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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1487528265' post='3240486'] I need to get a bag of popcorn before I read this :-) [/quote] well, I've booked cinema tickets for 9.10pm tonight so I might just do that with some tap coke... I might just ask them to surprise me and give me one of zero/diet/regular an see if I guess correctly
  2. considering a couple of very tempting offers, but nothing committed yet 100%
  3. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1487451907' post='3239970'] So if i poured out coke from a can a plastic bottle and a glass bottle you would tell the difference. [/quote] No doubt. I think I could pick the glass bottle one, and the 500ml plastic one apart. The can and the glass bottle are a lot closer. For that reason I only buy 500ml plastic when I have no other choice. Yeah, I know... I find people who think it's preposterous, but also many others who feel the same way about there being a difference, although we may prefer different things: some really prefer the plastic bottle. You can also tell differences between different countries' formulas. The Spanish one seems to lack flavour compared to the British which seems sweeter and more flavourful (perhaps it's just sweeter and that gives the impression of more flavour), the US one seems to have some more almost 'cinnamomy' aroma... I thought it was just my memory playing tricks, but I got to travel enough to believe in the differences, and then I found there's a Coke museum in Atlanta I believe where you can taste different formulations from all over the world... so it must be real. I haven't been there yet. As for the container... I really don't know what it is. I noticed it many years ago, and it's not that it changes entirely the flavour, but there is 'something'. When given a choice I always go for the glass bottle. The 500ml plastic bottle seems to taste a little different. I can't describe it, it's a slightly sweeter flavour but it's not just that. Then I don't really feel that on a 2 litre bottle. Is it the same plastic? Is it because of the larger bottle-surface / liquid ratio in the smaller bottle? I do not know. Is the formula perhaps slightly different for the plastic bottles, perhaps, related to the stability in contact with the plastic? Does exposure to light change something? The glass bottles will stop UV while the plastic won't... I don't have a clue what it is, but there is a difference. But then, I don't really feel a particular flavour in bottled water... is that different plastics? Or I just haven't compared? I mean, different waters taste very different but how much is it the container and how much the actual water differences? I never had a glass/can/plastic side by side comparison with water. Some people even claim diet coke and standard taste the same, or coke zero and standard (which are a lot closer)... those will not clearly not distinguish the differences I'm talking about. And why does the coke from the tap at a bar taste so completely different (and vile)? I used to think they just didn't use 'real' coke, until I worked at a bar myself and saw we bought the real thing. Is it really the same stuff used in their bottled stuff, or again are there differences to make it more stable in those particular conditions? Life was a lot simpler when we didn't have choices!
  4. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1487311799' post='3238798'] This reminds me what someone once has said to me. Coke taste better out of a can than out of a bottle. [/quote] and they were right, assuming they meant a plastic bottle. Glass bottle is far superior for Coke flavour...
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1487258534' post='3238446'] It always comes round to the playability for me, the Fender Road Worns are superb instruments, they just don`t do them in colours that I like that much, hence not having bought one yet. [/quote] I'm not a fan of the relic look, but when a bass feels and sounds very good I tend to give less importance to the looks. I owned one Roadworn series Jazz and that was *despite* the roadworn-ness. It just was a great bass. Next time you're near a music shop, see if they have the Roadworn Fenders and try them for yourself. You may still not like them, but then you will know for sure
  6. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1487113070' post='3237302'] Great little amps (although not everyone's cuppa), to me it sounds best when you're getting to the end of the valves' clean range without the sound actually becoming obviously distorted. [/quote] It's a great sound, that, I admit.
  7. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1487075151' post='3236747'] Kind of tempting. I don't suppose you know the difference between this and the Shuttle stuff at all? [/quote] I used to have the Shuttle 9.2 too. I sold mine last year to buy again an LM3, and kept the Streamliner 900. And now I plan to let it go to have another LM3 or an LM2. You can't have too much of a good thing Not that the Streamliner is bad, or the Shuttle, but I am attracted to the simplicity of the LM3, although I will miss sometimes the AUX input of the Streamliner (the Shuttle has one too). Difference with the Shuttle 9.2? It's hard because the kind of sounds I aimed for I could get from either. I guess the 'drive' you get from the Streamliner is a 'fatter' kind (it's hard to explain! ). The Streamliner is better at giving you a fat-on-the-verge-of-overdriven-but-not-quite type of sound, but I generally used both for strictly clean sounds. The Shuttle is less coloured, more like the MarkBass which is why I sold mine as I liked the idea of having two different sounding heads. I don't want to say the Streamliner is more 'retro' and fatter because that's what I heard about it at first and what put me off initially... when the truth is that you can get retro or modern clean 'hi-fi' type of sounds if you wish as well. One big difference is the mids EQ. On the Shuttle it was semiparametric and you could dial in teh frequency centre you wanted. The Streamliner instead has a 3 position switch for 220, 600 and 2500Hz.... which is pretty useful and the frequencies very well chosen. Uf... not sure what else to say, how do you describe the sounds? If you have any specific questions, I'll help the best I can. I had both Streamliner 900 and Shuttle 9.2 simultaneously for about 2 years, so I may be able to answer some questions from my experience with them.
