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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1498561119' post='3325489'] They look ace. Have to ask though, how is the vinyl finish? Have they sorted out whatever glue issue was causing them to strip? I wouldn't mind picking one up, if that's all history. [/quote] I can't tell for sure, I've had them less than a year (I bought the first Two10 in September last year). So far, they seem ok. For the time being, they look good enough and nothing is peeling away like they did on the first run. It's a much nicer finish that on the other BF cabs, in my opinion, and I do like their softly textured vinyl more than most other alternatives I've seen in other cabs. So I hope their new glue is as long lasting as other manufacturers'.
  2. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1498556669' post='3325443'] Are they running a mic on your cab there? I always like it when venues are up for that. Edit; aah, you posted about the mic while I was typing. Makes this post a bit redundant! [/quote] Yes, they did! I was very surprised, as it rarely happens. So surprised that I didn't remember to say "use the top one, as the bottom one doesn't get the full frequency signal"... One of the bands I play in, the RATM one, requires a fair amount of overdrive for many songs. Going DI is never producing the most pleasant results. The VT-Bass has a speaker simulation but I like to use other pedals. I plan to use the OmniCabSim DI pedal but I always remember when I'm about to load the car and leave I wish they used microphones more. When you ask them about it they generally just smile and go "nah, DI will be fine and easier" and you know it's not worth getting precious about it. On the other hand... if they use a Pre DI that allows me to tweak the sound onstage and I don't have pressure to get it just right during soundcheck, which are often pretty short... so it's a mixed bag of feelings there.
  3. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1498037376' post='3322082'] I don't understand the animosity toward the guy. He's totally free to advertise it for whatever he wants, and in whatever condition. If someone os fool enough to pay hundreds of times more than it's worth, the that's down to them. [/quote] Same here... I'm confused
  4. I have to add that the S112 pair has been relegated to home use... They're great, but the pair of Barefaced Two10 when combined with the Mesa D800+ amplifier is a few notches above the S112 rig. It's bigger, but not terribly so and not that heavy either... and it sounds fantastic. The bottom end hits you, but I retain all the definition that I loved on the TKS cabs... a great sound that blends in beautifully in the band but retains presence and it just feels so powerful. I bet the TKS would sound great with the Mesa too, but the Two10 can use the power from the amp and deliver beyond what the smaller S112 cabs can do. I'm still loving the S112 cabs, which is why they stay until space becomes an issue, but there's no contest between these two rigs. Here's the new kid:
  5. and yes, I know... they put a microphone on the wrong speaker. I didn't think of it at the time. It seems to have worked ok still, but that was one a gig nobody said anything about the sound (except my trombone player, but of course he was getting the whole picture onstage).
  6. Yet another update. I already liked the Two10 cabs... but the arrival of a new amp has just taken them into the stratosphere. So while I wait for them to return here's a picture That combination sounds amazing (Mesa Subway D800+). The D800+ has a variable HPF control which is very useful at controlling the bottom end. Between the 'voicing' control (a 'contour' of sorts, but not exactly, there's more to it than a simple EQ curve shift between 'smiley' and 'sad' shapes) to set the general character of the sound, and balancing the bass control with the HPF, it's very easy to get a strong low end without sounding muddy/boomy. The low mids are punchy and my bass sounds big and powerful without even being too loud. I've only had 4 gigs with this setup and I've got quite a few complimentary comments. One sound guy made a few notes about what I was using because he said it was the best bass sound he had heard in a while and couldn't believe it came from such a relatively compact rig. Powerful bass that you cab *feel* yet well defined and clear across the stage (and outside too, of course, but I have a more direct experience of the stage sound, of course... for outside I go by the comments of others, and it seems to be pretty good... nobody had commented on my sound for a while, and suddenly there's this influx... this rig must be doing something right )
  7. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1498554457' post='3325403'] You don't know my guitarist ... if he can't hear me he's quite likely to completely lose his timing - for some reason he can't lock in on the drummer. I do completely agree with your point about the audience deserving the best sound we can give. [/quote] Then it sounds like the answer is not so much technology but... the guitarist needing homework. The good news is that unless he's totally useless, he can improve and won't take too long. As he's managed to make it into your band and played there a while, I assume he's not useless... so it's time to get him to do his homework
  8. I would not separate the cabs, but stack them. It may be useful to angle the cabs a bit towards the stage. I sometimes put them at 45 degrees or so if I'm at the far left corner (as I often am), as you still get good bass coverage but it seems to help others hear better the midrange, and so pitch recognition (and I can then hear it better if I move around). Although if you say the issue is timing this should not matter that much. If he can't hear you because his amp is too loud/close to him try separating them. There's no rule saying you must play right by your amp but a lot of people seem to think that's the best way to do things... it's a good way to hear yourself for sure but not so much if you want to hear everybody else. If he wants more bass, let him move away from his amp and a bit closer to you and the drummer.
