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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. If I hadn't personal experience I'd probably thing the same negative thoughts. But I have. A few times. It does seem ridiculous to use cheap switches/sockets when you go to so much effort and detail with other parts like bridges, pickups etc... and especially the build and finish. To be honest, the build on the whole is where it's at -and it is flawless- and a stupid socket is not going to make me change my mind. But it does seem strange. My latest, the Jake/Jazz came with Schaller straplocks, and they always include the gigbag and a very nice leather strap... it just doesn't sound like the operation who would compromise quality to save 2 quid, you know? My first Jake (P/JJ) was ok. I replaced the P pickup because I wanted something else, so I saw the soldering work etc... no problem there. Pretty tidy. The reverse P Jake I am installing a MMSR preamp in, so I removed the electronics... again they look just fine to me. I haven't checked the Jake-Jazz one, but I know it's the lightest sweetest Jazz with the best neck (I specified dimensions and finish) I have ever played... If I have to replace the socket one day, I will. I'll be thinking "really? come on", but I'll be enjoying a superbly made bass. Do try them before dismissing them for the sake of a couple of quid (I am pretty handy with a soldering iron, I have to admit, do none of that is an issue... it takes minutes)... remember they can make exactly what you want. I am sure if you want a switchcraft socket from the beginning you can specify it. Anything I asked for was possible. Some of my options did not add anything to the price, and others were minimal. You *can* get what you want. If you ask.
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1490343276' post='3264374'] In that case you just ask the person to wait while you chat. When you're negotiating contracts at work that's perfectly acceptable to have private chats before sealing any deals. [/quote] It's a possibility, but not what we like to do. Feeling you have someone there waiting is not ideal, and it doesn't work if you had 2-3 people playing with you that evening. Having a couple of drinks afterwards, relaxed... I certainly prefer that. Often when you find the right one everybody agrees right from the start so a decision on the spot can be made. But in a 6-8 piece it's not unusual to have someone who is not 100% convinced about something and different people pick on different things. It's good to talk. There was a trombone player that seemed great. We all liked him. Except one of us thought he knew about this person, and it wasn't a good thing... so we chatted and decided to make a couple of calls to verify. Nah, I don't like to rush for no reason.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1490319743' post='3264323'] I had to audition 3 times before I was offered the job as bass guitarist with my current band of 5 years. IMO, if your offered the job on the spot, chances are you haven't been offered much. Blue [/quote] Unless we're talking signing in with a band with the income of Metallica... a good bass player would be already gigging with another band by the time the second audition came along. If you know what you want, you grab it when you find it.
  4. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1490310467' post='3264291'] I did a rehearsal/audition with a local country band where the previous bass player turned up with all his gear half way though because when, at the previous gig when he'd had a flounce, thrown toys out of the pram and announced that he was fed up with the band and didn't want anything to do with them any more... they'd actually taken him seriously... That was a bit awkward... [/quote] and that's why you never quit a band in anger. I had a girlfriend once who was a bit unstable... the first time we had a disagreement (it wasn't even a big thing) she hinted at breaking up. I was very sad. We made up, and things carried on ok. Soon it became clear that she'd use the threat of leaving me as a weapon everytime she'd be upset at something. When things were good they were very good and I was crazy about her, so I tolerated it for a while hoping for a change. I told her it was not a good thing to do, saying she wants to break up, unless she means it. Especially because after the third time it only serves to annoy me rather than controlling me. One day she was angry and she 'broke up' with me again. I just looked at her in the eye and said "yeah, I think that's the best we can do". The look in her face was priceless. She said she didn't really mean it. However I did. There are so many similarities between bands and relationships... and throwing tantrums and insulting a band and walking out saying they're over seems to be something that happens from time to time. Crazy. Never make a serious decision while angry. Calm down, and then sharpen your axe slowly while you ponder about which limbs to cut off first
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1490305176' post='3264246'] I'd expect to be told there and then if I fitted. Whenever I've auditioned people I've taken the first person who ticked enough of the boxes that matter. Another audition in 3 weeks? The other guy must be really keen and available then [/quote] We've never told people "there and then", because we want to have a chat among ourselves first. But we always contact them within a day or so. If it's the right person, then why wait. If it's not the right person, why delay? Once you find someone who fits, that's it.