  8. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1487072241' post='3236698'] Unbelievable Jose 15 hours after I bought something else THE amp comes up . Ah well, good luck, that monster wont be around long. [/quote] Really? I've been dragging my feet about it as I feel naked with just one head (Murphy's law says THAT is when bad luck will strike and my other one will break down )... I'd have enjoyed that drive down the M6
  9. I hope I don't regret this by my quest for bass domination is pushing me to let my beloved Streamliner 900 go. It's in great condition, all the pointless blue leds work as designed (pointless but they do look pretty ) The reason I am letting it go is that the MarkBass LM3 I have seems to be more my thing. Both sound great, but with the MB I get what I want immediately, while the Streamliner has a lot more 'versatility' which a lot love and is a good thing for sure, but someone like me just cannot stop fiddling with the two different gain settings (and levels) and the different midrange centres etc... I already have one LM3 and I just want to have two of the same for backup purposes and for practice and rehearsal etc. Anyway! If you want a Streamliner 900... I have a clean one here. If you would like to exchange it for your LM2 or LM3 (ideally LM3 as I like the pre/post DI switch on the outside and adjustable DI level... but I'd consider a well loved LM2 too)... [color=#ff0000][b][u][size=5]NOTE: trade offers[/size][/u][/b][/color][color=#0000ff][b], please just PM me, as it seems to be against the rules to post those publicly and may get deleted without my ever seeing them otherwise.[/b][/color]
  10. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1486900191' post='3235323'] Fantastic, it's a pretty unique colour. Yeah I think it might help, Might go for a five string Jake in the future with a 35 scale... Not sure if he does them though. I want an alternative to my Lakland Skyline. However, a five string Speesy in a checkered finish is what I've ordered now. Over the top? Yes. Garish? Possibly. But I asked him about it, he said they could do it so I thought why not. It's something different. Even if it's a backup for my 4 string. [/quote] Sounds interesting! Looking forward to the sofa shot
  11. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1486847050' post='3235046'] I'm back! Mcnach, I love your Jake. Just read your thread, how you finding it now you've got over the colour not being what you wanted? I've also just put an order in for a five string speesy :3 You guys are a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad influence. [/quote] Ha ha... the colour still makes me sometimes go "argh!"... not helped by my gf pointing out at every possible occasion "look, that bin is the colour you wanted, right?" or "look at that car"... but the bass is fantastic, I love it! Yeah, I sometimes think spending a few months away from here will help my finances enormously
  12. [b]edit: £110 inc. UK delivery[/b] Fits most Jazz basses in 5 minutes with no modification. Pickups hook up using screw terminals, no soldering required. The bridge ground connects to the flying black cable: just twist and tape together. Find detailed info at John East's website: [url="http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/all-products/j-retro-01.html"]http://www.east-uk.c...j-retro-01.html[/url] Briefly... Three stacked knobs: 1) Volume/Blend 2) Treble/Bass 3) Mids/frequency selector (200-2000Hz) Two switches: 1) Active/Passive 2) active/passive blend which doubles as pickup selector when in passive mode. The preamp has a couple of trim pots that allows you to set levels for the preamp. It comes with the original chrome plate, and a spare black plate.
