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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. a pair of BF Two10... Very easy to carry, loud and great sound.
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1509630547' post='3400434'] Yes - they went to Paul at the Custom IEM Company - he deals with it all and they get reshelled in good ole Florida at Inearz. They have done a great job and the whole process was hassle free. [/quote] Very tempted to get mine done. I find getting the right tips for fit and isolation is crucial, and can't get better fit than going for a reshell I guess.
  3. Best: Mesa D800+ with a pair of Barefaced Two10 cabs. I love that amplifier. I love those cabs. Together they're fantastic. Worse: Boss CEB-3 chorus It just sounds so weak and meh...
  4. Play the harmonic, then press string down and slide. On fretless the harmonic 'character' is preserved very well, on a fretted bass you lose most of it but can still hear it... however it's nothing as clear as the way it sounds on a fretless.
  5. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509126285' post='3396890'] [attachment=256364:SetListOct17.png] ...in no particular order. [/quote] You've got "I wish", "Sir Duke", "Roxanne" and "Dancing in the moonlight" (Thin Lizzy's I hope?)... I'm happy.
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509294075' post='3397858'] [url="https://m.facebook.com/LegacyLichfield/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=1"]https://m.facebook.c...ternal&mt_nav=1[/url] Bit of double bass fun! [/quote] that looks fun indeed!
  7. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509122078' post='3396854'] Okay. But if you start garnishing it with stuff like toasted quinoa or owt like that you're out on your ear. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBYjZTdrJlA[/media] [/quote] You've got a deal then. What's the set list?
  8. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509082611' post='3396453'] If you come with your own nutmeg grater, sure. Heeheehee [size=3](Don't tell them on the [i]Join My Band[/i] topic but I've just re-subscribed to that service and will be recruiting soon)[/size] [/quote] ugh... nutmeg... Hmmm... would you take black pepper? I don't do blues or nutmeg... unless the pay is very good, then I do (almost) anything
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1509055241' post='3396405'] Also an audition works both ways, its not just for the group to decide if the auditioned is good enough / right fit, its also for the auditioner to check out the band. If a guitarist decides the band are not good enough for them, that is just as much of a good outcome. Certainly if I went to an audition and they thought I overplayed, then it would be good to be knocked back as I wouldn't want to be in a group where I was being pushed down, I would never be a good fit. But if you aren't accepted or kicked out, then leave it and move on to the next thing! [/quote] Exactly. I've been to auditions where I got offered the part and I declined. Not necessarily because they weren't good enough, but because either I got a personal vibe that I didn't like, or I just didn't think it was what I wanted to play after all... so I didn't think they were suitable for me, I declined, and that's it... we both keep looking, nobody dies, no big deal.
  10. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1509045610' post='3396322'] Possibly, I think it's an issue of 'technically good' versus 'musically good', but that's another story of course [/quote] That's another thing that sometimes happens. I have a friend who can play very complicated things on his guitar. But when it comes to joining others, he just can't do it. He sounds contrived and mechanical... but the thing is the guy knows a lot, and has the technical ability, but I think he is just used to copying other people's work without really absorbing the material. I've tried to encourage him to just join bands, as I think once he loosens up he could potentially be very good... but he's not comfortable and prefers to just play at home.
  11. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509025120' post='3396124'] Microwave popcorn? Feck that! In my band we pop corn over nicely overdriven valve heads in lidded pans with a little peanut oil and serve with melted butter and a touch of nutmeg while the guitarist tunes all five of his axes and arranges his pedals in a pretty daisy chain. That's got to be on my rider before I'll even look at your band. [/quote] Oh! can *I* join your band then???