  9. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1498388701' post='3324203'] Thanks, Jack. It wasn't so much spreading the sound as having a bass cab right behind the guitarist so he can hear me keeping time ... a concept he seems to struggle with [/quote] can't he hear the drummer?
  10. I love this guy's videos, really cool basslines and entertaining. This one has a little extra in the shape of playing basses from 100 to 10000 dollars! It's not exactly a useful comparison in any way, especially as you get a Precision vs a Jazz vs a... I don't know, a double humbucker type of bass... but it's cool to see that if you can play a bit, you can probably play anything and make it sound decent. When I was a teenager I had a terrible terrible guitar and I used to tell myself that I'd be so much better when I got enough money to buy that Fender Stratocaster... and one day I was walking in the city centre in Madrid, and this little gypsy boy no more than 8 or 9 years old, was playing a Spanish guitar that had a hole in it and was in terrible state... and the boy was incredible on that broken guitar. That was a good lesson. Anyway, here's the video, enjoy! http://youtu.be/iLDP_DchWmk
  11. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1498486122' post='3324942'] Size highlighted, not the 'package size' below. [/quote] Thanks! It looks like it just might work? 3cm is just about the clearance I've got to the floor... shame the feet cannot be replaced as I could install bigger ones to be sure... 7cm and L-shaped ends of the cables is plenty to fit between the bars... I might just order one and see, thank you!
  12. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1498494327' post='3325009'] Don't tempt me but I'm contemplating a Fretless Speesy with F holes in the future! [/quote] well, if someone is going to do that... I'd trust it would be you!
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1498417810' post='3324449'] The 'straightforward' way is to copy the 'Share' link from Youtube, paste it into your post, and simply remove the 's' from 'https' at start of the link link. That's it; that's all. It works for me on a humble PC; no guarantee concerning other devices, though. Try it..? [/quote] no need to add the tags??? [media]http://youtu.be/YPhO5g39vpg[/media] edit: whoa! it works! and when you click edit you can see the forum software added the tags itself... couldn't be simpler! nice one
  14. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1498420189' post='3324494'] Nearly maxed? Mine is between 10 and 11 o clock on the input, between 1 and 2 o clock output. Have you tried it at different places in your effects chain? [/quote] No, I haven't tried different places, it's been on the same spot always, at the end of 2-3 pedals (the exact pedals vary at times). The output is set around 9-10 o'clock, and the volume with it on/off stays the same. It does its job well but it seems a bit weird I am at the far end of the input gain adjustment, anything between 3-5 o'clock. I could bring the input gain down but then it barely gets triggered. I suppose it might depend on whether you want it to just tame the extreme peaks occasionally or have it as a more present effect.
  15. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1498470337' post='3324748'] It is! I was tempted to get it set up from E-C but I ended up not doing that. [/quote] You're crazy I love your crazy bass ideas. All that pointiness is not for me but they look cool.
