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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1492975557' post='3284584'] Sorry - completely forgotten what station I watched it on! We should prolly google? Hang on [color=#282898][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Channel 5[/size][/font][/color][color=#282898][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Sun 16 Apr 2017, 9pm [/size][/font][/color] Apparently the Prince fans are not taking it any better than any of the other docu's on him, but I liked that they made no attempt to disguise that is IS a docu-drama. [/quote] Thank you! Found and ready to watch edit: and found a concert too so that one is ready also... and I'm off work for the next three days, I bet I'll find time edit2: watched it... that was pretty sad. I had expected him to have had a much happier life.
  2. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1492963738' post='3284437'] Yep; the banking crisis, inflation, world poverty, Donald Chump and Brexit.. everything. [/quote] Next point in the agenda: the middle east. Largo?
  3. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1492964550' post='3284445'] The problem with white ska gigs is that most of the audience think they belong to the National Front.........they don't - they're just sad. [/quote] The first one I played like that was in Livingston, near Edinburgh. As we approach all we could see were these scary looking guys outside... we thought we had the wrong gig (my band -a different one- was invited to play but we were not really ska, just some songs with a ska-influence... we didn't feel very comfortable and our nationalities made us a bit nervous -russian, philipino/canadian, spanish, half-turkish...- It went well... but, not my favourite crowd. To be fair, we have never had any problem whatsoever, but it's hard to really enjoy yourself when you're thinking "I want to go home".
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1492962689' post='3284422'] I'm in the business of looking after my savings so I get to look after my family by not selling good stuff for silly money. Just because someone else is daft enough to get into a position where they're desperate for a sale and sell at a low, low price, why should I be forced to repeat the error? Inflation is generally the situation of prices going up over time. Some of it happens this way: You want an increase on your salary because you like to think your employer should pay you more because of loyalty and increase in experience. So your employer does this. Because your employer (a baker making bread and cakes) needs to pay you more, he needs to increase the prices of the bread going to the shops. The shops, therefore need to increase the prices to keep their costs covered. At the same time, the grocer has also had to pay more to his people - for the same reason as you got a rise. Also, their wives/mums need more money from them, because the price of bread has gone up. You, in turn need more money a the price of groceries has gone u[b]p - all because YOU got a rise[/b]. [/quote] so it's all largo's fault. There.
  5. A couple of gigs this weekend, and a lot of travelling. First one, on Friday, was at a place I love in Kidderminster... all decorated pirate style... ran by a lovely couple and generally attended by nice people. Shame the place is closing in June The gig itself was a lot of fun but there weren't as many people as we were hoping/expecting. We got to stay overnight, thanks to the lovely couple letting us upstairs in a room with several sofa/mattresses which saves us a ton of cash. However between guitarist snoring like a monster and sax dude getting up to pee what seemed like every hour, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep... and the toilet had no water on the taps... so no shower etc... I managed to wash using a bottle of water I had... no ideal. I need my shower to be human again. I brushed my teeth in the mens toilets downstairs... but it had not been cleaned yet and it wasn't a pleasant experience. Oh well... Next, saturday... playing a ska festival in Redcar. Some very lovely people, and some very scary looking one too. I don't know what it is with classic ska it tends to attract this crowd of 50 year olds in uniform, who just won't smile and stare menacingly. Weird. Then... nobody danced. Lots of people watching but just staring. A few smiled and bobbed their heads, but nobody danced except for a single woman in front of the very large stage. I was happy when it was over, which I rarely say. The Boar's Head in Kidderminster, however... I have a lot of time/love for those guys. Such a nice music venue + pub... Sad it's going to close
  6. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1492510369' post='3280766'] I finally got to see the documentary on his life on Saturday. What a sad, tragic life, assuming the film was truthful. I already respected the man's talent and ability, but this film made me feel like I had undervalued his musical contributions immensely. [/quote] oh man, I missed that. Where can I watch it? Is it still available?
  7. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1492799545' post='3283382'] Two things come into my mind. Firstly, wanting to avoid the things needing discussion he's invited her to try and scupper it. Alternatively, partners of either sex can get jealous and suspicious. Because it's a non-musical social event maybe he wasn't allowed to come without her. [/quote] wasn't allowed? is your guitarist 14?
  8. I have a couple of the 7-guitar Warwick rockstands. One is about 10 years old, the other just over a year old... they're different with the older one being sturdier, but both do the job with the foam being protective enough and the old one is still going strong. They're only about £50, the 5-guitar one a bit cheaper. Get the 7 guitar one... you'll fill it
  9. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1492927030' post='3284097'] I don't think so. It's more like it's simply screwed down to the point it simply does a job of improving the break-angle. Apologies to th OP, but we are looking at a budget mass production bass. It's not like there's any precision engineering about this. Mass production products are designed to give a finished product, shaving pennies off wherever possible. If I were the OP I would find some springs to fit on the screws, slacken the strings and tension the screws to make it level. If it really bothers, then buy a better made bass. [/quote] That sounds a little harsh... there are better made masses, but I wouldn't say the Squier VM is not well made based on the string retainer not being parallel. The string retainer has a very simple objective: to push the strings down below the nut slot level, so that the strings do not rattle in the slot. It's a simple way to ensure peace of mind: you can achieve enough break angle in most cases by carefully winding the strings downwards on the tuning post... but a string retainer helps a lot, and on the "far away" strings (D/G) it's almost the only way to ensure it. The string retainer on the OP's bass does what it has to do. If it doesn't appeal aesthetically then just screw in one end further if it's not excessive, or unscrew the other (possibly adding some toothpick wood/glue to the hole to make sure the screw bites well)... simple. The VM is not top level build, but it's not something to scoff at either.
