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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1505512393' post='3372579'] Did you get the 12 ohm or 4 ohm cabs? [/quote] 4 ohm. I got one at first to try, thinking it might be a nicer one-cab solution than a single TKS S112 (mostly for monitoring onstage), which it was, and I felt having the 4 ohm version might give me a bit more volume and even work ok in smaller not very noisy gigs... which it did. Then I liked it so much that I thought "give me a pair of these then" and I haven't looked back. They're bigger and heavier than the very diminutive and light S112... but there's just no compromise in bottom end or volume, and they sound great. The pair of TKS S112 is my "practice rig". I do not really need them these days, but they sound great and are lovely so I think I'll keep them.
  2. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1505516384' post='3372603'] Thanks for the recommendation, but too late I'm afraid - I bought an Eich T1000. It's very nice! [/quote] Ooh, I haven't tried those but they do look impressive in every way, I have to say.
  3. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1505482454' post='3372272'] I like that, a good tune and a video that had me watching to the end. [/quote] Same here! It got me to check the guy out on Spotify, where I found a few more good tunes.
  4. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1505390625' post='3371542'] I had a Big Twin II. It was huge sounding. It was a little too open sounding for my taste too. I am well aware that's a crappy description, but i really struggle to explain in words what it is i wasn't keen on. I also didn't need that much power. It was LOUD. So i moved that on and bought 2 TKS S112s. They are fantastic. I love the "natural" sound from these. They are quite "mid forward", but i guess that's just what i like. I've had them for years now. I also have had a Retro 210 in that time that i was fortunate enough to win in a raffle. Much more to my taste. I really, really liked that cab. Just not more than i liked my TKS. And my TKS offered better portability options. [/quote] After a number of other cabs by other makers I gave Barefaced a go, attracted by the low weight/size as transport was a factor. First a Compact (2nd Gen). Nice, but I was never in love with it. Then I had a BB2 and then two of them. Very loud, very light, but I never got along completely. The bottom end was immense and I didn't know how to control it like I do now. So I moved to TKS... first a pair of 1126. I liked them A LOT. But still not quite right. Then I tried the TKS S112 and fell in love. I got two, and then another two. They don't have huge lows, and power handling is low... but sound great and they just work for what I want. And they are very light and very small. I sold one pair and kept just two of them. I thought that was it. Sometimes I do need something that sounds bigger... but I love them too much to move them along. Such a great sounding and portable setup. THEN... Barefaced Two10 appeared and I'm back with Barefaced. And THAT was it. Very tight low end, nice mids, more than enough top end despite the "Retro" label making me thing they'd be too dark. I now have a pair of Two10 cabs, and I feel no urge to change anything. They're easy to carry, they are still pretty compact (two of them fit in the boot of my hatchback), they get very loud if needed, and above all, they sound just right. The BB2 were too big and open for me. These give me a good sound without even trying. They never get too brittle, they never get too boomy, beautiful low mids punch... And they also look pretty good. I wish they had recessed handles, but I don't want to go there...
  5. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1504956457' post='3368541'] Somewhat paraphrased conversation: Me: [i]Seen an SVT 2 Pro for sale on BC, what's your experience of these?[/i] Him: [i]Great but stupidly heavy[/i] Me: [i]Wasn't entirely happy my rig was cutting it last Saturday, maybe need louder[/i] Him: [i]Maybe get some decent cabs, don't like BF build or sound[/i] I then start surfing t'Interweb and find TKS 2126, instant GAS ensues, followed by realisation of how difficult it would be to try out one... [/quote] Those TKS aren't bad at all! I had a pair of 1126... very nice they were.
  6. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1504808682' post='3367527'] Thanks for the suggestion, but I've never got on with Boogies for some reason, too 'rock' tone-wise in my (admittedly limited) experience. [/quote] well, you could do worse than having a try yourself... the Mesa D800 (or better the D800+!) is a great amp, and very versatile. Try one if you can, I think you might change your mind about the 'too rock' vibe! I prefer the D800+ because the built-in adjustable HPF is a great addition and worth the extra cost alone. I play mostly ska and funk and it works very well for both styles.
  7. [quote name='Austin1303' timestamp='1504725595' post='3366939'] Keep coming back to this, very nice indeed. GLWTS [/quote] Imagine it next to your other basses, then. Uf. Beautiful!
  8. [quote name='Wilco' timestamp='1504299070' post='3364052'] Well it's arrived & it is bloomin' lovely..! The necks are just amazing on these basses - so playable. Both mine have a 14" fretboard radius & I like that flatness! Low action & no fret buzz either. Sounds are spot on Jazz bass - on some steroids. Look is going to be too 'coffee table' for some, but I like it & the individual aesthetics you get with Maruszczyk's are a great feature of the brand I reckon. A pic in the gear porn thread, but I'll try & do a better one at some point! [/quote] That bass looks amazing!
