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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1495188900' post='3301952'] Sounds like a right cheeky douchebag. Must have been very tempting to tell him to feck right off and keep his dirty mitts off. I know the score and now never have any of mine on display. I've had other people's kids paw at my guitars with jam covered fingers and when I kindly ask them not to their parents excuse them saying they're only curious and dont know any better. No but the bloody parents should [/quote] Years ago I took a year off during my degree to work for a biotech company as a job experience. The company found me a room in a house where the landlady also lived and took students providing room and dinner etc, until I could find a place of my own in the new city. She had a daughter with a 3 year old kid. One day after work I went downstairs and I asked Marina casually "so, did you have visitors today?". She said yes, and told me all about it. Except one detail. The kid was left unattended and found his way to my room which had the door open. Apparently he saw my guitar once and was fascinated by it and always wanted to go upstairs to look at it. Only he did more than looking. There was a lollipop stuck on the top of the guitar! No damage, but Marina was mortified... and she always made sure my door was locked if the little kid was around when I was not at home
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1495184772' post='3301896'] At least he didn't get to twang any G strings that day then! [/quote] you're terrible
  3. [quote name='leftyyorky' timestamp='1495137037' post='3301627'] The car analogy is an interesting one, which at least 2 big manufacturers have joined in on. Ford do the ST line, which is basically a focus st without the engine, Audi do the S line which is a similar sort of thing. I've not seen the Ford badge but the [b]Audi badge just looks like an S badge from anymore than 3 feet away because the "line" is so small[/b]. To use Jeremy Clarksons analogy he said he couldnt drive a Porsche Cayman because its telling the world that I cant afford a 911. For what its worth I think Clarkson is just a pompous snob who used to be a Yorkshireman. Back to basses, I own a Squier VM Jazz in maple, and I love it, it plays great, sounds great, looks and feels great, and I've never once thought about putting a Fender decal on it, I'm proud of the instrument as it is.when I was 18 I had an Ibanez Ric copy which I owned for many years, that had a home made Rickenbacker trc on it for about 2 weeks until I thought "who am I kidding?" And put the Ibanez one back on.I dont mind what others do to their basses if it makes them happy and they are not trying to defraud in a sale. Btw I've got a 4003 now and I've no intention of changing the truss rod cover 😁😁😁 [/quote] I disagree about the Audi S-Line. I think there's no confusion between say an Audi A3 S-Line and an Audi S3... the badge is pretty different, and there are none of the outwardly distinct S-series features. The S-Line does look a little 'sportier' than the standard models, but it's to do with stuff like the wheels and stuff. The interior of the S-Line is 'pretty', with leather seats etc, and I think that's the sort of thing that attract people to the S-Line, not looking like an S3 or S4 or whatever. Yes, you guessed it, I own an S-Line A3 I got it used, and the fact it was an S-Line was actually one of the negative points when I went to try it. I don't care for low profile tires and sporty suspension (you feel every little bump on the road, which gets tiring in everyday use), but it looks nice especially inside, it feels great, I loved the seats, it drives really nice... and it was red and the boot fitted my two cabs perfectly... so I went for it. Mine is the one with the smallest engine in the range, which suited me... I had a 1.6 Golf before, and this is a 1.4 Turbo which is slightly more powerful, with noticeably nicer acceleration, and it's a lot more fun to drive even if it's most definitely not a racing car... and all that while getting a much better MPG than my old Golf. I don't think anybody sees my car and thinks it's highly powered. It just has nice aesthetic touches compared to the standard version. I only wish it had smaller wheels with higher profile tires and less 'sporty' suspension... although I have to admit I love the way it handles bendy A and B roads, where lots of other cars have to slow down I can just sail through. ANYWAY... carry on... I just had to come in and defend part of what the S-Line provides. It looks pretty standard and nothing like an S3... "S-Line" just specifies a particular interior and some minor externally visible details like the wheels...
  4. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1495181233' post='3301844'] I had the same thought... [/quote] glad I'm not the only one...
  5. [quote name='kendall' timestamp='1495119377' post='3301438'] Had some bore turn up to quote for some windows once. He caught sight of my bass and started on about playing guitar in his local church band and waxed lyrical about Les Paul's to me, my face must have glazed over as eventually he asked me if I played in a band. I explained that I was the bass player of a Black Metal band called Church of the Rotting Christ. His face was a picture. When I asked him if he would like tickets to our next gig, my wife had to leave the room. He measured up super fast after that and left without any further musical discussions. PS. Still trying to get that band up and running...... [/quote] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1495107513' post='3301303'] Vertical ones? Stacked vertically? [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1495102710' post='3301254'] Yeah. To be fair, it kind of works in the scenario above (i.e. unaccompanied "showing off" playing) - but on stage with a band that tone tends to disappear. Equally though, a "honky" middly tone can grate when soloed... [/quote] It didn't even work for me solo. I can accept it's a personal taste thing, but I want a bit more substance to the sound: more mids. No need to be 'honky', but that's far too mid-scooped for my liking.
