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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1479105404' post='3173890'] If they're from Canada will you not get stung on import? [/quote] Indeed. The import related costs offset the 'promotion', but it's still attractive.
  2. Steve recently bought a set of Nordstrand pickups from me. Great communication and all round smooth transaction. Great guy. I'd have no hesitation buying anything from him or selling to him again. Thanks Steve! I hope you like them!
  3. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1479083129' post='3173853'] There's a guy on Facebook getting some great sounds from his Hammersmith basses - check out Remco Hendriks. [/quote] I've seen that He's a pretty cool player.
  4. great overdrive, even without the attack switch!
  5. Fantastic octaver, great tracking. I have one -that I'm not selling - Have a free bump
  6. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1479056326' post='3173583'] I would say go for it! The other thing is that in TB land people do flip stuff quite a lot, you could hold out and find a second hand good 'un. I managed to get a G&L just how i wanted for less including postage and tax than it would cost 2nd hand here in Blighty. [/quote] True. Unfortunately the exact specs will be extremely hard to come by. It's a question of whether I pull the trigger or come to my senses since I don't *really* need this bass. Yet, that would be too reasonable for me I'll probably pull the trigger.
  7. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1479052783' post='3173553'] Are these going to be the new Maruszczyk basses I wonder? Seriously though, looks fabulous. I want one. [/quote] No, it's a very different enterprise, and taking into account import tax etc I doubt it'll be any cheaper than Maruszczyk. But I do like the MusicMan style truss rod wheel and they have a few other unique things that if you happen to like, they could be worth considering. They have many flexible options, but nothing like Maruszczyk.
  8. Yeah, I've been reading the reviews too. The guy I was in touch with, Marko, seems pretty cool and although the range of options is not as extensive as others, they pretty much do what I want, and have some characteristics that I love that no other offers: truss rod wheel like MusicMan, at the body end, with a neck recess... the way EVERY instruments should be in my opinion Price is attractive with a promotion they have right now... although adding import taxes wipes that. Seriously thinking about it...
  9. They're "custom made, assembled in Canada". So it looks like they probably get their stuff made somewhere in Asia and make their 'bitsas' from that. Still, they have some interesting things and I got talking to them... and it sounds like they could make me something interesting at a reasonable price. The problem is I have no experience whatsoever of them. Anybody? A Maruszczyk of similar specs would cost me more, but I'd be able to specify *everything* and I *know* they'll be really good. Hmmm. [url="https://www.facebook.com/hammersmithmusic/"]https://www.facebook.com/hammersmithmusic/[/url]
  10. Yeah, I saw the Danelectro ones. I have seen them where the cream is the big knob, and also where the colours are inverted so I could possibly get two sets to build one set the way I want them... but they are pretty big and would look odd. So I think I'll just let it be and use the standard chrome knobs that come with it (I have a spare set of black knobs too but I'll keep those). Of course, anybody who knows me is familiar with my strange logic and my GAS. So... it just happens that I have been chatting to someone who can make me a Precision bass with two Jazz pickups... in a beautiful variant of Fiesta Red, with Area J pickups etc etc... and black hardware. So I might put the U-retro in that one with the black knobs (if I go for it)... and move the neck pickup on the cream bass above much much closer to the neck, which was one of my initial ideas but changed my mind as I want to have at least one bass that does "the Jazz thang". And that way I keep the cream knobs in the bass in the picture. Hey, just because I'm slowly selling my basses to keep a selected herd of around 7 or so doesn't mean I'm going to become all sensible all of a sudden!
  11. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1478892801' post='3172585'] Ha - looks an interesting gig! Probably a bit flamboyant for the likes of me though.... I got an email today from them. Apparently there were two bassists called George who responded to the ad and they assumed we were the same guy. The other George called off on them, hence the cancellation! They were really very apologetic and sound genuine. I'm tempted to give them a bash... I'll mull it over! [/quote] I bet Flea never had that problem Glad there was a simple and slightly amusing explanation.Well done for not replying angrily and in fact for contacting them at all...
  12. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1478854207' post='3172082'] Annoying and disrespectful but you find out they are a waste of time early on. Every cloud.. [/quote] Yup. A hassle, but better to find out right at the start so you don't waste more time... I don't get why people are ok behaving like that.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1478825678' post='3172013'] The Plek machine just automates the manual process so there is no difference in the end result between Plek and luthier. [/quote] That's what my impression was too Just a method to do one of the 'boring' (but important) parts of a setup it faster and more consistent.