  6. personal preference... They don't sound the same, or feel the same, they just have some common DNA but they're quite different.
  7. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1490175147' post='3262775'] I've actually owned a USA Stingray (3-band), a SBMM Ray 34 and currently own a USA SUB (with a Status Graphite neck). The differences between the Stingray and Ray34 were negligible. I actually preferred the Satin finish on the neck of the Ray34. Tonally they sounded identical. Build quality on my Ray34 was also on a par with the USA Stingray. However my USA SUB is the best bass of the lot. Build and finishing is on a par with the Stingray, tonally, it's a rare early one with pickup wired in Series, so extremely ballsy and aggressive. I preferred it even before the addition of the Status neck, which just focused everything I like about the sound and amped it up to 10, not to mention the unbelievable quality and stability of the neck and slimmer profile. In short, you can't lose whichever one you go for. It's all much and the same, the USA SUB would get my vote though, stupid good value for money! (Prices are rising though) [/quote] I think that pickup in series suits the 2-band preamp better than in parallel. It's got a lovely punch... yet you can still tame it easily. It makes it (for me) a lot easier to dial in the sounds I want.
  8. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1490049625' post='3261852'] Over many months I have managed to squirrel away enough spends for a EB Stingray. My question to you is this, As I already have SB Ray 34, will it really be that much of an upgrade? From my understanding the only difference is the place of manufacture. Both the EB and the SB are quality controlled and shipped from the same US factory I am led to believe. The only difference I can fathom is thay the EB has a compensated nut. Whatcha think? [/quote] The person better suited to answer that is yourself. Go and try a few Stingrays, make sure they're well set up, and see what you think. Some people play the SBMM Rays and say "just like the real thing" and don't see a reason to spend more. Others... disagree. I like the SBMM basses, I have enjoyed OLPs too which are not quite as good but can be pretty awesome with a little bit of TLC and some upgrades... but to me the Stingray just feels and sounds *right* and if I can afford one, that's what I would go for. But that's just because how it feels to me. My 2002 Stingray is my number one bass. My preferences vary slightly over time, depending on who I'm playing with and various other things... but it's always there. However, after my Stingray I 'discovered' the EBMM SUB bass, made between 2003 and 2006. They don't have the largest selection of finishes, or the prettiest for that matter... but they're not exactly ugly either, and they are 100% Stingray... In fact, my I prefer the sound of my 2003 SUB. It has the pickup wired in series rather than the usual parallel and it's a beast. If I weren't such a sucker for natural/maple finishes, the SUB would be my #1 bass and I would have sold the Stingray. Those SUBs sell for around £375-425... and they're indestructible. If you want to save some cash but still have the full Stingray experience, see if you can try one of those. If you're ever in Edinburgh you're welcome to come round with your Ray and play my Stingray and SUB side by side.
