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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1479500174' post='3177109'] You'll need an extra help ing of patience with that! When I was young and stupid (as opposed to old and stupid, as I am now) all I wanted was a Fender Precision. I now have three and can't see any reason to change to a different bass. [/quote] And I may sit waiting forever... that would mean you are happy with your basses and that would be wonderful.
  2. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1479482909' post='3176926'] Bannermans in Edinburgh is a great venue and has always been a pleasure to play. [/quote] it's a bit of a dive, but with a cool personality In addition check out Banshee's Labyrinth just around the corner from Bannermans. Small but it would be suitable. Opium too. You can also try Stramash. Same people as Whistle Binkies and same kind of deal, but the venue is a lot more interesting.
  3. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1479489255' post='3176984'] No chance, I'm perfectly happy with my Precisions. [/quote] I'll save this message to show it to you and laugh in your face at some future date Don't subestimate the power of the (dark) 'Ray! (I used to hate Stingrays... ugly things, and they didn't even sound that good... today it's almost all I use... you just never know what the future will bring )
  4. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1479462707' post='3176688'] No Worries fella it is bloody confusing lol but great pup GLWTS [/quote] No problem.
  5. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1479426535' post='3176546'] Audi and Skoda is part of VW/Audi so you get the same engine, floorpan, gearbox etc. in either a VW, Audi, Skoda or SEAT. Just different badging. [/quote] They're all related and much of it shared, but there are subtle differences which makes the cars drive/feel differently. My A3 and my friends Octavia both have the same 1.4 TFSI engine, but the gearbox is clearly different having driven both, with different ratios etc. So much of it is interchangeable, but they don't really build one model just like the other. Which is good as it gives you different options to choose from (I'm not talking about optional equipment etc, but the basic car). Similar my sister's Seat Leon, a couple of years older than my A3 but from the same generation, handles completely different too. Again, not saying which one is better... they're just different.
  6. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1479425747' post='3176537'] For a time I think this was pretty much correct. I know the JV domestic series had different price points with the domestic range badged as Fender and the exports marked as Squier. I've played both Fender and Squier badged MIJ E-Series (1984-89 ish) and they were almost exactly the same spec and almost identical to play, with the Squier slightly edging it. I guess it depends how authentic you really want to be- are the MIJ's strictly Fenders? MIM? Chinese? Strictly speaking there's no reason a Chinese Fender should be any more 'a Fender' than a Chinese Squier. [/quote] The thing is, on an ad title, you want to see an accurate description without superfluous details. Otherwise searching becomes very inaccurate, and nobody who wants a Fender will stop to buy the Squier... unless you search for both, or the actual guitar model name, or... but you have options, if the titles are accurate. Does it have a big Fender logo? (from factory )Then call it a Fender. Is it just mentioned in smaller font? Then tell me what the big logo says. Simples Now, on the description... feel free to tell me all about it and its heritage and mention Fender as much as you like. You may disagree, of course, but you'd be wrong Edit/disclaimer: and none of my arguments reflect a judgement on Squier's quality or anything. I've owned a bunch of Jazz basses, for instance. In the past 12 months I have sold 2 Fender 75RI, 1 Fender roadworn, and I'm about to sell my third 75RI. I'm only keeping one Jazz bass. Well, two... one just for sentimental reasons because it was my first real bass made by Vintage. It plays and sounds great (changed pickups) but the neck is far too thin even for a Jazz... I have gigged with it but not my favourite bass to play. The Jazz I'm unlikely to sell is... a '94 Korean Squier with plywood body and a delicious neck that just sounds great (Area J pickups). I have nothing against Squier, I have a couple of other Squiers that are pretty cool.