  8. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1495098280' post='3301196'] Oh dear what colour did you want? [/quote] I was after a more blueish purple. Think Prince's Jazz bass. The thing is Adrian sent me a picture that looked a bit too blueish so I said "cool, but maybe a bit more reddish and a bit darker" and I got that. A combination of that and non-calibrated computer monitors at my end... that's what happened. Still nice, but not what I had in mind. I should have known better. When I had a Jazz bass refinished, I mailed a physical example of the colour I wanted, and that worked perfectly. I should have done the same.
  9. A standard 410 would fit in more cars without trouble than a vertical 410 would, and would be a pretty awkward thing to carry by one person (when I owned 410s, I usually had help but many times I carried the thing by myself up/downstairs and loaded it into my car). Two separate 210 cabs are even easier... so I guess those who want a vertical 410 end up getting two 210s. Just like if I wanted an 810, I'd get two 410s instead.
  10. what I don't like is the sound... ugh. I hate those "deep lows with ultra piercing treble, sir?" types of bass tones...
  11. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1495020867' post='3300479'] A meter reader came round the other morning. A chatty man, he was. I showed him to the cupboard under the stairs, to read the meters, which is in the corner of the lounge. He spotted some basses sat on their stands over in the annex to the lounge which I call my studio. "I play guitar," he says " I've got an Ibanez [something or other] with Seymour Duncans" He wanders across the room "Oh nice Musicman," he says He pulls the E string as far as he can then THWACK it whacks back on the fretboard. He then grabs the Status necked P next to it and does the same. The action on the StatusP is very very low and the E string whacked back on the full length of the fretboard. "The action's too low on those, they're unplayable," he says "Where's your Jazz? Every pro has a Jazz - Ahh there it is, pointing to my JV P" I point out to him that I'm not a pro and that I play with fingers and a fairly light touch and that they're perfectly playable and that the 'Jazz' is actually a Precision..... "Nah" he says and turns for the door....? wtf was that all about? [/quote] It must have been one of those 'hilarious' hidden camera pranks...
  12. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1495020829' post='3300477'] Not sure I've ever seen the BF Two10s without the silver cloth grilles but I've gotta say I prefer seeing the cones through the bare metal grille as in your pics. Also, very sexy wood grain on that Maruszczyk. [/quote] Thanks, that bass is really cool. Shame the colour is not what I had in mind (miscommunication when ordering), but when I play it I close my eyes and imagine it's the right colour
  13. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1495015403' post='3300405'] Which just goes to show how different everyone's needs are. One of my requirements is for a cab that will fit under the piano in the dining room. [/quote] A couple of years ago or so I was looking for a couple of 112 cabs and an absolute requirement was that both could fit in the boot of my small car (A3)... and that led me to the TKS 1126 in the first place. Diversity of people...
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1494970661' post='3300149'] My Jaydee Supernatural had a mini toggle switch between the volume & tone controls for the active circuit. [/quote] That's generally a bypass switch and it normally does not disconnect the preamp, it remains powered, but the signal bypasses it.
  15. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1494964527' post='3300078'] I have put my multimeter on it tonight and there is no drain with the power off, at least not within the range mine can test. And even at micro amp levels it would be dead after a few months. it's an aftermarket preamp so I will investigate what is happening as it may be useful info for others. [/quote] Investigate, maybe yours is different, but I have not yet encountered a single bass preamp that doesn't use a mono plug as a switch. As someone pointed out, originally the Stingray was designed to be on at all times, so we're really dealing with very low currents in many cases.
  16. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1494882960' post='3299334'] That's odd, it doesn't, or at least I have been doing that since January when I got it so don't think it can be. I assumed it was breaking the circuit so switching it off. I guess I am just lucky, will have to have a look into it and see why that's happening. [/quote] It just means your basses have a preamp that don't require a lot of power... the batteries are still being drained.
  17. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1494876234' post='3299263'] My actives are fine on the smooth hound wireless. I just turn that off. [/quote] I'm pretty sure that if there's a plug inserted, you're closing the circuit and it's draining the battery, regardless whether you switch that thing off or not.
  18. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1494876050' post='3299262'] I find it annoying you can't leave it plugged in , I like leaving a bass set up in my office [/quote] ugh, I hate that. Passive or active regardless... a trailing cable attached to a guitar is calling for trouble in my view. I always unplug and get cable out of the way, even if it's in a room where I am the sole person.... or precisely because I am there
  19. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1494826269' post='3298693'] The sound will start to distort a little and be weaker than usual as the battery dies. [/quote] It sometimes is too subtle. I got caught out once... it just started cutting out midsong. I replace the battery once a year, and that seems to be sufficient. I use it a lot and that seems safe so far. The one time I got caught out it had been over two years.