  9. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1489963466' post='3261173'] I use Warwick Red Label Stainless Steels for a while. They were good, lasted well, but for a 34" scale set of strings, the taper on the lower strings started before the nut. I started using Fender 7350M Stainless when they were cheaper than the Red Labels. IIRC, the last set(s) I bought were something like £13 each. They sound good, last well and I think they're serious value for money. I have used more expensive strings in the past Ernie Ball, Roto's, Elites, the Fender's are at least as good as. You may notice some difference if you're used to some of the higher end brands, but I think that the Fender's are pretty good. [/quote] The Fender 7350M strings are nicer than the Red Labels, I agree. They are much smoother to the touch and again the overly bright sound (like all steels, to me) dies away soon and they sound great afterwards. I keep alternating between preferring Red labels or 7350 as by 'value for money' strings. When a set of DR Fat Beams cost between £35-40, these other strings become very attractive, although my main 2-3 basses still get the DRs.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1489942753' post='3260980'] I need to restring 4 five string basses, I'm not overly fussy with strings so I'm looking for alternatives to my usual EB ones at around £30 a packet. £13.60 for the .130s I like they look worth a try, if they are ok I'll bulk buy a few sets. Anyone tried them or got any other suggestions? (not Rotos, I can't stand them!). Ta [/quote] I like the stainless steel red labels (they also do nickels). They are kind of rough, which doesn't seem to bother me, but when I then switch to my usual DR Fat Beams my fingers smile at me They're my go-to string when I want a cheap set that still feels and sounds good, for example on a new bass that I'm not sure yet I want to keep. They're pretty bright to start with, as most steels, but they soon settle into 'the zone' and last a while. I always have a couple of sets in my gigbag for emergencies too.
  11. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1490004843' post='3261325'] Saturday night at The Station in Ashton near Manchester. A tiny pub packed with pissed up punks throwing beer and vegetables at the bands. It was an experience! [/quote] sounds like the kind of gig that would either get me in jail, or hospital...
  12. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1489975279' post='3261219'] I booed them in 2006 for being boring irrelevant w***ers....what's changed? [/quote] classy...
  13. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1489848158' post='3260309'] Do they not weigh a lot compared to the usual synthetic fabric gig bags? [/quote] They're heavier, but the offer better protection. Some offer a LOT better protection. And if you go for really good 'synthetic' bags like Fusion, Mono etc, the weight difference is not huge. I wouldn't think weight is a deal breaker here.
  14. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1489847067' post='3260300'] Seeing some serious inspiration in some of those designs... I would quite like a leather gig bag, but its a helluva investment for what is ultimately style over substance in many ways. [/quote] Indeed. I was about the red one when I saw it. My girlfriend liked it too and said she'd buy it for me. But I had to stop her. Yeah, I'd love it... but it's not going to perform better than my Fusion F1, so it seems a lot of money (to me, right now) for something I do not really need. If I didn't have the Fusion and wanted something good... I might just be persuaded to spend the extra to get one of those, 'though. But it's definitely a 'luxury item'.
  15. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1489841554' post='3260238'] Thanks Richard. i must say it was a very odd longwinded altercation with Thomann, with them at turns being patronising, inisisting there was nothing wrong with the bass, telling me to return it, then saying they knew all along it was a design issue and then taking the bass and refunding without a 'by your leave', along with £26 worth of strings and straplock pins. Call me a clever clogs, but the way it could have gone was this: Me: Is it me or is it impossible to thru string a V7 4? Thomanns: It's a design fault. Do you want your money back? Me: No Thomann: Fine, sorry. I'm not going to be so stupid as to warn people off using Thomanns, but don't expect an ounce of intelligence if you need to deal with customer disservice. [/quote] Indeed. That's the way it should have gone... Customer service can make or break the trust of customers. There's a shop in Edinburgh I'd never even visit again, not even if I were allowed to go and spit at the face of the owner... for similar reasons. It's not so difficult. It's a shame you had bad luck. My own dealings have always been good with Thomann... but it's clear it's a lottery.
  16. [quote name='naxos10' timestamp='1489766920' post='3259684'] Hi mcnach, UK preferred but all suggestions taken on board. [/quote] Public Peace in Poland (Maruszczyk/Mensinger) have some really tasty looking leather bags... [url="https://www.public-peace.de/index.php/accessories/gigbags-suitcase/bass-gigbags/leather-gigbags-b"]https://www.public-peace.de/index.php/accessories/gigbags-suitcase/bass-gigbags/leather-gigbags-b[/url] Some do tempt me: and of course 'more traditional' ones like: ... and more.