  9. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1503955965' post='3361860'] As much as I'd love a flea yazz this yazz is very appealing and it's the same finish as my P5 albeit a different colour. A p neck you say?? [/quote] Yup... that was the main point for me. I don't get along with Jazz style necks. They're ok, but I much prefer Stingray/Precision types. This one is 42mm wide at the nut and 21mm deep at the 1st fret. Comfy profile, for me. Not chunky like '51 type Precisions, or as wide as '57 type Precisions.
  10. [quote name='Wilco' timestamp='1503947107' post='3361779'] Yep, those links work (& I still can't see originals so hopefully all interested parties can now see one or other). Lovely bass - my fiver has a similar finish in 'cherry' & it's very tactile. Anyone suffering with back issues & who wants a very, very decent 4 string will be delighted with this one. Maruszczyk build quality is superb. GLWTS [/quote] Thank you
  11. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1503634794' post='3359812'] They're there on the page, God I love this bass Jose [/quote] You'd love the weight too, as I know you have a thing for light weight instruments
  12. I'll add some links here as text and see if that helps those who cannot see the images... https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgotpjut8ohcosp/2017-02-08%2009.59.26.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8jjyeyvaiqwt9g/20170202_141857.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnsjmnemj3to1ar/20170202_225207_Richtone%28HDR%29.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mhqhfuced2j4bt2/20170203_093519_Richtone%28HDR%29.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/49aafsgmwz9zg3a/20170713_195844.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kx4hvj5rvnfx2j/20170713_195915.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2l2k92hvhpivtj5/20170713_195939.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6mimyko43gqnh9q/20170713_200012.jpg?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/xcuy9dhna8n7h9r/IMG_8309.jpg?dl=1
  13. That's really weird about the pictures... I can see them at home and work using various computers and also my phone... (Windows PC/laptops and Android phone)
  14. [quote name='JaketheB' timestamp='1503137092' post='3355932'] If this had a jazz neck... Lovely looking bass. From what I've heard Hausell pickups are great. [/quote] The pickups are really good, very happy with the sound. As for the neck... there's nothing I can do about it
  15. [quote name='dodge_bass' timestamp='1500928440' post='3341175'] PM'd [/quote] ... and back
  16. [quote name='FHB' timestamp='1500592096' post='3339030'] Can't seem to see the pictures! [/quote] They're there I reduced them to be around 300Kb each, so they should load pretty easily on... anything. They're hosted on dropbox so I wonder if there was a temporary issue with them? I'll be back on Monday, if you keep having trouble PM me and I'll either send you links or the images directly to your email or something.
  17. You guys are not making it any easier for me talking about how nice it looks, and the pickups, etc... I'm away from tomorrow morning for three days playing ska and reggae and sleeping who knows where, so I may not get back to respond to any PMs until Monday, but I will respond as soon as I get back.
  18. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1500158337' post='3336029'] Is anybody 100% happy with their tone? I've spent many years and lots of money on different amplifiers, different cabinets, different basses, different strings, countless hours on my technique, and the closest I've ever got is a tone that's just ok, one that I'm fairly happy with, but not one that totally satisfies me. I wonder sometimes if I'm just chasing something elusive but ultimately unattainable - subjective perfection? [/quote] I'm currently 100% happy with mine. I define 100% happy as "getting better than 90% perfect" Or when the ratio of "damn that sounds good" to ("it works" + "meh") is above 2 at the very least. Or something At some point one realises that the search for a better tone belongs to the "something I do for fun if I have time and can afford it and be arsed about it" , otherwise it gets too stressful. In my case I prolonged it longer than necessary because I added other constraints like "it has to fit in my boot" (driving a small car!) and "it's got to be portable enough" with regards to shape and weight...