  20. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1494917429' post='3299477'] Have you considered just using WD40? Its moisture displacement properties may stop you needing switch cleaner in the first place. Observe basic precautions of course. [/quote] I wouldn't. Long term it ends up trapping dirt and making matters worse.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1494774594' post='3298431'] Just popped in to say that the Maruszczyk humbucker used on the Jake PJs is a monster. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1AQnOMx-V8[/media] [/quote] Indeed! I love mine. Nice video too
  22. Great news! And we will all remember this if we are in the same situation in the future. You're an inspiration to us all! (ok, I may be exaggerating a bit but... thank you for sticking to it and reporting here about it )
  23. Well... the Two10 is doing fantastically well. It's not replacing by pair of TKS S112 because those are just lovely and so light, and small and... so BLUE, I love them. But there's been times when a two two S112 were not quite enough and/or I was pushing them quite hard, which worries me as they are not the speakers that can take the most abuse. I occasionally let other people play through my rig, and I'm always very clear to them not to go crazy with volume and low frequencies... so at one point I owned FOUR TKS S112, which was fantastic... but it's no longer a small manageable rig that can fit in the boot of my little A3. So the idea of finding something else that could do *bigger* was there for a while. I got the Two10 as a test. If I liked it enough, two of those would exceed my needs. I really liked it, as I stated earlier... and several months later I'm still loving it. Tonally it's not very far from the S112 cabs. I mean, it is different, but it belongs to the same 'family' unlike the BF BB2, for instance, which I never gelled with. The Two10 has a more powerful low end, but it's still tight, and I get the sounds I want from it very easily. The Two10 has seen a lot of action. I have used it on its own in a small bar type of situation where we are not being very loud (sax, trumpet, drums, bass, three guitars plus three vocals), and I've got very good comments. The one that stands out was this one from a person who has seen us many times and told me my bass sounded great this time, and had never realised exactly how many different lines I play on bass, it was very clear and present but well blended and not overpowering. The Two10 works. I have generally used it as a stage monitor, as I am normally having PA support. It's a small enough single box that sounds great and powerful enough. A single S112 worked but at times it felt a bit 'brittle', the S112 works MUCH better as a pair. So there we are... a lot of overlap between them. And finally I went for a second Two10. I haven't yet tried them live... but my only neighbours were away and I took full advantage of the fact. Just like two S112 sound a lot fuller than a single one... two Two10 sounded... HUGE. Just as nice, but... bigger. And it makes a big difference whether I stack them horizontally (port on the side) or vertically (port downwards). There's noticeably TONS more low end with the port on the side. I prefer them firing downwards as it keeps the low end tight and suits me best. With a single Two10 the effect was not as pronounced. That's good, as I prefer a vertical stack, and coupled with the fact that I am not very tall, I get to hear things very very clearly as the top (full range) speaker is closer to my ears. I can't wait to use them live. Very powerful rig that still fits in the boot of my car and it's so easy to carry. Looking promising! One thing... the two cabs are 4ohm each. My plan is to use them with two LM3 heads (or one, with my little series/parallel box, to put them in series to get 8ohm). When checking them at home I initially forgot the ohmage issue and wired them directly to one head, so nominally 2ohm despite the head being safe to use only above 4ohm). I didn't use it like that for very long or excessively loudly (although I did crank it for a bit just to rattle walls a bit). The amp didn't shut down. Once I connected an 8ohm cab and an existing 4ohm cab (from the venue I was playing) together... I didn't check and I assumed it was an 8ohm cab. It did the gig just fine. It was only afterwards that I thought of checking and saw it was a 4ohm cab ... so I suspect the 4ohm rating on the amp is pretty conservative. Still... I must make sure to not forget that, and not to allow any other person to forget that. I always wire my gear myself, but... Anyway... let the BF bashing continue I really like the Two10 cabs. Unlike the others I have tried (and owned!) these are right for me.
  24. that's one sexy bass... I hope you find it!
  25. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1494595274' post='3297235'] Sure, it probably shouldn't be the responsibility of the other bands to help maintain the atmosphere in the venue, but if a genuinely good band has driven 100 miles to try and get their first foot in the door in London, I'd feel bad for them if we all just buggered off to the bar when they came on. (What are they supposed to do, bus down a bunch of mates who've already seen them play plenty of times back home?) [/quote] If it's a genuinely good (or rather, interesting to you... no judgement on their value, purely personal taste) band, you'll stay once you hear a bit of them, right? There's been many times where I wasn't planning on staying and while I hang around a little I hear a band play and I go "whoa, I like that!" and then stay the whole gig. If bands interest me I'll stay, but I won't stay just because we shared stage. If you see me watching, you know I'm genuinely interested.
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