  17. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1489750920' post='3259426'] Bring pen and paper to jut down the song structure, ask guitar for a run through before playing a whole song. Have fun [/quote] I have a little Zoom H2 recorder I always bring to situations like that. Ask first if it's ok to record, just in case.
  18. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1489750823' post='3259424'] I'm more with Charic in terms of how I read this (& Finn Dave who cropped up as I was typing). I suspect they are probably easy going and laid back. An audition cuts both ways so if it isn't for you, you can say no. Go there with an open mind, relax, have a laugh and if it isn't for you chalk it up as experience. I didn't *necessarily* read this as they are unorganised but that may be the case. Listening to some bands in the style is bound to help. Auditions are as much about "can we get on" as "can they play"! [/quote] You said it so much better than I! this, exactly this! All of it.
  19. [quote name='A.G.E.N.T.E.' timestamp='1489749813' post='3259408'][b] I would let them know that is not the best aproach, and probably things won´t sound great as you don´t know any of their songs[/b]. Anyway, if they insist, you´ve got to put them in the same situation you´re in. Play one of your own grooves a let the band andle it ... or just sugest a jam session to see how you´ll get along. [/quote] I would not tell them that. I am pretty sure they are aware of it, and I would not want to sound too nervous or lacking confidence or even demanding. There's time to figure out how the band runs afterwards. If you asked and they said "don't worry just turn up" then I'd do just that. It's an originals band not a wedding band where you have a very clear goal (to get X, Y and Z ready to play live at a high standard)... there will presumably be a certain degree of jamming, trying things for various songs, creating new stuff, even changing old ones (songs evolve in a band)... so it doesn't sound like a crazy first contact to me. Personally I'd send the new person maybe 2-3 songs of ours so that we have at least a common something to start with, but it's not 100% necessary. Go for it and have fun!
  20. We have used various companies to print a set number to sell at gigs etc. But recently I came across 'Dizzyjam' and looks interesting. I haven't tried it, but it looks attractive as a very easy fuss-free way to offer a few designs, and you can advertise them from your website. They get a significant cut, but apart from the initial design you need to do little else... [url="http://www.dizzyjam.com/"]http://www.dizzyjam.com/[/url] It may not be the best choice to print say 200 T-shirts for you to take to gigs, but it looks like a nice thing you can add to the band website.
  21. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1489741451' post='3259312'] Is nobody having a rant about Metallica ticket prices? [/quote] why? how much do they pay you to attend their concerts now?
  22. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1489747883' post='3259385'] I'm well pee'd off. All I wanted to know was the above but they insisted on me returning the bass. Now they've kept it and refunded my money without my leave, meaning I've lost €30 worth of brand new strings and straplock pins. of course I've raised that with them now, but what a bloody hoo ha. It's no good having a thorough customer support system if its not cored on an ounce of common sense. [/quote] Would you want the bass even if you cannot string it through the body?
  23. [quote name='naxos10' timestamp='1489736696' post='3259258'] Hi All, I've got a very significant birthday this year and fancy leather gig bag for my ACG Skelf short scale bass. Thinking of Brexit and wanting to keep a British theme does anybody know of a UK manufacturer or leather worker that may be willing to make one? I have looked at Harvest from America and made that the benchmark for a UK made one - anybody able to help? Many thanks in advance. Alan [/quote] does it have to be UK made? If not, I know of a few very tasty examples...
  24. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1489145082' post='3254701'] At such quiet volumes the amp should hardly be generating any heat at all. You could fit a small switch to turn the fan off for quiet practice, or fit a thermal switch to the heatsink to turn the fan on when it gets mildly warm. Alternatively, play through headphones! [/quote] That's not a bad idea. It would allow quiet operation and as long as you remember to switch it back on when using it in anger it should be ok. Maybe wire it so that when you turn the amp off the switch reverts to normal "fan on" mode.
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