  7. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1479414504' post='3176440'] I might be talking bollocks but the pup you are selling looks more like oneof these [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/seymour_duncan_smb4ds.htm"]https://www.thomann....ncan_smb4ds.htm[/url] to me if you check out the different versions apologys if not and GLWTS [/quote] No, it's definitely the SMB4A. I've bought several over the years and used them on various basses. I used to be a big fan of the OLP MM2 (Stingray clone) which could be pretty good except for the electronics. I owned 4 of the things! (obsessive, moi? I only owned THREE simultaneously ) and I tried several pickups. First was the SMB4A because it seemed to get good reviews and I definitely wanted the alnico version. I liked it a lot. Then I tried a GFS on another bass, hoping to get something as good for a lot less cash, and it didn't work. I then went for a Nordstrand MM4.2 as they are often praised... and I didn't like that much either. So I went back to SMB4A and didn't stray anymore. But I digress You can see the sticker under the pickup where it says "SMB-4A" if there's any doubts about the actual model. It's quite a bit cheaper than the DS at £85 + postage on Thomann, vs nearly £200 for the DS in the link. Apparently the DS has built-in 3-band EQ (?) I never heard of it, just going by the description on the link. The SMB4A is a standard passive pickup, with alnico polepieces, that has a very healthy output without being overbearing, and sounds really good. All my MM-style pickup needs are already covered, and I'm selling the bass where this thing was going to go, so... it has to go too. PS: Oh, I see where your confusion originated! On that link you can click on "other versions of this pickup" on the top... which at first glance I thought they were just different views. They're not... they're actually all the other Seymour Duncan models of MM-style pickups. They show the 4A (mine), the 4D (same but ceramic magnets), 4DS... etc.
  8. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1479397759' post='3176243'] I get on with mine but other people have tried it & not felt the love. [/quote] Heathens!
  9. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1479380841' post='3176034'] I see you own a G&L already - the StingRay is going to be fairly similar to that. [/quote] only it won't It really really won't. The L2000 is awesome, I had one for years. But it sounds like... an L2000 flavour of awesomeness that is not close to a Stingray awesomeness.
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1479323895' post='3175690'] [media]http://youtu.be/fAgcjECaX9I[/media] [/quote] not a great demo 'though... too much trebly clang, and that bass can sound so much better
  11. [quote name='ProfJames' timestamp='1479311812' post='3175542'] Been offered one for £700 with just a couple of tiny dings, not been played for quite some time. How good are these basses? I play a Fender MiA Jazz. Is it worth buying? All comments very welcome [/quote] Try it. It's VERY different from a Jazz. You may like it or you may not. But if it's in good condition, that's a nice price.
  12. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1479308519' post='3175511'] You are right of course The irony is that many squires and epiphones are now as good as fenders and gibsons [/quote] you mean as good as fendres, surely
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1479298982' post='3175405'] tricky, if you're selling you want as many views as possible, but I would say if you put Squier/ Epiphone in the title alongside Fender /Gibson it's ok, something like Squier Fender Jazz bass wouldn't annoy me, but being a lefty I don't have much to wade through anyway [/quote] call it Squier Jazz... you'll get hits from anybody looking for any Jazz, or any Squier... but those looking for a Fender Jazz won't have to sift through dozens of silly worded titles... Do you really think that if someone specifically searches for a Fender Jazz will somehow stop and buy your Squier Vintage Modified?
  14. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1479294101' post='3175358'] It frustrates me when people advertise guitars for sale on internet for something they are not. I see this all the time.For example, they put a title Fender stratocaster with low price next to it. When I click on the item it's a Squier affinity. Don't get me wrong I own Squier and some are better than some Fenders.The same applies to Epiphone vs Gibson. But it's the principle. [/quote] 100% agreed. There's nothing wrong with a Squier and it's a very silly thing to do to advertise it as a Fender. Just like it'd be silly to advertise a Skoda as an Audi because both companies belong to the same group and even share some design and components... Same with "MusicMan Sterling..." when it's not a MusicMan. Or a Sterling, often. But a "Sterling by MusicMan". Look, you're not trying to fool anybody, and nobody would be misled when they see the pictures... so why misrepresent it in the title? It doesn't "big it up" by pointing out its relationship with the more upmarket relative (and SBMM has NOTHING to do with EBMM, they're entirely separate operations), it just brings attention to the fact it's a lower end instrument (unnecessarily) and wastes the time of people who are actually looking for what you wrongly advertise. rant over...