  10. Looks to me like it's doing its job just fine... to be honest, there's very little that can go wrong with a string tree Enjoy!
  11. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1492771477' post='3283062'] funny thing about internet forums is they are for discussion. that is the flow of comments back and forth between various parties, all of whom are voluntarily taking part. Dont like it, dont take part. Getting back to the topic of whether modifications add or detract from resale value, 95% of the time they will detract. Unless you have a seller looking for that specific bass with those specific mods then you will have a hard time getting more than current market value. The other instance would be if the mods were done by the manufacturer of the bass. It's a bit like selling a custom built bass, people want to know exactly what they will be getting for their money - modifications or non-stock builds add too many variables for people to be readily willing to shell out over current market value for such instruments. [/quote] I wouldn't say the mods reduce the price, but they rarely add quite as much as some people think... unless you find that buyer that wants *exactly* what you offer, then you are onto a winner. We must remember 'though that everybody can ask for whatever they want, and there's nothing wrong with it. I have at times put something for sale at 'optimistic' asking prices, purely because I was not in a hurry and it just wasn't worth it for me to sell it at lower than that price. I'm not putting a gun to somebody's head to buy it
  12. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1492772163' post='3283071'] I like the look of the j-tone.....how much adjustment do we really need !! [/quote] I like the mid-sweep control for mids on the J-Retro because sometimes using the two pickups together the mid-scoop can get a little too much. With the midsweep you can get a little extra boost on a narrow section of mids to make it *just* right: you still get the character of the two-pickups on of the Jazz, but with a little added definition. I find it very useful, and once you use it a few times you already know what setting you tend to like, so it's not like you need to tweak much, it's almost a set and forget setting.
  13. [quote name='Chownybass' timestamp='1492762550' post='3282924'] The other thing we're looking into is a product called Blackwood Tech. It's a resin/pine composite - much like Richlite (which is resin and paper composite). They take pine (pinus radiata) and pressurise it with stain (either brown or black) and then they pressurise it and impregnate it with resin. And then finally they compact and press it. It can be manufactured to the hardness and characteristics of ebony or rosewood or anything inbetween. It also - unlike richlite - keeps a grain because it's still wood. It's also water resistant, doesn't warp and is flame retardant. Oh and it's 100% FSC sustainable. We've had samples made and it's really not too bad at all. You'd think it was ebony at a glance and it sounds great. I can post some updates on this stuff if people are at all interested. [/quote] That sounds really cool. I was not so sure years ago with 'ebonol' but when I tried basses with it I stopped being worried about it. I like this. But please stop showing those pictures on your signature... that purple bass keeps calling me (fortunately it's shorter scale and I like maple fingerboards... but still... I love the stuff you are making )
  14. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1492762719' post='3282925'] I asked Barefaced to quote for the work. Reply was 'we're too busy to deal with this'. Make of that what you will. [/quote] I was looking for the option on the website and couldn't find it, I guess it's "custom work" territory which they may not deal with often (or cheaply)... When I ordered my single Two10 I could not decide which version. I could see myself wanting a second in the future *if* it really worked for me... in that case 12ohm versions seemed like the best way to go. In the end I went for 4 ohm. The reasoning was that most times I would really just use one (used as a stage monitor, 75%... small bars unsupported 10%) and in those cases it'll be nice to have the full power of my amp available (Markbass LMIII). Now, about the remaining 15% (stupid percentages, but you get the idea)... I have been doing ok with a pair of TKS S112 but they sometimes needed a little extra. So a couple of Two10 would be ideal. I figured that I could combine both in series to give me an 8ohm solution which will sound a bit bigger than a single one, despite the increase in impedance. But what convinced me was that I could simply add a second amplifier. I always had a backup amp, it just wasn't an LMIII, but they're not expensive in the second hand market and appear regularly... so worse case scenario I just carry two heads. They're light and small... so no trouble, and I like the "built-in" backup notion of this solution, as should one of them fail, I can just use a single one (the series/parallel box lives in my gigbag) and carry on. I'm not saying it's the best idea for everyone, but it's certainly an idea that works for me. Maybe it works for you too? Just something to think about.
