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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. They seem to come and go. They'll probably appear again soon. There was this other one on ebay that I bookmarked. Twice the price 'though. Out of stock too, but I was watching this one atthe time and again it'd come back frequently. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141332233688?var=440457232180
  2. I was strictly a bedroom guitarist back then so I had no issues. Great guitar and surprisingly light for a Les Paul. Wish I had it now but it fell during "hard times mk 1" and only kept a Stratocaster from those days.
  3. A while back I wanted a white Stingray pickup cover and could not find one anywhere. I ended up finding a full pickup with white cover for around £10 on Aliexpress. I just took the cover from it. Just an idea.
  4. I bought from them a few times in the 90s, before I moved to Scotland. They were always great. I once went there with the intention of trying an Epiphone Les Paul. They had just released a green one I really liked, so I called first to see if they had some. They had two. When I arrived they ushered me upstairs where I was left to do my thing with a couple of guitars and a very tasty Fender DeVille amplifier... It never mattered if you wanted something cheap or expensive. Glad to hear they're still good.
  5. First I'd check whether I need to tune down too. Sometimes you do but other times you don't. Last night I was playing a 4-string for a couple of songs that I originally wrote on a 5-string and did use a few lower notes... I just played those bits differently on the 4-string and still sounded good.
  6. Yup, this one, and the tuners on that one don't chew themselves, it seems.
  7. It seems it's only the black tuners, and only on the purple sparkle ones. It probably depends on which factory was making what at the time. The blue sparkle that came out at the same time, with chrome hardware, doesn't appear to have problems. I was hesitant to keep it, because with the tuners it becomes quite an overpriced bass. I could have bought a very nice condition USA Stingray5 and have a wad of extra cash in my pocket... but I'm happy with my decision now. Yeah, I paid over the odds, but it's a good bass and I just love that finish
  8. I'm starting to think that your playing style didn't have much to do with your rejection.
  9. Easy: by listening to what's been played and contribute to the whole song making it sound good, and being a team player. The busiest guys I know are good, but not necessarily the most proficient technically, however they're personable and dependable. You don't need to be the best technical player from the whole lot of bassists available, you just need to fit best with what they're doing, musically and as a person. Don't take it to heart if you get rejected, just move on and keep looking for that project that fits also what YOU want to be doing.
  10. But if you're showing off in a manner that doesn't fit the band, then you're not showing them you can be better. This applies to most things, not just playing bass in a band.
  11. Oh, you're Tommy Lee???
  12. Depends entirely on the music. Do you want to play music or do you want to show off your skills? Just before the pandemic we tried to set a new band with a few members from an existing one and we needed a guitarist. The guy who could shred and tap and all that was not the guy that impressed us. The guy who impressed us was the guy who listened and played what was appropriate for the song. It turns out he can shred with the best, but he knows when to and when not to.
  13. It looks better in person It's a shame the hardware is utter crap. The tuner gears chew themselves, and when others reported that to SBMM they just get sent another set of tuners made of cheese, so I ordered a set of hipshots because otherwise is a pretty nice bass (if heavy).
  14. It might be a good idea to try to get those selling groups on Facebook to display a prominent note about what a bad idea it is to pay using Paypal F&F, since that appears to be this guy's main way to get money. A link to these threads would also be great but I see why some may be reluctant to get involved (he said, she said...). However a warning to not use F&F is non-accusatorial and soft, yet effective if people pay attention.
  15. The shop told me it was a computer... is that why it's taking so long to upload??? Right, I'm calling them right now
  16. Typing it as we 'speak'... can't you hear that noise? It's the sound I make while furiously pressing keys on my keyboard.
  17. Well, that's just TERRIBLE customer service, how dare you???? 😋
  18. That's a good point. The day we only have the Thomann, DV247, GAK and even the likes of Andertons who in my opinion are a bit higher than the others... it'll be a sad day. But I still cannot bring myself to give my money to someone who acts like they're doing you a favour by selling you something. That's just me. There is a shop in Edinburgh, Varsity Music I think it's called. The owner is (was? it's been a while) another one who missed his customer service classes. I was there back in 2003-4 wanting to try a very cool semi Yamaha guitar, f-foles, P90s... I loved the guitar, I hated the experience but I still walked out with the guitar. I distinctly remember a couple of times stopping myself thinking "I should just go"... but I really liked the guitar and even if it was cheaper online, THIS one was fantastic. I always felt a bit 'dirty' afterwards having given him my money and not telling him what he deserved to be told. I may have been traumatised by that experience
  19. You may be confusing mob mentality with the fact that there's a few not-so-satisfied customers. If not, I'm really confused about the point you're trying to make. I haven't seen any personally insulting posts, only posts describing situations people have experienced. Some positive, some negative. Are we supposed to refrain from negatives?
  20. Come on guys, 15 more subscribers and we'll find out!!! 😄
  21. I was going to say I'd rather not have mine merged with the other... ah well
  22. I think you're completely right. He's found that by doing many small scams he's too small fish to fry. The thing is, there's so many people involved (and growing) that it's only a matter of time until somebody lets their frustration take the better of them and does something more serious than reporting him.
  23. If you're hiring a venue it's common to make some kind of payment beforehand, at least in my (limited) experience.
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