  13. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1486678211' post='3233860'] Thanks so much, really appreciate it. Nice bass, btw... [/quote] thank you, it's my new 'baby'... any excuse to show it
  14. So here I was... with a bass that did not look the way I wanted it... yet, it was quite pretty. The colour is... odd. In natural light it can show a much more purplish colour, in other lights it looks more reddish... Using a whiteish LED lamp: with flash: and one morning, with daylight from the nearby window: It's an odd colour that can look like a pretty boring old furniture like maroon-like or a pretty cool purpleish shade... BUT... colours, colours... how does it play? Well, let's say that at first I started thinking that I could always refinish it some time. I thought I could contact Adrian and explain the situation and send it back to try to get it right (even if I'd have to pay a bunch... it was kind of special that I got THAT particular colour. But that was before I played it. The bass weights next to nothing. It's about 7.8lbs. It balances really well. The neck feels amazing. The dimensions are just right, as specified, and the whole body resonates beautifully. It has a nice 'snap' when I slap it and I feel the vibrations when it's on my lap. The action was very very low and I altered it a tiny bit. It's not 100% perfect but pretty much. It's really smooth to play, and if I dig in I get a very "Fleaesque" fret clank that sounds great when playing RHCP songs. The pickups are fantastic. It's got the classic Jazz sound, very well balanced, and with both pickups on it's got enough of that trademark scooped Jazz sound but also enough clarity to retain its presence. It's a lovely Jazz bass sound, but it feels (to me) nothing like a Jazz, and I love it. I can't put it down. So the colour may not be what I wanted but it's an amazing bass and if it were snot-green I'd keep it it just as it is and would not mess with it. It is, simply, my dream Jazz bass. The two previous Maruszczyk basses I bought were both very good, but this one... this one is just superb. I think, in the future, if I want any particular kind of bass, I'm just going straight to Maruszczyk. The ability to specify so many details about the instrument is amazing, and ends up costing what a US Fender would. Just make sure you know exactly what you want and make sure you indicate it very clearly
  15. The actual NBD was exactly a week ago... but I've been busy, which is a good thing for a NBD as it's not all about the excitement of the new arrival as I've put a few hours on it already, although it's still pretty new, of course If you're bored already: IT's AMAAAAAAZING!!!! If you want to be bored, then keep reading. For I'll tell you all about it, and show you how NOT to make a custom order. The idea for this bass started a while ago, when I realised I really like the Jazz bass sound but not the big body, its weight, and the thin neck. I've owned more Jazz basses than any other type, so I guess I tried to like them, and I did like them... but they're never quite right. At the beginning of 2016 I started thinking about doing something about this. Maruszczyk came to mind, as I already had two superb basses from them, but I was in a more budget-conscious period than usual so I ended up converting my Matt Freeman Squier Precision into a Jazz: First I did this: Then I did this: Originally it had a pair of Nordstrand NJ4SE humbuckers that I had in my drawer. Nice pickups but not quite what I wanted, which is a more traditional Jazz sound but with more 'balls'. So I got a pair of cream-covered DiMarzio Area J humbuckers. I have this in a beater Squier Jazz and sound pretty good. The Matt Freeman was a fun bass to play, and now I got a lot of the Jazz bass 'thing' in it in my preferred Precision body, with a lovely Precision neck (a bit slim for a Precision, but still good). The controls are V-Blend-T, whether this has something to do with the fact that it's the least Jazzy Jazz bass I've had, I don't know. The pickups are in the correct place. Anyway... then Prince died. I can't say I'm a huge fan... but I always enjoyed watching him play. What an amazing musician. I thought "that's it... my custom Jazz, when it happens, will be purple with white pickguard and maple neck, loosely based on his Jazz". The months passed. The year was nearly over. I came across Hammersmith basses who made some beautiful red Precision type basses with Jazz pickups, and without realising almost I was chatting with them. Then the communication dried up when they failed to give me a few details... and in that time I came to my senses: "let's go to Maruszczyk and get that Jazz done, as I know he will make a great instrument". As I'm familiar with the process by now, I filled in all the relevant details for the order. Essentially it was going to be a Jake (precision style), with a number of customisations. - I went with their standard hardware, black, as it is just fine. - I chose Haeussel pickups as they seemed on paper the right choice, and WoT's bass sounds great with them - maple fingerboard, with no front markers and big 3mm diameter side dots. - yellow 'vintage' tint lacquered neck - ash body, chambered for reduced weight - 42-43mm wide at the nut, and 21-22mm deep at the first fret - purple translucent body, showing off the grain. - white pickguard. Initially I could not decide between flat purple finish or sparkly. In the end I went for the translucent one. And once the order was placed I further converted the Matt Freeman as it was pointless having another Precision/Jazz hybrid... and moved the neck pickup closer to the bridge. The result is the two pickups are roughly where a MM pickup would be on a Stingray but with a wider spacing... and it does not sound at all like a Stingray but it sounds pretty damn good And I waited for the new Jake to arrive. And it arrived last week. This is the famous 'sofa shot' that we get when the bass is completed, prior to shipping: It was not exactly what I was after... colour-wise, but it looked close enough. However, when it arrived and I opened it, I saw this: Which was... beautiful. Just beautiful. The grain, the feel, fantastic... just... nothing like the colour I had in mind! And then, the neck... again nothing like the colour I wanted. It was pretty dark amber. Beautiful (much like the Matt Freeman) but not what I had in mind... And it became clear that while I had been careful about the basic parameters of the bass, I had done a poor job at describing the finish I wanted... I wanted the yellowish tint... like in my red Jake. But that time I chatted with Adrian and we made sure we understood the exact tint. As a result what I got was just what I wanted. This time I simply stated 'vintage tint'... doh! So that's what I got. As for the colour... I sent a couple of examples. Adrian wrote back with a picture of one of his basses for comparison. It was very very close. I said yes, but a bit redder and a bit darker. I also sent an hexadecimal and an RGB code for the shade of purple I had in mind, and a jpeg. So what went wrong? Well... what went wrong is that I used my laptop to choose the colour. It seems it's boosting the blues and when I asked for more red, it wasn't actually needed. In hindsight, I should have spent a bit more time on it, maybe posting a physical example [1] and/or actually mentioning "you know Prince's bass? THAT purple!" dolt...