  12. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1509021797' post='3396088'] His name isn't the same as a geographical feature which might be found above a beach or coastline, is it? Yeah, the Ian Siegal story should be taken with a pinch of salt as I got it second-hand from a friend, who'd was already hanging around the London blues jam circuit back when Ian was still hosting one of the more popular ones. Apparently this guitarist (let's call him Geographical Feature) was a regular and notorious over-player at this jam. One night, Ian put a new punter up to play guitar alongside Geographical, and the new punter assumed that the other players might be as polite as he was, and would solo for one or two turnarounds before passing over to somebody else. Not Geographical. In the time it took for the V7 chord to resolve to the root, his face apparently went from full-on lead guitar gurn to shocked and appalled as this greenhorn started to play - didn't he realise that Geographical was entitled to at least four turnarounds to fully express his musical vision? After the set, Geographical dragged this poor chap outside to remonstrate with him. Word got around to Ian that things seemed to be kicking off, and he thought it best to come to the new punter's aid. My friend happened to be near the door when Ian stormed back in. "You will not BELIEVE what that ***** said to me." Ian fumed to him. My friend invited Ian to indulge his curiosity. "He said, 'all these new people are just tourists. I'm a bluesman.'" Geographical nipped back in, avoiding any eye contact, packed up his guitar and scarpered. My friend believed that Ian had told the guy to sling his hook before he thumped him. So yeah, even though I wasn't there to witness things first-hand, I found myself on Ian's side too. Especially any time I bumped into Geographical playing at another blues jam. [/quote] oh wait... you mean first name or surname? The surname might just fit! Can't be... 5 letter first name, 6 letter surname?
  13. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1509021797' post='3396088'] His name isn't the same as a geographical feature which might be found above a beach or coastline, is it? Yeah, the Ian Siegal story should be taken with a pinch of salt as I got it second-hand from a friend, who'd was already hanging around the London blues jam circuit back when Ian was still hosting one of the more popular ones. Apparently this guitarist (let's call him Geographical Feature) was a regular and notorious over-player at this jam. One night, Ian put a new punter up to play guitar alongside Geographical, and the new punter assumed that the other players might be as polite as he was, and would solo for one or two turnarounds before passing over to somebody else. Not Geographical. In the time it took for the V7 chord to resolve to the root, his face apparently went from full-on lead guitar gurn to shocked and appalled as this greenhorn started to play - didn't he realise that Geographical was entitled to at least four turnarounds to fully express his musical vision? After the set, Geographical dragged this poor chap outside to remonstrate with him. Word got around to Ian that things seemed to be kicking off, and he thought it best to come to the new punter's aid. My friend happened to be near the door when Ian stormed back in. "You will not BELIEVE what that ***** said to me." Ian fumed to him. My friend invited Ian to indulge his curiosity. "He said, 'all these new people are just tourists. I'm a bluesman.'" Geographical nipped back in, avoiding any eye contact, packed up his guitar and scarpered. My friend believed that Ian had told the guy to sling his hook before he thumped him. So yeah, even though I wasn't there to witness things first-hand, I found myself on Ian's side too. Especially any time I bumped into Geographical playing at another blues jam. [/quote] My guy wasn't Geographical (love it!) but that was a great story, thank you for sharing
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1509011468' post='3395963'] Nobody has yet mentioned the 'sh!t sandwich' approach to turning someone down. Example: Bread (good): You certainly have your playing chops together Filling (sh!t): But I don't think you are the right fit for this band Bread (more good): With your ability and enthusiasm it shouldn't be long before you find the right band [/quote] sh*t sandwich! That's incidentally pretty much how the message went... only the last bread was phrased more along the lines of wishing him the best in the future and that he'll find the right band soon etc. Then he exploded.
  15. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1509010856' post='3395952'] You have popcorn? I want to be in your band.... And I won't take "no" for an answer [/quote] Do you have your own microwave oven to bring to rehearsals?