  15. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1492718843' post='3282734'] [...] to 180dB which would disintegrate buildings. [/quote] now we're talking! second Two10 cab just ordered
  16. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1492683790' post='3282249'] Let me know and I'll bring a chair and some popcorn. Stewart is very passionate about the unreliability etc of valves. They are the work of Beezlebub in his eyes and will gladly tell you why, at length! He's a lovely guy and super helpful but be warned, he's very evangelical. [/quote] What Steve said. I like Stewart a lot. He's a very 'no-bs' kind of guy and he has some strong opinions which sometimes rub some people the wrong way. He moved away from valves at a time where solid state guitar amps were not considered to be 'proper' amps. I've heard some of his amps, and they sound pretty good (as well as being loud as hell)... We only met twice or maybe three times, and he still adds a little note when I've ordered a cable from his website I think Beer of the Bass would enjoy chatting with him.
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1492666878' post='3282057'] If you were going down this route then wouldn't worry about what's best, you can try both and see which you prefer. Personally, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I would add a signal splutter at the end of my board. One output to an input each on the heads. Then theoretically the same gain and master level setting would achieve the same loudness. [/quote] Yeah, that was the end conclusion of the email: try any of the options and see, they're all ok. I also thought about the splitter, especially as I have a Boss LS-2 somewhere in my old pedalboard, feeling neglected, but linking the two heads seems neater unless I have the splitter sitting right by them.
  18. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1492610441' post='3281612'] Not sure where you are in West Sussex but Stewart Ward (Mr Session) is in Basingstoke so not the longest drive. He will (as stated) give you excellent service [b]but DO NOT ask him about valves - even as a joke!![/b] [/quote] he's not wrong!
  19. Ah, I wrote to MarkBass and they replied saying that probably fine but the return is actually preEQ... so both EQ are functional. They actually suggested that it's best to do either: 1) bass to head 1, set DI to preEQ, and then XLR line out to front input in head 2 (line out output is adjustable). Adjust volume/EQ independently. or 2) bass to head 1, tuner out to front input in head 2. Adjust volume/EQ independently. With option 1, the signal level sent to head 2 is controlled by the line out control alone. With option 2, the gain level in head 1 affects the signal sent to head 2 as well.
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1492555067' post='3281255'] that's the big choice I've got to make 1 or 2 pickups. I'm going to set it up with switching rather than blend so that I'll be able to set it in "musicman" setting and it would be identical electronically to a 1 pup bass. Would be quite fun to have two pups too though! (and give the answer to the "why build it") [/quote] Yeah, the 2 pickup version will me more 'special'... For my particular taste, a single pickup is best, and the second pickup I feel gets in the way a little without adding anything I want, sound-wise, really. I like it simple. But that's just me. If you're after versatility your plan looks good, especially if you add coil switching. I just avoid that sort of thing because I get distracted too easily and need to fiddle with it all. But for a more sensible person it would work Looking forward to seeing what you end up with. That piece of wood has some nice grain too...
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1492539396' post='3281091'] Nah - I'm not sure I like the all black look with black hardwear. Nickel would be nice... but changing hardware is out of budget (unless someone wanted a swap) - remember this is the build I shouldn't really be doing after I spent all my bass spending money on the G&L Anyway, more mockups.... the one Eude (and me) like, chrome hardware I do like colour though: I've been really impressed with this build some german guy has done: ( [url="http://www.kontrabassbau.at/stingray5pimp.html"]http://www.kontrabas...ngray5pimp.html[/url] ) maple top obviously but nice [/quote] The one on the top, black... Although I prefer just the one pickup, if I were to use two I'd space them like you have. Looking promising!
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1492185728' post='3278574'] I have never seen strings wound in this way. If you wind around the post there doesn't seem much point in #3. And #4 seems to have the strings wound over each other. I wouldn't do either of these things. The usual advice is for 2 or 3 wraps around the post, finishing with the string at the bottom of the post. [/quote] +1 I bought those Cobalt strings and installed them like I normally do, not like in the picture... not a problem.
  23. the comments are fantastic [url="https://www.facebook.com/groups/UKBassgear/permalink/1019564924843509/?sale_post_id=1019564924843509"]https://www.facebook.com/groups/UKBassgear/permalink/1019564924843509/?sale_post_id=1019564924843509[/url] good luck with that!
  24. It seems that you can link them as usual: send from amp1 into return of amp2. But the EQ still works on both amps. [url="https://www.talkbass.com/threads/can-i-link-2-markbass-amps-together-to-have-the-ability-to-run-a-2-ohm-load.599093/"]https://www.talkbass.com/threads/can-i-link-2-markbass-amps-together-to-have-the-ability-to-run-a-2-ohm-load.599093/[/url]
  25. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1492534883' post='3281044'] I honestly don't know! Just a point worth bearing in mind. I tried a couple of pre-amps with mine and they seemed much louder and clearer into the front of the amp than into the effects return. It was only later that it dawned on me as a possible cause. Like I said, it may or may not need changing for the best result- I can't say either way though! [/quote] Hmmm, wouldn't that be because of the different level signal expected at the FX loop compared to that at the amp's input? I don't know either! I appreciate your bringing this up, just in case!
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