  14. They're for a U-Retro. I have this Precision/Jazz hybrid: And I want to get my U-Retro preamp in there. But I like the look with cream or even white knobs so I'm looking for suitable dual-concentric knobs I could use. I have a J-Retro with Fender Jazz alike dual concentric knobs that can be "persuaded" to fit... unfortunately they only come in black. Anybody has seen anything that could work here?
  15. I've got this pedal that I barely use... great condition cosmetically and otherwise, just a bit of dust from being on my shelf unused as my bands don't require this kind of funky pedals, grrr... It's like a swiss army knife of funkiness... It's got 5 modes. Three of them are your usual envelope filter sounds (up/down, and a third mode has a bit of a more extreme sweep), with the remaining three knobs controlling decay, sweep and sensibility. Mode 4 is a 'humaniser': you choose two vowels with two of the knobs (the third controls decay), and it produces a synth-like distorted vocoder-like kind of sound where it goes from one vowel sound to the other responding to the dynamics of your playing. Mode 5 is an auto-wah. You select the rate either with the decay knob, or by tapping the footswitch with the desired tempo. It has two inputs, one is designed for bass, the other for guitar, and one output. A fourth socket allows you to connect an external expression pedal to it or a switch.
  16. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1478522570' post='3169567'] We played at a well known rock bar in the East Midlands which in the interests of professionalism I'm not going to mention. It was our second gig there, having been rebooked following a gig earlier in the year. In short, it was the worst gig I've ever played and I'm pretty cheesed off with the whole situation. We arrived to find that the person who booked us had gone home, and nobody else on the staff seemed to know or care who we were. We bought four friends with us which was good because they outnumbered the clientele for most of the night, and provided the only applause / audience noise etc. The songs we played when they went outside for a smoke were greeted with complete silence from the remaining punters, and I mean absolute silence, no acknowledgement whatsoever. The bar owner/ manager started complaining that we were too loud (we weren't). We explained to him that our amps and PA were balanced volume wise with the drum kit (unmiced, apart from the kick) and that we couldn't turn the drums down. He then proceeded to walk around the venue for the rest of the set with his fingers in his ears, which he clearly thought was very funny, but I thought was f***ing rude. From that point on it was a shambles, constant mistakes and general sloppiness on songs that we've been playing for 18 months since I joined, and three years before I joined. I was furious, embarrassed, and couldn't wait for the gig to end so we could get out of there. For the first time ever I didn't enjoy playing a gig. Not happy. [/quote] when the person paying you says it's too loud, it is too loud. Even when they're wrong
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1478459929' post='3169184'] Give it time - unless there's a subtext you haven't shared, then there's no great hurry is there? If they're nice guys and you're enjoying yourself, keep it going. Don't forget that there is actually NO LAW against being in more than one band at the same time! Enjoy ... [/quote] This. I'd be looking for something else, as this does not seem like a good long term fit. But you don't know how long it'll take and meanwhile you have a group of people you enjoy playing with, so keep that going. You may not even need to quit once/if you find a more suitable band. Many people, myself included, find time to be in more than one band, especially if one of them is not very demanding of your time.
  18. As a sucker for envelope filter pedals, I just had to buy this one. I got it a few months ago, and I only used it a few times at home. My current bands do not require any effects like these and it's just sitting at home unloved... It comes with box, manual and original power supply. Several envelope filter modes, phaser, distortion, true bypass or buffered (it can be set up to either), EQ, can accept an expression pedal... two programmable presets.
  19. Superb envelope filter, three modes: up, down, and up with High-Q. Super easy to set up, responds way to a wide variety of bass output levels... The pedal is in pretty clean condition and has the original rubber backing as I never attached velcro to it or anything.
  20. I have two of these beasts and a MXR bass compressor... so one of the Multicomps is going. If I were going to have only one, it would the the Multicomp. The three modes are quite cool. I tend to run it in multiband mode, but the tube sim is very nice too. Extremely easy to use, sounds great... what's not to like? I have a big and a small pedalboard, for different bands, and I had one in each. I have now a MXR in one of them which has a few extra parameters to play with which is nice, but it's also fiddlier to get just right. It is a bit more transparent and I think it does the job well for the small board, so I'll keep one of each. This pedal has seen a fair amount of action, and it has a few minor scuffs here and there on the paint, as you can see. The bottom rubber was removed and velcro added. It no longer has the velcro and I don't find the rubber. If you want velcro, I have some 5cm wide heavy duty stuff that I can include and you can stick whichever side of it you prefer. It works 100%. No problems whatsoever. £70 delivered
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