  16. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1498472723' post='3324770'] Arrived this morning, I've had 5 minutes to plug in and test it. So far it seems that the Digitech and other pedals are playing nicely together! Great! Oh and for once, the unit seems smaller than the advertised picture online! Much appreciated WoodInBlack! [/quote] Hmmm... how big is this? I'm looking for something that would fit under my Pedaltrain Nano...
  17. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1498411637' post='3324388'] I haven't yet emailed them but I may well do. I know the site warns of the waiting time and I was kind of expecting to wait a bit after having read a few threads over on Talkbass. But I assumed part of the waiting time for the guys in the US was the international postage and customs process. It does seem a bit excessive considering I've had orders involving multiple custom pedals discussed, spec'd, made and delivered in under 2 weeks from other builders. I know their life doesn't revolve around my pedal but honestly, having handed over £119 of my childrens' inheritance over 3 weeks ago I'm getting rather impatient. I guess my impatience is made worse knowing that A) it isn't a custom order, and B ) I've seen a couple of used Thumpinators come and go in the classifieds during that time! The only thing keeping me sane is knowing that pretty much every Thumpinator user out there is thrilled with it - so at least I can be confident it'll be worth the wait... [/quote] Did you ask for an ETA when you ordered it? I have only made a handful of custom orders to small builders, but I always ask for an estimate of completion. The one pedal I had made for me was pretty unique (not from SFX) and it took several weeks to get all the specs right, and then another 8 weeks or so. But I knew beforehand that this was the rough time scale. Quite frankly, I'd email SFX directly and find out. I only dealt with him once about modifying a wah pedal I had (I have a Thumpinator, but I got it second hand... and yes, it's worth waiting for it ) and he was pretty good in his communications with me. I hope you don't have much longer to wait now
  18. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1498410489' post='3324378'] Hi all, again. Thanks for the feedback - and the positive comments! Yeah - one of the reasons we went down well is because people liked hearing the good old fashioned rock. I like the idea of having 'low demand' projects on the go - I will need something to keep it going, otherwise, with normal job workload, it would be easy to let it drop. You're all right that other things will come along. Thanks for posting your vid, Dad3353 - you reminded me that we had this! [url="https://youtu.be/JcUphKIbLm8"]https://youtu.be/JcUphKIbLm8[/url] How do I embed video on here? [/quote] what I do is: - paste the link - remove the 's' from the 'https' bit - add 'media' tags at each end. That is the word 'media' (no quotes) surrounded by [ and ] characters, on the first tag. And for the second (end) tag put '/media' instead, surrounded by the [ ]... I'd type it here but then the forum software tries to use it and won't display it The result is: [media]http://youtu.be/JcUphKIbLm8[/media]
  19. It doesn't look good to me. It looks FANTASTIC. I'm not a fan usually of 'crazy' designs and singlecuts etc... but this one is just lovely. It looks futuristic, but because of all the electronics are hidden, it still looks very... earthy and organic. I love it! Well done you two!
