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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1506079499' post='3376292'] I don't know what environments the OP is playing in - but I'm using a 300W Tecamp Puma into a single BF One10 with a big band with over enthusiastic drummers and brass players. I have a second One10 but I don't often have to use it. A single one is plenty loud enough. [/quote] It definitely varies with the band... I can't imagine using a single One10. I have not tried one, but I can't imagine using less than a Two10, let's put it that way.
  2. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1506036032' post='3376104'] Completely agree that a good speaker makes a massive difference to the volume / quality of sound etc and speaker efficiency plays a big part in this. But let's assume we are dealing with high quality cabs e.g. Barefaced or Vanderkley or Tecamp / Eich and not some general piece of pub heating equipment! Are you really saying that 300W through a 4ohm BF cab will sound no louder than 150W through an equivalent 8ohm BF cab? [/quote] He's probably saying that the difference by "watts" alone is nowhere near as noticeable as most imagine. That's certainly my own experience. However many watts an amp is rated at, the bottleneck seems to be at the speakers. Get efficient (and numerous if that's feasible) speakers and you can make a relatively low rated amp work very well indeed. The difference between the 8ohm and 4ohm version of a particular cab through the same amp is also nowhere near as large as I had imagined... I suspect that even if a cab is rated for 500W, it stops getting noticeably louder well before that kind of power is applied to it: the cab can take it, but it's mostly just heating it. But this is just my interpretation. of the results, I do not have the knowledge to tell you for sure that's why speakers behave the way I experienced.
  3. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1506039140' post='3376113'] Tim, I have never said we shouldn't try to change this behaviour, and pointing the error of their ways to an idiot standing next to you is a good thing, and needs to be done. Let me know when you have stood next to all the lewd comment shouters, rapists and muggers in the world, and I'll the venture out naked with wads of cash in every orifice. Until then however I'll continue to avoid, or at least not aggravate, what seem risky or unpleasant situations and I'd advise others to to the same. [/quote] I hope they don't take your advice, or nothing will ever change. Things don't change by themselves. Someone changes them.
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1505985724' post='3375609'] Barefaced Retro 210? [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/retro-two10.htm"]http://barefacedbass...retro-two10.htm[/url] [/quote] That would be my choice too
  5. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1505856922' post='3374860'] Sterling Ball would have a stroke, he'd be apoplectic. [/quote] He would not care much, but some of the forum members... completely
  6. [quote name='Daz39' timestamp='1505853609' post='3374838'] Because you're victim blaming and normalising the continuation of these attitudes. [/quote] Thank you. You said it concisely and much nicer than I could.
  7. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1505852508' post='3374820'] No it doesn't make it right, but if you know that sort of thing is likely to happen why not choose another career? Similarly if you join the army you can't really complain if someone starts shooting at you, if you're a coal miner then you're going to get dirty. If a dancer of a certain kind dress up in provocative clothes and gyrate about then it is generally done for a specific reason, which is to stimulate the opposite (or same) sex. If you're not happy with that then find something else to do. In an ideal world we would all be able to walk around with rolls of cash sticking out of every pocket and have no fear of being mugged. You could still still do it and complain every time you're mugged, and wait for the world to change, or you could simply be a bit more discreet. [/quote] I'm not even going to respond to that now.
  8. Nice! Now, if you're bored one day... post that picture on the EBMM forum, and retire to a safe distance to watch the fireworks
  9. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1505758754' post='3374120'] However, if someone has strong objections to being ogled or having lewd comments made, then becoming a dancer where they have to wear what they're told would seem to be a strange career choice. As with lots of these things there is always the option to say no. [/quote] If you become a prostitute, it would not be strange that some day you come across a customer who is a little rough or even violent in some way. It goes with the territory. It doesn't make it right 'though. Does it? And again... the objection is not about being 'ogled'... This thread is depressing with some of the attitudes on display and justifications being made.
  10. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1505769748' post='3374240'] We all REALLY want to know what x is now! [/quote] I leave that for my autobiography. If I disclose all the juicy bits here, who would buy the book?
