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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1489049213' post='3253913'] There are posts on forums to do with this already but I am yet to find the answer I am looking for. I practice quietly with little atmospheric noise. The Fan noise from my LMIII is loud enough to be annoying to me. I am a sound engineer so maybe I am a little more tuned to notice these sorts of things that normal. I have so far replaced the fan three times with three different models. The last one I tried was an identical fan to the original for real electronics (Mark bass's service representatives in the UK). None of these solved the problem. So I am now just beginning to believe that it is normal to have this noticeable fan noise. I bought the amp second hand so have no experience of what it was like when it was new. There are several reports on the internet that Mark bass fan noises are "quiet", "silent" etc. I was wondering if any LMII owners would be willing to measure fan noise from their amps to try and get a bit more of a objective reading on how loud the fan should be. We could do this using a SPL phone app maybe? Not the most fool proof way of getting a noise measurement but it would be better than nothing. Is anyone willing to give this a go? Hopefully I'll be able to work out whether or not I am trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist before I start debugging the supply line to the fan! [/quote] I've owned two LM3 and a CMD121P combo (essentially an LM3 in combo form). You can hear the fan. I think the reason why some claim it's quiet/silent is twofold: 1) there are much louder fans in amps out there, and 2) most users would use it in an environment where the fan noise is masked with other sounds. I suspect there's nothing wrong with your amp.
  2. what lovely basses these are! I remember how hard it was to choose between black and cream... and I went with cream. Now of course I wish it were the black one I had bought.# I want this. I can't justify it right now. But I want it. I can't imagine you can get a better precision than this for this money. Or even for a fair amount more. fantastic basses.
  3. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1489281170' post='3255761'] [attachment=240288:C2C1.JPG] Great couple of sets at London's O2 as part of the C2C Festival. [/quote] nice image!
  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1489272756' post='3255720'] Oooh! Have you ever played TI Jazz Rounds (not flats). They are also low tension and was wondering about a comparison. I do love TI Jazz Rounds. [/quote] No I haven't, but I was interested. They were on my list of strings to try, but this business of trying different strings gets expensive quickly!
  5. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1489251831' post='3255519'] i think what he was talking about was neck relief,you fret at the first fret and the fret where the neck joins the body and measure the gap at the 8th fret , measuring action is different,you generally tend to measure at the 12th fret without pressung down on any of the frets [/quote] alright!
  6. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1489252411' post='3255528'] Will pm you tomorrow pal, getting ready for tonights gig, I actually have 2 for you to choose from cos' this is the second P I''ve changed the neck on. Les [/quote] oh! cool! whenever you have time. Have a good one tonight!
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1489170484' post='3255004'] I enjoyed the D'Addario black tapewounds for quite a while, and I too was surprised at how bright tapes can get. I kept overplaying them and making them go "splat" though - it took some real concentration not to. I tried a used set of the LaBellas very briefly, but for whatever reason the D'Addario were more up my street. [/quote] I used the D'Addario before, and I still have them on my fretless. I find the LaBellas white nylon a lot brighter, very much like rounds but with a tamer top end. The plasticky "splat" is not pleasant, but you adjust to them. They're a LOT lower tension that my usual string sets, so I needed to adjust the rod a bit and they do feel a bit rubbery, but it allows for some really pretty slight vibrato (not that I need it in my bands, but at home it's fun) and you can do some crazy string bending... add overdrive and octave, and bend strings... FUN!!! I'm not enjoying the £45 a set, 'though. I bought these strings ages ago (from time to time I'd buy strings I wanted to try when I had some spare unallocated cash in my pocket), and I forgot the price. But I think the Stingray with these would be amazing, and keep the SUB with roundwounds (DR Fat Beams stainless steel)... I love the lowmid-rich 'finger funk' kind of tone I get from these strings, very very good low end definition...
  8. [quote name='Ironbar' timestamp='1489173843' post='3255030'] My Sire is active and I love it, love it, love it! [/quote] If I were The Boss, I'd ban everybody here from mentioning Sire. Ever since I found they're coming up with a Precision type instrument, I'm salivating excessively. A Precision type, in 5 string, active... aaaargh!!! take my money already!!! So, shut up already about some of the best value for money basses out there
  9. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1489162595' post='3254884'] i dont post anything, but it would be good if you could set it so only people you allow can see your page not just anyone, the privacy settings do seem a bit vague. [/quote] the fact that they seem to change the settings from time to time doesn't help, it's true.
  10. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489155357' post='3254804'] feeler gauges, trouble is you need a load of them together to get 2 or 3mm and they tend to spring apart not a problem when you doing spark plugs but it is when it's easy to move one of the things you're measuring, like a string, they're really designed for narrower gaps, well that's what I've found anyway [/quote] I have to admit to never having used them, but I saw a guy recommending them and sounded like a good idea. He was measuring the gap between the bottom of the string at the top of the fret *while fretting at a high fret... 15th or 17th, somewhere around there. Then the gap is a lot lower than 2-3mm. It certainly is on my basses and I don't have a particularly low action. I like what several others have commented here using picks, or finding a coin whose height fits just right... I have never measured my heights... I tend to just go by feel, when it feels right, I stop messing with it but I like the idea of a more systematic approach. I also want to get into fret levelling. So far that's one aspect I've always left to the pros. But it really isn't such a big deal and I should invest on some tools and practice. Anyway, that's another entirely different matter!