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1486647096' post='3233506'] How would you reach the knobs on an ampeg head on top of an ampeg 8x10 all the way up there? [/quote] There's a trampoline next to the cab for that purpose. It's also entertaining for the audience.
  17. [quote name='funkydario' timestamp='1486626306' post='3233280'] When your writing goes faster than your thinking....sh*t happen !! [/quote] I was quite curious to see what Dave was up to these days experimenting with bass synth pedals
  18. [quote name='funkydario' timestamp='1486577511' post='3232981'] Dave NAVARRO [url="https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=62xdDpV9T7c"]https://www.youtube....?ci=62xdDpV9T7c[/url] [/quote] NATHAN not Dave!
  19. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1486591113' post='3233157'] Do the sites listed above allow you to copy and paste pics into a thread (if that makes sense?). I'm looking to list a bass for sale and I'm dreading trying to get images into the ad - would like the ad to show the images rather than links (unless someone tells me that's not the correct way to do it!) but know nothing about this type of thing at all... [/quote] I right-click on a picture within my Dropbox folder and select "Copy Dropbox link". Then I come here and click on the little "image" icon on the editor, which prompts me to enter a link, so I paste the link I copied before, click ok... and you get this:
  20. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1486573679' post='3232932'] I have a pair of One10 cabs & went with the Roqsolid Cajon bags. Not a perfect fit, but they protect all sides of the One10 cabs and have a zip & carry handles. Every time I carry the cabs, I hear shouts of "pizza delivery"... [/quote]
  21. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1486558254' post='3232730'] I've not waded through the whole thread, but the pickup height issue is certainly something I'll be playing with in the near future. I play f/less so the front pickup is usually backed off to maximise the mwah, but I find it sounds a bit puny. I've never been a fan of the 'both pickups on full' scooped sound (I can imagine it working in trio with a horn/reed player though) and I really want that cutting rear pickup sound with some low end support. Playing style must more into it too - I'm a finger style player and I tend to inadvertantly anchor on the front pickup, which is probably costing me some definition. [/quote] do have a play with that, it's incredible just how different the same bass can sound by tweaking both the absolute and relative pickup heights.
  22. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1486557584' post='3232723'] Glad to hear it! These are our new Barefaced covers, not the Roqsolid ones we used to supply. Thicker padding, neater seams. We like them a lot! [/quote] ah! I had no idea you switched. Have you switched for the whole range? I've always gone to Roqsolid for the various cabs and combos I've owned as they've been alright. The cover for my old MarkBass CMD121P combo was slightly long (maybe they gave me the extra inch that they removed from the BB2 earlier ) but I had no issues. I always went for their thicker grade, but something a bit more solid would not be a bad idea so that's good to know. I bought a Two10 a few months ago and ordered a cover from Roqsolid instead of directly from you because I thought they were the same and I wanted a couple of extras (like covering the bottom and fastened with velcro, as I sometimes end up carrying several things with a hand-truck and it protects the bottom from damage)... I'll remember this for next time 'though, as I'm pretty sure I'll get another Two10 later in the year.
  23. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1486554643' post='3232666'] My Barefaced branded (Roqsolid) cover is well made and gives good protection to my BB2 but... it's about an inch too short! How that happened I have no idea? Frank. [/quote] I guess you had a very new BB2 and it just grew a bit ...
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