  11. [quote name='Lysdexia' timestamp='1505748588' post='3373986'] My first Maruszczyk - Elwood 4p 30" scale in black-burst satin. It's a joy to play. And what a slap tone it delivers! The photo is from their website, but it's also the bass I now have. Delighted! The pre-amp will be swapped out for an East J-tone 01, and I'm going to exchange the bridge pickup for a stacked J-type, but I'm not sure which one will bring me closer to a Musicman style humbucker in sound. Any suggestions for that would be very welcome indeed. [/quote] That's a seriously sexy looking bass!
  12. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1505743876' post='3373930'] I suspect you won't realise just how much it gladdens my heart to hear you say that!! ...My MB Combo (AC 121 Lite) uses as it's amp head pretty much an LM3 (albeit with additional aux in and headphone in sockets). It's been my trusted gigging amp since 2014 and has never let me down once, nor lacked headroom. As I mentioned a few posts above, I very recently paired the head with a TecAmp 2x12 cab which is, to be fair is a far better speaker than the Markbass 121 cab (but that's completely to be expected given that the TecAmp would have been 3 x the price!) and it completely held its own against the highly rated Genzler Magellan 800. [/quote] The LM3 is a very nice amp indeed. I've had one in combo form or head for many years now. At one point I was LM3-less and I quickly had to fix that and got another. It may not be the absolute best, but it always does a good job. I once compared a Streamliner 900, the LM3 and a Mesa D800 side by side through the same speakers (2x or 4x TKS S112) in a rehearsal room with a loud band. The D800 felt bigger, but I didn't feel there wasn't a huge difference in volume between the LM3 and the D800. These days my favourite amp is a D800+... I love the voice and HPF controls and the amp just sounds great, but the LM3 is not going anywhere.
  13. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1505659632' post='3373390'] those dancers could've worn long skirts or pants if they didn't want people ogling them, seriously. they show their ass cheeks and dance sexy, how could they possibly complain. If you're gonna show me, I'm gonna look. If you don't want me looking, don't show me. all dancers now dance like strippers. [/quote] Nobody is objecting to looking at what's on display. You're getting confused. You can look... but not touch without permission or make lewd comments. It's pretty... mindbogglingly obvious.
  14. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1505651414' post='3373336'] What does one expect from an alcohol fuelled audience? [/quote] I drink, and sometimes quite a bit... I still don't behave that way. Don't help them find a cheap excuse, please. That behaviour is a choice.
  15. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1505553987' post='3372731'] This might not be politically correct, but if the female is wearing revealing, provocative outfits, isn't this the response they hope for? I doubt that can-can dancers in years past were expecting mere polite applause. [/quote] It's nothing to do with politically correct (the lamest excuse of those without a real argument). It's about respect. If you really need me to spell it out for you...
  16. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1505548320' post='3372689'] Being the subject of ogling, is not just a female problem. As any, reasonably, presentable, Scotsman, who occasionally wears a kilt, will attest too. Sometimes it's amusing but many times it's not. [/quote] Uff... indeed. I'm not even from the UK, but as an adopted son of Scotland I've worn a kilt at times... and it does get a bit boring. And every single one of them thinks it's hilarious and original and that they're the first...
  17. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1505542581' post='3372648'] I wouldn't let it spoil my night [/quote] It can spoil somebody else's night 'though. Ask your female friends how often they have to deal with annoying idiots who just won't go away when asked. You might be surprised how 'normal' it is.