  15. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1479319152' post='3175639'] Cheers pal, it's easily the most useless switch in there as the difference in modes was quite minimal anyway! [/quote] true. It adds some curious 'clang' that sounds interesting at first... but it doesn't have much real use, plus it seems to also reduce mids considerably so it was a good way to disappear in the mix. The OD and Distortion modes are pretty cool... and in clean mode essentially gives you a 2EQ pedal! I'm a bit of a fan... I'll shut up now I can't believe it's still here.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1479301808' post='3175431'] The only good thing about a CS Esquire is that I could sell it to some mug and buy something good looking and more comfortable to play with the money. There's nothing wrong with a single pickup for guitars - my first guitar only had one, although that was because I could only afford a single Di-Marzio when I was building it, and my current favourite guitar, the Hallmark Wingbat, has just the single P90 style pickup by the bridge, but still sounds great. I'm not so sure about basses though, all the ones I use at the moment have 2 or more pickups. [/quote] That goes to show how we're all different! Basses? one pickup I'm happy. Stingray preferably, but Precision works well too for me. But on guitar I play a lot with the different sounds you get from different pickups, 2-3 pickups always. I had single pickup guitar for years, it was a great guitar... but I felt its limitations too strongly and let it go.
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479298179' post='3175400'] But do you believe that amount of difference would result in the bass being significantly harder to play and result in muscle ache? [/quote] better to use a Plek...
  18. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1479260746' post='3175209'] A bit of a ranty post. I'd never heard of this until yesterday. A guitarist that I'm doing some gigs with in December recently graduated with a degree in guitar playing after doing an on-line, two year course. I think he has a BA. I did a three year course, attending lectures 3 days a week, for up to 8 hours a day. On the days that I wasn't in for lectures, I'd probably spend maybe 10 or 12 hours practicing, and then do other assignments, dissertations, essays etc on top of that. I don't see how you can do a degree in 2 years, especially when you don't attend lectures. We had live performance assessments every week, you'd get none of that ? He doesn't even read music. I had to audition for my place, and being able to read extremely well was part of the requirement of passing the audition. To me this sort of thing is devaluing musical education, and further education in general. [/quote] it's not just in music...
  19. unless you do a lot of string bending, fingerboard radius is of no consequence other than your personal preference regarding how they feel. You can get a low action in either, whatever the fretsize: it is down to the set up, having the frets correctly levelled, the nut and bridge set right, and the relief adjusted appropriately. So, choose a bass that feels right to you. Then get it set up by someone who really knows what they're doing.
  20. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1478945216' post='3172837'] I hear you. I took my old P and my new Mike Lull to a biggish (for me anyway!) dep gig last weekend in front of a few hundred people. I was itching to use the Lull and it sounded fantastic in soundcheck. Then I got the old P out for comparison and it just sounded great - big and full, just right blend of thump and attack, and the band basically said "yeah use that one!" That's not being ordered around - that's just offering a choice to people. I'd have been happy too if they'd preferred the Lull but for that particular music, the P has always fitted it better. [/quote] exactly. some people get too precious about "their tone" or feel too insecure about receiving suggestions. I've seen that with guitarists quite a few times, where either a humbucker or a single coil based guitar was preferred by the band. In fact the guitarist would often bring the matter up for discussion. While I have my own personal preferences based on sound and feel, ultimately it's about what sounds best in the band. I won't be 'dictated' what to use, but we should listen to the opinion of the rest of the band too and not be so precious. We're not even talking about being suggested to buy a new instrument, but about choosing an instrument from the ones we use already.
  21. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1479162935' post='3174505'] How about some light coloured wooden items? [/quote] That's not a bad idea I haven't found any suitable ones 'though.
  22. [quote name='linear' timestamp='1457564647' post='2999787'] I've struggled a lot to get my BB414 to sound the way I want it to across the strings. With a combination of pickup height, string choice, preamp, and finger placement I can sort of get there, sort of, but not really. I can't help feeling my life would be a whole lot easier with a reversed P pickup. Why aren't they more common? Is it a solution without a problem? Or perhaps a solution for a problem that only effects crappy basses? (or crappy players maybe ) [/quote] Yeah, that was my thought too. And I got a bass made just like that: Does it make a difference? Hard to say, as the pickup in this case is a tiny bit closer to the bridge than normal so it already sounds a bit different because of that,,, but I think so. What I did was move the EA coil to the other side, closer to the bridge. That gives the EA strings a less bassier tone, more defined, and I think it balances better. But it is not a Precision anymore, which is fine as that was not my goal, but there it is.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1479106555' post='3173894'] If only they were Canada basses from Hammersmith ... [/quote]
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1479113348' post='3173928'] Does the world need yet another Fender clone? [/quote] I never heard that before The thing is, a lot of people like Fender's general designs, and this company allows me a number of options that would not be found on any Fender in production. So it works for me. But I'm sure you knew that.
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