  20. [quote name='Overdrive777' timestamp='1498395178' post='3324273'] I'm an owner of a D800 and I just LOVES IT! Combining that with two TKS112 or PH610. Reading that you are using BFs and also owning S112. Have you compared those?? GAS coming to me so I probably need to try out the BFs... Hard to find here in Sweden though... [/quote] I have not tried the D800+ with the TKS S112 vs Two10. I did try a D800 with two or four TKS S112 a while ago (D800, and also a MarkBass LM3 and a GB Streamliner 900). Without a doubt the D800 sounded 'bigger' and was my favourite, but the LM3 was perfectly adequate and I did not feel at the time I wanted to change. Now, the S112 cabs are really nice sounding but they don't have the depth that many bigger cabs have. I love their sound, and it works for me, and they're so light and portable, what's not to like? I just never expect a big bass sound from them. They don't sound wimpy (you know that, of course), they just don't hit you like a big 810 would, unsurprisingly, and that's ok. I find the Two10 a bit on the same ballpark as the S112... in the sense that I can get a very very very similar tone out of them. In particular I liked how on the S112s the treble doesn't get brittle, the low midrange is nice and strong, and the low end retains great definition. They're very tolerant of silly adjustments. They're not hifi at all, and that's what I like about them, they have a definite character and it is a character that suits me. With the Two10 I have something similar, even if the 'baked-in' sound is a bit different it is not that different and can easily be EQ'd to sound very much alike. But the Two10 has a much more powerful low end... and they can take a lot more power. It means that I can get a similar sound to the sound I loved on the S112, but with more oomph. When you take two of those, it is a great experience: you don't need to be very loud, but you hear it clearly and also feel it. They have that 'thump' that is so satisfying to feel when you're onstage. Even when I was just DI'd, having the two cabs was great: the sound onstage was nice and pretty even everywhere (vertical stack), and it felt good too. It's such a little extra 'hassle' that I think I'm going to start taking two cabs more often: it takes the same footprint, doesn't add more setup time, so it's only a matter of whether I need to walk with them too far (and I have a trolley). I used the 2x Two10 with a LM3 once and I did not love it. It may have been the stage, as I have only played there once (The Arches, Coventry)... it was ok but I just didn't like it much. It did not have the oomph or the tone. Muddy, boomy stage sound... So far my experience with the D800+ has been brilliant. I think the voicing knob is very useful, very musical. I thought it'd be just another 'contour' knob but this one certainly seems useful to me, and between that, and the variable HPF, I seem to get the right sound with minimal fuss. Then I may tweak the bass knob a little, but that's all. I wonder if I had had the D800+ on that stage, I'd have been able to get a better sound. The place I played last night in Aberdeen (Krakatoa) was not very different in size, layout and type of stage... but it sounded great there. I don't know. I think the Two10 are great cabs, but I did not come to really love them until I got the D800+, which seems to just work better than my LM3 with them, for whatever reason. So much so that my pair of S112 are now relegated to backup/home practice use. If they weren't so pretty (electric blue ) I would probably have them for sale already.
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1498393160' post='3324254'] Good move. I had a guy from the audience come up to me last week and say, "I'm not listening to the rest of the band. I'm only listening to your bass. It sounds fantastic." What's that urban myth. . . . no one notices the bass player? They do if you make them want to! [/quote] With regards to noticing you, it doesn't count if you play naked. That's cheating. Apparently. I wish someone had told me before the whole issue with the police...
  22. I just wrote this on the "best amp ... thread": [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Four gigs on in a variety of settings, indoor, outdoor, DI'd, mic'd, without support...[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This thing is fantastic. It works fantastically well with a pair of BF Two10 cabs... you feel it, it hits you, even when it's not set too loud... I love this amp, I love this combination. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This weekend over three gigs I made a trombone player fall in love with my rig (at one point I thought he was going to hump it [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]), I had two sound guys wanting to know what I was using and they drooled over it because it sounded so good, I had random audience members telling me how nice the sound was, and one guy I met in the street afterwards remembered me and my Stingray and that he loved the sound... [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I was already pretty happy with the way it sounded, but if I had any doubts that it was just my imagination, the doubts are all removed now. [/font][/color]
  23. at risk of sounding too much like I'm just enjoying my new toy... I'll say it: MESA Subway D800+ Four gigs on in a variety of settings, indoor, outdoor, DI'd, mic'd, without support... This thing is fantastic. It works fantastically well with a pair of BF Two10 cabs... you feel it, it hits you, even when it's not set too loud... I love this amp, I love this combination. This weekend over three gigs I made a trombone player fall in love with my rig (at one point I thought he was going to hump it ), I had two sound guys wanting to know what I was using and they drooled over it because it sounded so good, I had random audience members telling me how nice the sound was, and one guy I met in the street afterwards remembered me and my Stingray and that he loved the sound... I was already pretty happy with the way it sounded, but if I had any doubts that it was just my imagination, the doubts are all removed now.
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