  18. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1505513870' post='3372590'] I've just got back from seeing an 80s tribute act with my wife and was quite shocked by the attitudes of some of the male members of the audience toward the female dancers. It seemed that quite a large chunk of the male audience think it's OK to repeatedly wolf whistle and shout out smutty comments at the dancers throughout the show. I overheard a conversation between one of these men and the lady that he was with, during the interval, where he tried to justify his behaviour by saying that "they love it, having all these men oggling them". To be honest, I found it deeply embarrassing and awkward. Now, am I being too sensitive, do I need to lighten up a bit? Is it just a bit of fun or was a right to feel awkward and embarrassed by this behaviour? How do you feel if / when you or your female bandmates are on the receiving end of this sort of thing? Is it just par for the course or is it something that should have been kicked into touch many years ago and has no place in 2017? If it does happen to you and you don't like it, what do you do? Do you react or just ignore it and carry on? [/quote] It's wrong, but it seems that "oh I'm just having a drink and a laugh, it's just a bit of fun innit?" is the usual justification (and yes, that also applies when males are at the receiving end)... But what are you going to do? When someone in my circle gets bothered, I intervene. Invariably the idiots are also cowards and go away. Not fun but somehow we've created this society where the mere action of being around alcohol means that it's ok to act like a complete idiot. Weekend after weekend. I try to do my bit simply by not buying the "ah, I was drunk" explanation every time I hear it "yes, you were drunk, but you just used that as an excuse to do something you wanted to do which you knew was wrong and did it anyway"... Other than that, what can you do? The thing is that the vast majority of people are ok. There are specific bars that attract a specific type of idiot and those are easy to spot and avoid, but in general most people are ok. I try not to let that put me off going to bars. But I know I'll encounter idiots from time to time. Just can't fight them all all of the time. A colleague/friend of mine, a very attractive 25 year old female, has had two nasty encounters in the past couple of months walking on the street. The first one on her way to work, three suited guys made obscene remarks and one grabbed her bottom (he got a slap from her). The other was at night last week awalking on the park where one guy grabbed her by her wrist and his three friends laughed and again were having 'fun' suggesting what they could do together'... which stopped because an off-duty policeman was walking right behind at the time. The worst part of that is that she says "there's nothing anyone can do, it's happened before and it'll happen again". That's the same kind of guy who will be the idiot at the bar. What can we possibly do? Well, if you have one of them right next to you, don't let them be that way and get away with it. They only at that way because we, as a group, tolerate it. I would love to beat the hell out of the next guy who does anything like that to my friend... but I can't fight them all. They're not Pokemon. It would be a lot more effective if we openly talked about their attitude as disgusting, and shunning them. But... I'm getting carried away. God, I hate idiots, and drunks... and drunk idiots the most. It's a tough condition to have when I spend so much time playing in bars...
  19. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1505644909' post='3373287'] And be subjected to 'Sex on Fire' or 'Mustang Sally' by a cover band.... no way. Hunkering down for the apocalypse... [/quote] yeah, well... you may have a point there but (hopefully) there's more than that where you live. There certainly is over here. Some really interesting bands are very young, and so is the audience, and I hate them with passion for having all that talent and drive when at their age I was still playing throwing stones in the sea (the life guard didn't like me much at the time)
  20. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1505588376' post='3373064'] "Is this the future of music?" Yes it is. Rock music is a minority interest. Jazz fans can be counted in thousands globally. A bass guitar is about as sexy as a tuba to the average 16 year old. No youngsters are getting any traction: the phenomenal Hadrien Feraud and Mohini Dey are astounding players but get no significant exposure for music (as opposed to gear endorsements). Old world heroes are gone and forgotten: Jaco, Jack Bruce, Chris Squire, Greg Lake, John Wetton, John Entwistle... It's all gone. Electric bass guitar will be functionally gone in the next generation (7 years) except for retro appeal in a break in a EDM DJ set. We are the last generation. [/quote] you need to get out more
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1505580415' post='3372994'] In the beginning, there was silence, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. After one week and ten of this silence, Adrian said, “Let there be light,” and the holy sofa shot descended from the heavens. Man saw that the sofa shot was good, and separated light from the darkness. [/quote] that's pretty much it
  22. I left a band because they were very loud at rehearsals which meant nobody could hear just how awful one of the guitarists was. I left a band because there was a definite band leader who was a control freak and sucked the joy out of everything. He meant well but... didn't go about it the best way. I left another band because I said "please don't do X, it really annoys me". Singer proceeded to do X thinking it funny. I said "don't do X". Next he did it onstage where he knew I could not respond... So that was it really. We played one more gig I had booked and I left and the band never played again. The three bands I'm with now, I've been with them for 7 years, 5 years, and just over 1 year... it's looking good for these.
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