  19. EDIT: it seems some people are having trouble displaying the embedded pictures, so I've added a bunch of links on post #27 so that you can download/display all the photographs. EDIT: [color=#ff0000][b]Reduced to [/b][/color][size=5][color=#000080][b]£700[/b][/color][/size] A couple of costly surprises mean that I could use some extra cash, and this bass, nice as it is, is just not getting enough attention (I simply seem to be drawn mostly to Stingray and Precision basses), so it's a prime candidate to be sold. I ordered it at the end of last year and it's been with me since the end of January. I have mostly just used it at home, and only played a couple of gigs with it. It's been looked after and it's in excellent condition. It's very light, yet it balances perfectly.[b] EDIT:[/b] [b]weight is 7.8lbs according to my luggage scales.[/b] The body is ash, chambered to be light weight, with a matt reddish purple finish that allows you to see (and feel) the grain. The neck is maple, with a tinted glossy lacquer finish. It has typical Precision dimensions (42mm wide at the nut, 21mm deep at 1st fret). It was my attempt to have a bass that feels like a Precision but sounds like a Jazz, as I don't get along with the thin Jazz necks. I mean, I can use them, but I much prefer a Precision. There are 3mm black dot side markers, but no markers on the top of the fingerboard. I like it better this way and the side dots are very visible under low light conditions, which is all I need. The pickups are alnico single coil Hausell JJ 60s. They are really sweet pickups. I like them a lot. I wanted something that sounded like a classic Jazz and these were recommended by Adrian, and he was right. Lovely sound. They are positioned at the correct place for a 60s type Jazz. The controls are just like on a standard passive Jazz: two volume controls, and a master tone control. All hardware is black, the bridge is 19mm spacing and allows you top loading for fast string changes. The pickguard still has its protective plastic sheet on, so it'll be completely immaculate. It came with Schaller straplocks that I replaced. I will include those. It also came with a very nice wide, padded, leather strap worth around 30-40 euros, which will also be included, together with the relevant paperwork and certificate etc that Adrian includes with their basses. There's also a Maruszczyk branded padded gigbag, of course. While I'm looking for cash, mostly, I could be tempted by a combination of a decent cheaper 5-string plus cash my way. I've been thinking of getting a 5-string recently... and it would be about the only thing that might tempt me to do a part-trade. I prefer wide string spacing and maple fingerboards, I am partial to Stingray style basses despite their narrower spacing, but I also liked the Yamaha TRBX505 I tried recently with twin humbuckers and rosewood fingerboard... so, who knows! [color=#0000ff][b]Any suggestions for trade or any kind of offers, please PM me, as by the rules of this forum they're not allowed on the main thread and may otherwise be removed by a mod before I even get to see them.[/b][/color] Here's some pictures... feel free to ask for any further details you wish.
  20. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1500445603' post='3337736'] So my first attempt is only half way through, I cut out the rough shape of the 'plate & TRC using the Dremel cutting disc. Took ages, and the plastic bobbled up around the cuts. In hindsight, I think it would have been quicker & easier to use the jigsaw instead. Going to try that next time anyway & see what happens. Got to finish the first attempt off when I get some time. The Dremel sanding attachment looks like a very good option rather than doing it by hand for the larger bits, hand finish for the trickier parts. [/quote] if you can take pictures of the process and post them here as you go along, I'm sure there's a few of us who would appreciate it. The experts post their lovely results, but they know what they're doing I'd love to hear the issues a total novice just like me encounters
  21. Saturday, 9pm - midnight in a marquee outdoors. No PA support for the bass. The Mesa D800+ and the pair of Barefaced Two10 sounded fantastic (again) with plenty of volume in store still. I love that combination. And it was just an hour's drive from home, which is is nice. Of course, there was a bit of drama before as my car's front right brakes seemed a bit stuck and overheating the wheel (I noticed the smell before I noticed the drag!)... so I drove to the garage on Saturday morning and I was without a car for the day and the other guys live a fair way away from me, so I wanted to rent a small van (cheaper than a car) to avoid them a lot of extra driving, which was not easy at such short notice... but I managed in the end. Of course, once I had the van the garage told me my car was ready Then Sunday morning... take bus from my house in the West of Edinburgh to the van place East of Edinburgh, and then to the garage North of Edinburgh... and I remembered exactly why I have a car in this town. Edinburgh's public transport thoroughly sucks, unless all you want is to go to the city centre.
  22. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1500196357' post='3336105'] My only problem was that the sound guy in the venue couldn't get a DI from me, despite trying different cables and a new DI box...And this was my fault for being an idiot and totally forgetting the combo has a line out volume control ! [/quote] Ah... I've done that!
  23. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1499074138' post='3328911'] True - exactly why I changed from a Stingray 5 to a Sterling 4 with a Hipshot so I could go down to Low B when needed [/quote] The thing is that you can get to lower notes (I have them on my Stingrays, but only to low D) but I find that the 'selliing point' of a 5 string bass, for me, is the 'lateral movement'... being able to span a wide range without going up and down the neck. It allows you to play a lot of things very comfortably... and the extra few low notes sometimes are nice, but nothing more than the cherry on top. A hipshot, as nice as it is, doesn't give you that.
  24. The USA made SUB 5 is a fantastic bass. Not many around 'though. I had one and it was around 10.5lbs, and I suspect most are on the heavy side. I still have a SUB 4 and that thing is really heavy too, but what a bass. The Sterling Ray35 and SUB have very very narrow string spacing at the bridge... I'd try it before going for one. I find it too narrow for my liking. They must be around 15.5 or 16...
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