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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1508156794' post='3390099'] Nice jumper... [/quote] my first thought too!
  2. Chris bought my Maruszczyk Jake custom "Jazz" configured bass. Nice chat by PM and text, easy going, very smooth transaction over all. I would have no hesitation buying from him or selling anything else to him. It's been a pleasure, Chris, thank you again. I hope you enjoy the bass!
  3. Eddie just bought my SFX micro Thumpinator. Nice chat, smooth transaction, great guy... Thank you, Eddie!
  4. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1507898698' post='3388659'] When the band started out we decided we wanted to do post punk, indie and alternative stuff that everyone would know, but that not every other pub band played. It turns out we actually do quite a lot of what other bands play (Chelsea Dagger, Take Me Out, Florescent Adolescent, I Predict A Riot, etc, etc), but that's not the point. We played a few gigs and some of the punters started asking for more "classic" rock. Reluctantly I agreed to put some "off message" tracks into the set list. We now have Sweet Child O mine, Walk this Way, and Enter Sandman in the set. I'm OK with this and I agree we shouldn't restrict ourselves to a narrow genre. Last night we met to discuss potential new songs: Of the 47 song suggestions 15 were what I'd call Hard Rock, or Classic Rock. Suggestions included I Cant Get No Satisfaction, Paradise City, Schools Out (Alice Cooper) and Tush. Apart from Schools Out I don't mind the songs, but they are in no way consistent with what our current band identity is. I asked if we put Paradise City on the list would we ever play it instead of, not as well as, Sweet Child, and I might have well have taken a dump on the table. When I said if they want to do stuff that old then maybe something like Ace of Spades would be more in keeping with the Post Punk/ Indie thing they didn't get it at all. Is it me or they have they got the wrong bassplayer? [/quote] I'd say that's not the band for you then. When you say about the identity of the band... it seems to me that it all fits and it's just you who want to keep away from the 'classic rock' style... It happens. Sometimes you start with one idea but there's other people involved and they don't share your view. I don't see a problem with those suggestions in terms of consistency, it sounds like general covers with a 'rocky/guitar' flavour...
  5. [quote name='Tonteee' timestamp='1507978014' post='3389096'] Ah, I did wonder why you'd be giving it away. Why else put a price in the thread...? Sorry if I caused widespread confusion. [/quote] no worries, it was my error entirely... if anything, THANK YOU, because you made me realise the error in my wording immediately... Otherwise I might come back tomorrow morning after my gigs today and find a flurry of offers and I'd have to explain to many more people that I was being an idiot and not expressing myself very clearly (can I play the "English is not my first language" card here? )
  6. Sorry guys... I'm selling it (£80 posted)... I typed the wording very poorly I meant it was free to go as in "I'm liberating it from slavery in my pedalboard" and it can go to another place...
  7. Here's my trusty Thumpinator... all the meat but none of the fluff that just makes the amp work needlessly and the speaker cones move for no reason... but chances are if you're reading this you know what this little box does. I've been using a Mesa D800+ amp live for a few months now and it's got an adjustable HPF built-in, so I don't really need the Thumpinator anymore and it's therefore free to a good home (or even a bad one if you convince me ) [b][size=4][i]edit: by 'free' I mean free to leave my pedalboard and go to somebody else's board. As much as I like to give to charity (got two on monthly direct debit), this is intended for sale, sorry for the confusion with my poor wording [/i][i] [/i][/size][/b] Great cosmetic condition. It has velcro underneath but it can be removed if you don't need it, of course.
  8. [quote name='mike f' timestamp='1507927867' post='3388929'] Kim Clarke - Defunkt Check out their 1982 album, Thermonuclear Sweat. I love slap and I prefer the hard hitters; Larry Graham, Prince, Flea, Louis Johnson. Not keen on the short strap, bass under the chin typewritery machine gun stuff! I know Sly Stone was talking about sing-alongs but what he said describes how I feel about slap bass; [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Now a lot of people don't like to do it, because they feel it might be old fashion. But you must dig that it is not a fashion in the first place, it is a feeling. And if it was good in the past, it's still good".[/font][/color] [/quote] I agree with that. There's a lot of slap that sounds like some metallic clanking noise which leaves me completely cold. But what Larry Graham and Louis Johnson and others in their vein do is a lot more... "groove" oriented, with a deeper tone, and even when it's fast it doesn't seem they're just trying to fit in as many notes as possible, but it sounds more like different parts on a drum kit could sound. It's a style that has a lot of good uses.
  9. [quote name='Radchenko' timestamp='1507484627' post='3385791'] Yes I like the sound of sc. But Maybe this more lowers of bb2 are What I need to perceive more headroom and presence without loosing clarito and punch? Thanks [/quote] I don't think that using a single BB2 will give you what you're after. Yes it does go a bit deeper but...
  10. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1507462677' post='3385562'] Absolutely true. But I find that in the mix the volume boost makes the effect more useable. It's one of those effects that makes bass disappear behind everything else. [/quote] Not for me. I guess it will depend on your basic tone.
