 100 or 105 for the E, I suspect it's a 100 (I had various sets of each, and I can only find one set now, and several of 105)
  7. The sound is not 233% better, I would be the first to admit But it makes me smile. It can sound very ML3-like with the voice control all the way anticlockwise, and get progressively coloured in very pleasant ways I cannot describe. Before I bought the LM3, I was able to borrow a D800 and tested it in one of my bands' rehearsal room alongside a Streamliner 900 and a LM3, through either 2x or 4x (yes!) TKS 112. The D800 seemed to have an extra quality missing in the other two, it sounded bigger and more authoritative, whatever I did to it... but the LM3 wasn't far off! It was enough to convince me to keep the LM3. It's an amp that just never disappointed me. I would never say it's the best sounding ever, but I know that if I have an LM3, I will get a good sound. As for the audience, I don't know... but I've had a few soundguys coming to me to comment on how nice my bass sounded, and a trombone player falling in love with my bass rig... he had not realised I was using the D800+ instead of the LM3 (nobody but bass players look at what bass players play through :D)... asking me what was different, was it the bass? what was it?
  8. We had a large rectangular vinyl banner, but it wasn't always easy to fix it onstage. Then we started using a much smaller one, with a couple of standing poles. It was easy to set at the front of the stage, although on some stages we were too low and not many people would see it. The reason we wanted it is because we see lots of people taking pictures, and at least they'll have our name there. So many 'casual punters' asks us our name after a gig at non ticketed events, despite being advertised at the venue and our announcements... But then we lost the poles. And sometimes we are close to losing the banner too...
  9. So clearly there's a market for those things then! I don't mind a certain degree of floppiness (for example, the Labella white nylon strings I have on my Jazz) but my Stingray with DR Fat Beams is terrible if I detune it so much.
  10. I just don't think that amount of detuning is going to result in anything good. Fine to detune everything a couple of semitones or three, at most... beyond that it's going to feel terrible and sound not much better. Making it all the way to B on the E string? Try detuning your bass and see if you like the result. I don't. If you want a decent low B, you need a thicker string: that's a 5 string or a BEAD (for example) tuning dedicated bass. You don't need to spend lots to get a decent 5-string.
  11. I love the LM3, but the D800+ is nicer in every way, for me. It's far more versatile, 'feels' bigger (not just louder), the combination of the voice control and the adjustable HPF is brilliant. That makes it worth the extra cash for me.
  12. Hmmm, cool idea... but if I detune my E to B, that doesn't feel very good. And the interval between that and the A string is a little big to play things comfortably. I vote "not entirely convinced"
  13. I have those in two of my basses, very useful. But not good enough if you want a low B. Great tool but it has its limitations.
  14. I think that E string is too useful to lose it
  15. As others have said, the LM3 is design to run at a minimum of 4ohm, which is where you are already with your existing cab. If you add another 4ohm cab, they'll be wired in parallel (99.9% of the cab connectors are wired in parallel, the MarkBass is no exception), which results in an impedance of 2ohm. Not good. I have run my LM3 with two 4ohm cabs BY MISTAKE, and it survived... but it was only for 10-15 minutes and at home, not very loud. Not something you want to try at a gig, although the amplifier has a protection mode and it will just switch itself off... but best not test it. What you can do is wire two 4ohm cabs in series, which will give you 8ohm. At 8ohm the LM3 will not give you 500W but around 300W max. This means that depending on the sensitivity of the speakers, the result may work for you, or may be only marginally louder and disappoint you. To wire them in series, you can contact @obbm here and he can make you a little connector box (he did one for me). The best solution would be to have two 8ohm cabs (ideally identical), or a single larger 4ohm one while keeping your existing one so you can have both a compact and a louder rig. But both situations will cost you more money than buying a single cab.
  16. Ha! That makes a lot of sense and fits my experience: I turn down bass a lot and turn up mids... so I'm probably going for a relatively 'flat' setting. When I use my MarkBass LM3 I pretty much leave the controls flat, with minimal adjustments.
  17. I'm not familiar with those cabs, but I often use an Orange Terror Bass 500 at a local music venue, through either their Orange 410 (forget which model) or my own cabs at times. I always end up turning the bass EQ down quite a bit and turning up the mids. With the knobs at 12 o'clock it's too bassy for my liking for sure. Don't be afraid of turning down the bass knob on that amp.
  18. This man speaks the truth. The Classic 50s nitro version is an addition to the range, and only came in black (and maybe sunburst too? can't recall) while the poly finish Classic 50s came in fiesta red (sort of faded), black, sunburst and a creamy sort of vintage white. Both RW and Classic 50s have a wide neck, but the RW is chunkier. The feel is very different too, as the RW's neck has the lacquer worn out and the Classic 50s has the glossy poly lacquer (that I love). Sound-wise, I prefer the Classic 50 as well but I have only tried one example of each. My Classic 50 is a lovely bass. The nut width is noticeable larger than in just about any other 4-string bass I've played, but it's a very comfortable neck and has a lovely sound. I had read reviews over on TB about replacing the pickup, but I love mine, so it stayed. The RW was very light, and most RW basses I've tried were light too... not that the Classic 50s I have is particularly heavy, but another thing to think about maybe. I'd go for the Classic 50s Precision. The RW has a lovely worn-in neck but I find the 50s more comfortable and I'm not a big fan of relic jobs, no matter how good they are...
  19. How's the colour-fastness on it? I've got a couple hat came with the basses I own and I have not used them at all... I forgot entirely about them and came across them the other day and I'm considering using them. They are wide and padded, comfy. I am used to standard width hemp ones and I'm ok with them but after trying the Maruszczyk I'm thinking they deserve being used
  20. Ah, that's possible. I would have certainly been playing the higher B during the middle bit... It sounded good 'though.
  21. Do you play it as in the original version (Audioslave)? I used to play it with a 4-string and standard tuning... Guitarists say a lot of things, always worth listening, not always worth acting on.
  22. My objection is to actively forcing people to do something they don't need to do. I'm not a fan of making superfluous rules.
  23. Oh yes, I get that. But if the seller is not bothered by that, why force them? I think having the location displayed is useful and I have no problem displaying mine. I'm just against making it compulsory when there's no better reason than "but I often search the marketplace and sometimes I don't know if an item I might like is local to me or not". edit: I said 'displaying mice' when I meant 'displaying mine'... but if I had pet mice I'd happily display them too. I used to have rats and they were a lot of fun.
  24. you can probably remove the logo and reattach in your favourite orientation?
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