  16. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1509010310' post='3395943'] Sacked in the middle of a gig.......that's hardcore! Best defence against getting sacked....own the PA and drive a large comfortable van!....or so I'm told...I've never been sacked from a band cos I'm awesome and perfect [/quote] you'll still get sack... only after the gig when the band is at home
  17. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1509010224' post='3395940'] When I read this bit, I had to stop and check the location under your picture - I know a guy who used to respond in exactly this way to any perceived slight against his playing, but he lives in North London, last I heard! Before this chap got himself banned from most of the blues jams in the centre of town, he did approach a singer I knew and asked if she wanted to work with him. When she politely declined, he apparently told her she was turning down "the opportunity of a lifetime"! I've also heard that his greatest claim to fame is almost being punched by blues impresario Ian Siegal. [/quote] Well, the guy is English and has travelled a bit... it could still be him. He certainly favours blues... Ian Siegal!!! I met him when he was playing in a small bar in Madrid many years agom and loved it! Not many people (it's a curious bar which closes the doors to customers when the tables are full, so it's never crazy busy and makes for a nice cozy atmosphere, almost personal)... My brother and I were one of the very few who could speak/understand English fluently, and when he realised that his chat went over the heads of most people but us, it was like having him playing just for the two of us. Cool guy. Chatted a bit afterwards. If Ian almost punched him... I lean towards Ian's side
  18. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1509009706' post='3395937'] The guitarist in my present band was once threatened with decapitation by a drummer he sacked. The same drummer ended up in my band and felt that I was sabotaging him. He really did have deep seated, psychological, problems, including psychotic delusions of persecution, for which he was taking medication. In the end he was sacked, onstage, in the middle of a gig. Not the most diplomatic way of doing things. Luckily he didn't kill us all. You never know who you are dealing with. Better safe than sorry. Being nice doesn't cost anything. [/quote] wow... Next time I'm looking for a drummer, if I don;'t know them personally I may send you a PM to check. I mean, drummers are crazy enough when they're SANE!
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1509008653' post='3395928'] I've had dealings with lunatic musicians with fragile egos before (a particular Edinburgh drummer who shall remain nameless). Now I just assume all musicians are potential psychopaths. It's safer that way. [/quote]
  20. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1509007530' post='3395912'] It's a chance you take going to an audition. I've failed auditions, been sacked from bands - sometimes politely, sometimes not. It's all part of the fun. It's character building I suppose. Whenever I've had to reject or sack someone myself it's rarely been personal so I wouldn't take being on the other end that way myself. The best thing to have in music is a bit of humility. People who think they are the greatest are best avoided. [/quote] Well summed up. The best player/musician in the world is nothing if you can't be comfortable around them. When you think of all the hours you must spend together, having at least a character than doesn't rub people the wrong way is a must. Someone who is going to be too precious about what they do which you can't criticise for fear of offending them... nah. Life's too short. Incidentally, a good proportion of the very best musicians I've met have one thing in common: they're really humble and down to earth. Human first, musician second.
  21. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1509006526' post='3395900'] I cannot understand why you would go to these lengths and fib to the guy, there are usually only two outcomes for someone auditioning, you either get the job or you don't. People need to toughen up a bit, there is too much molly coddling around the possibility of upsetting people in situations like this. Rejection is part of life, it happens everyday to people who apply for jobs, get to final interview stage and fail to get the role. [/quote] I suspect gjones was not being entirely serious
  22. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1509005294' post='3395887'] I keep meaning to go on Guitarchat, if there is one, to find out what they say about bass players [/quote] It's boring. Endless threads about how lovely their bass players are. Sickening, really.
  23. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1509005130' post='3395883'] I've met a few people like the OP describes - mainly guitarists, but a few keyboard players too... gjones's idea above is great - might need that in future! (PS. I suppose the only downfall with this suggestion, is the guy still seeing the ad around weeks later lol) [/quote] especially if it's a new band and there was no previous guitarist... although for that reason I love the suggestion. The thing is I did not know he was like that until we told him. Had I known this is how he'd take it, oh yes... I'd use that line and stand back with pop corn.
  24. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509004891' post='3395879'] The highlighted bits of your OP have summed it up for me. Even now he's wasting your time because you are still discussing it. It's best not to mock the afflicted and moving on was the right thing for your band to do. He'll find a place somewhere. [/quote] Indeed... but it takes a while to recover from the experience I hope he indeed finds a place. Far. Far away. A bad guitar player is one thing, but his attitude just reeks and there's nothing nice I could say to the guy if/when I come across him next time.
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