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1507393066' post='3385207'] Bassballs - and you can sometimes pick them up for under a score (£20). In fact I may even have a spare somewhere... [/quote] Only it's not really the type of effect most people think of as 'envelope filter'... but a fun effect all the same. I had one that was modified to get access to the sweep of the two oscillators and was pretty cool
  12. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1507128393' post='3383508'] It was this type of situation that prompted me to buy a Zoom B3. I was buying pedals to use in one song, and sometimes we'd drop the song! (For example I bought a chorus for Don't Stop Believing and it got old pretty quickly!) I know some folk just don't like multi effects, but think of this as three interchangeable stomp boxes and you'll do just fine! [/quote] Good call... the Zoom MS60 has a few good envelope filter models in it, plus plenty other fun sounds.
  13. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1507117732' post='3383404'] EHX Micro Qtron. There are better but not at the used price of one of these. [/quote] The problem with that one, for me, is that the effect is a lot louder than the input signal. I like it, I owned THREE... but each time I let it go because of the volume issue.
  14. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1507111766' post='3383332'] I could do with an envelope filter for a song we're adding to our set - Hey Ya by Outkast. I'll probably use it in a couple of other places too, but the prompt to get one is this song. Ideally I'd like to get an MXR, but as the next three months see all three of my children's birthdays and then Christmas, I can't spend that kind of money right now. So, what's the cheapest, least bad option out there? [/quote] Cheap but decent sounding and easy to get good sounds from... Digitech Bass Synth Wah is pretty cool, and lots of extra sounds. For around 50-60 quid you might be able to find one of the Source Audio Bass Envelope Filter pedals (BEF, not the 'pro' version). The original Soundblox pedal. It's larger than your average pedal but it has a variety of envelope filters and some phasers, it's really easy to tweak, there's no issues with weird peaks or bottom end loss, and it just sounds great, If you can find one... don't hesitate.
  15. [quote name='Radchenko' timestamp='1507323758' post='3384844'] Yes, Thanks for all your responses. This is What Alex said to me: The Super Compact will go as loud as the original Compact if you use a more powerful amp. The Big Baby 2 is no louder than the Super Compact. The big baby 2 is larger so it can go lower. Super Compact is a standalone solution for many bassists, particularly anyone who used to use an original Compact. The Puma 500 isn't a very powerful head. --------------- I though that big baby 2 can manage more watts... [/quote] I haven't checked but both cabs use the same driver. They may be rated differently because of how the enclosure affects its behaviour, but I doubt that any difference in watts rating can be taken as meaning it'll be louder. The BB2 is bigger and likely has more lows, bu that's probably about it. I had two BB2 and there is a LOT of lows in those cabs. If you have a SC already, I'd probably just buy another one (if you like its sound) and with the two cabs you'll have an awesome rig. You'll definitely have more noticeable 'oomph'. A single BB2 may be deeper in sound but I doubt you'll find it enough to be worth the change from SC to BB2. Use two cabs. Or something like a Big Twin.
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1507390215' post='3385177'] I noticed no lack of top end bite whatsoever when I demoed a Two10, although I did not try the BB2 to compare. [/quote] Me neither. They have plenty of treble if you want it, in fact I often turn down treble a bit and dial in the VLE filter a bit when using the LM3 with my pair of Two10s. I clearly aim for a different tone than the OP but I'd be surprised if he couldn't get what he wants, considering the players/sound mentioned. I'd go for a Two10 over two One10. It's a cheaper option and I can't imagine playing with just a One10. It might be ok as a stage monitor but a Two10 is still pretty light and portable and much more capable than a single One10. A Two10 can be carried on one hand, while two One10 requires two, etc... Simply, a Two10. Or two Two10s
  17. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1507399286' post='3385261'] Quote from one of Alex's earlier posts on this thread: "We low pass filter one driver on the Two10 (and continue that with its bigger siblings)..." I take that to mean the 2 x 12" cab's. [/quote] No, it meant the Four10, Six10 and Eight10.
  18. [quote name='Lysdexia' timestamp='1507377248' post='3385033'] [url="https://flic.kr/p/C6VKEu"][/url] My Maruszczyk Elwood 4p in Black burst. It's a 30" scale and weighs in at a delightfully pleasing 3.47Kg Although it's not really a 4p anymore because I added an East J-Tone pre-amp. It sounded awesome before the change, now it's awesomer. I hope this post works as I need to find a way to host then post my music photographs all over again. Fingers crossed... [/quote] You need to warn us before posting porn here... what a beautiful bass!!!!
  19. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1507371084' post='3384982'] Still debating whether or not to go with carbon rods - anyone have a view? [/quote] I never gave it much thought, to be honest. But I also like substantial necks... I love my Classic 50 series Precision neck. The truss rod adjustment is at the heel which is a pain, but I have adjusted it exactly zero times since I bought it 3-4 years ago. Those necks don't shift much. If I went for something slimmer I'd probably go for the rods option for extra stability. It adds a bit of £££ but if you're specifying a bass *just so*, you might as well go the extra inch or two.
  20. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1507337105' post='3384895'] Neither can I! [/quote] Don't say that! You're supposed to be supportive and say that it's all for the best and all that! Don't make it harder than it already is!
  21. [quote name='chriseardley' timestamp='1507323225' post='3384837'] That'll be me! Can't wait to get my hands on it. [/quote] Hi Chris! Yup, here's the new (proud I hope!) owner. This bass is now officially sold and in Chris' hands early in the week.
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