  11. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1489239531' post='3255393'] [/quote] looks great! I have an old battered Squier Jazz that despite being *just* and "old battered Squier" it's just a lot of fun to play. The thing is the neck... 1) it's rosewood and 2) it's a Jazz neck. I much prefer maple and Precision necks... are you planning to keep your Squier Precision neck? If you'd like to sell it, send me a PM
  12. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1489147397' post='3254729'] i only have an account really if i need to get hold of the kids and they are not answering their phone but they are online really dont like the loose privacy settings as we found out recently on my wifes account (she uses it alot). Shes a teacher and one of her students decided to search her name and then found we had a daughter around the same age as him and sent her a friend request after looking at her page, cheeky git. But for the life of me i couldnt shut her account down so that people couldnt search her so we had to change her name on there. Bit rubbish. The idea of someone being able to track you down and look at your life is what gets my goat. Our band does have a facebook account but it doesnt seem to attract much attention so any tips on improving that would be good [/quote] They only look at your life if YOU post about your life... If you want to do that and remain somewhat private, then you do need to look into the privacy settings. But then they seem to change them from time to time so that would be frustrating
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489142333' post='3254668'] I'm assuming you're all using a steel rule to measure string height, well I can't tell .2mm accurately even with a magnifying glass, if anybody's using a different method please tell, as said before I use a pound coin under the 17th fret, different coin widths are available. [/quote] a set of gauges like those used for car spark plug gaps are useful
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1489141280' post='3254653'] The first one, Kurtis Blow, is probably more Go-go than hip-hop. In fact the backing band (at least in the video) is the mighty Troublefunk [/quote] That explains a lot!
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1488984706' post='3253496'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MegK4YXKWzw[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95-Sdq2EKrg[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZQQGX24Teg[/media] [/quote] nice one, cool bass lines too... but... the last one... THAT bassline is something *I* was doing to one of my band's new songs... almost exactly! All I can think is that bassline must have been in my brain from hearing it at some point in the past and I believed it was my idea... damn.... that's annoying
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1488944664' post='3253136'] Im a little surprised at some peoples definition of Hip Hop. Some great stuff though. This is killer.. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8W6_grAI0Q[/media] [/quote] oh yes, funky!
  17. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1488929391' post='3253088'] Also for more bonkers stuff have a look at Dr.Octagon (alias for Kool Keith) and Handsome Boy Modelling School (kool Keith's producer Dan the Automator) [/quote] cool, I found a couple of really good tracks from Dr Octagon already, must check him out more... thanks!
  18. [quote name='crompers' timestamp='1488898578' post='3252753'] Jurassic 5 have some great bass lines [/quote] oh yeah, I had found these earlier but forgot about them, good call!
  19. [quote name='Monkey Steve' timestamp='1488895089' post='3252718'] Give Hilltop Hoods a try - a crew from Australia with a very British sense of humour. Their best albums (IMHO) are, in chronological order: The Hard Road The Hard Road Restrung (rather than re-mixing the album the hired an orchestra - classical hip hop: genius! and makes Metallica's orchestral effort look rubbish) State Of The Art (my personal favourite - check out Chris Farley, Parade Of The Dead and Fifty In Five) Drinking From The Sun a lot of good music, including a lot of double bass. Gone off the boil on their last one - far more bland R&B arrangements which is a bit dull [/quote] nice, some really cool stuff there!
  20. [quote name='Bastav' timestamp='1488876573' post='3252483'] If you like busta rhymes check out his 90s group Leaders of the new school. Also juggaknots first album is very bass-tastic and one of the rappers has a very unique flow Oh, and Artifacts first album. Great bassy boom-bap [/quote] Liking the Artifacts one, thanks!
  21. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1489053424' post='3253952'] problem with that is, just because you can't hear it doesn't mean you need to turn up, I'm sure we've all played gigs where it's difficult to hear yourself but out in the crowd you're well loud enough (had one of those myself last week) under those circumstances it's very difficult to stop yourself playing harder [/quote] if you dig in to make yourself heard you're achieving the same effect: louder, so the result is the same. If it's not a matter of volume I'm sure you can EQ yourself a little differently. Digging in for every single thing you play just doesn't give any room for dynamics. Fine if you're playing fast punk, but it's not how I'd like to play at least.
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1488985622' post='3253506'] Personally i didnt like my BB2 much. Lovely cab, just didnt produce the tone i wanted. This was with a MB F1 head and also a GK MB800. I could quite easily have lived with it had i no other options, as it did a great job as far as volume goes and was so light, but it just felt very low end heavy to my ears. [/quote] that was my impression too. I owned two of the things! So clearly I did not hate it but it was not quite the thing. Then I found the TKS S112. It is a bit limited with regards to low end and volume... but a pair of those have worked for pretty much everything without any concerns. They're compact and only 10Kg each! Then I found the BF Two10. That sounds not too far off the S112, but bigger sounding and louder... but it's not a 112 cab. Still, not bulkier than the BB2, and an easier carry (because of the shape, since weight is about the same or only a bit lighter). It's such a nice sounding cab. Very tight low end, focused, and more than enough treble that doesn't get harsh no matter what you do... it makes me sound good even when I shouldn't
  23. I started this thread... and I have a new favourite string, but this one is MUCH MORE FAVOURITE LaBella White stainless steel nylon tapewound. 750T 50-65-85-105 They have that plasticky feel that tapewounds have but it's easy to get used to, and they're soooooo smoooooth. They're also very bright, they are more like roundwounds than flats. A lot more. They have a beautifully balanced low end and presence... the G string never sounded better. And they are very low tension. If you enjoy bending strings and adding vibrato here and there... these strings make it very easy. I put them on my Jazz and I can't stop playing it. They sound and feel fantastic...
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