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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='P-ZARN' timestamp='1478218516' post='3167720'] pm'd [/quote] and replied
  2. I don't doubt it'll work as an ear plug to block noise. But how good are day to hear the band onstage? The graphs don't look that promising with that steep drop at 1KHz. ACS don't need to worry, I think. The blurb sounds just like a teleshopping channel, which does nothing to remove my scepticism...
  3. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1478170195' post='3167217'] My old S1 Jazz had overwound pups and Jamerson flats and, in series with a bit of tone rolled off, got me many compliments for a 'proper bass' sound. Not many people would say it sounds just like a Precision... only Fender marketing department said that. It heads in that direction though, but best to think of as another very useable option in your sonic arsenal. [/quote] This
  4. [quote name='thegummy' timestamp='1478129424' post='3167086'] Appreciate the reply bud. I agree that it does sound good and it does sound fat. I just stuck some flats on for the first time since I installed the series switch and it sounds great! In a way the question was to see that maybe if a lot of people were saying that once the tone's rolled back, a series J sounds just like a P it might allow me to talk myself out of buying a P. Maybe resisting GAS is futile! [/quote] That's cheating! You can't resist GAS. It's a rule. Didn't you know? Get that Precision. NOW!
  5. It's a good sound. It is big. It does remind me of a P... but it does not sound like a Precision. How close do you need it to be? It's a good sound, it's fat, it'd go well for anything where a Precision would do well. But it does not have *that* Precision sound.
  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1478113095' post='3166869'] Al makes a great point here. I always take photos of the bass as it's being packed. I will also already have photos from the advert. Never really taken photos of fret heights before, but I will now. Sorry to hear about your problem Thunderbird ([b]I had one try it with me and it's STILL on my feedback[/b] ) but it will work out in your favour so quit worrying fella [/quote] I read that... ridiculous. Funny that he was so upset with the wood but £50 would put it right. The exchange on the feedback speaks for itself... you're alright, Karl
  7. ok, catching up... sorry. The preamp looks fine... but yeah, that behaviour is not normal. Hopefully your guy finds what the duff componentis and can replace it. If not... I'd be thinking of a John East 3-band preamp (MMSR, 3 knob version). It's not the cheapest, but it's just brilliant. Unlike a stock 3-band stingray, with the mids control flat (centre detent) you'll have a 2EQ, pretty much (John modelled it based on his own '76 Stingray). The mids module actually has selectable mid frequency control, and it's fantastic. I replaced the preamp on my 2002 2EQ Stingray with one of those, and I went from liking the bass to loving the bass In addition, I asked him to make the volume knob a push/pull for active/passive. It only added the cost of the knob, really, as far as I remember. It's a good option to have if you're a little forgetful about batteries: it already saved me a few months ago when I discovered my battery had been on for well over 2 years and it's a bass I use a LOT... and it just died. I pulled the knob and carried on. Then replaced the battery during the break.
  8. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1478048768' post='3166417'] The only version of the 2 band pre amp with active/passive function appeared on the gilded white PDN Stingray and also on some Guitar Centre basses (standard 2 band Stingrays) produced around the same time. One of the controls on those basses has a push/pull function to change from active to passive, becoming a passive tone control. [/quote] thanks for that!
  9. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1478043198' post='3166387'] Hi all. Just got myself a 2009 Ernie Ball Musicman 4 string Stingray. It has the 2 band EQ. I'd only ever played the 3 band EQ previously and was surprised to find the the 2 band EQ is a treble and bass boost and doesn't have the cut function. Any way my question is this, The basses preamp doesn't function like I believe it should (Boosting the treble and bass). The treble control does nothing until it's on about full, the bass one seems to go full on just after you start to turn it. I spoke to the seller who said it was original and that the bass one is actually an active passive mode even though it's a knob without any indent and the other knob is just a boost. Have EBMM ever come with this stock? I can't find anything to say this is so but it's what I'm being told by the seller. Thanks for any help. [/quote] I think the treble is indeed cut/boost, it just does not have a centre detent. For the bass... I believe modern 2EQ cuts a bit and is mostly boost, but again no centre detent and the centre is not the 'flat' position anyway. In addition they are very interactive... They're very intuitive once you are used to them, and it's a great sounding preamp. Now, treble not doing anything until full on? That's not my experience at all: how old are the strings? That treble can get pretty ear-piercing, but if the strings are old it just may not be much of those frequencies to boost. I have heard of an active/passive Stingray only once before, which was some special instrument for someone. I'm not aware they did that as production instruments, but I could be wrong. Hmmm. Have you opened it up? The board will show you if it's an original EBMM. At least then we'll know for sure: if it's not the original then who knows what the preamp is supposed to do.
  10. I don't agree with setting a restriction like that. They sometimes have something cool I want I am more cautious about those, 'though. Remember: you are not obliged to buy or sell to someone if you don't feel entirely happy about it. Feel free to avoid single-digit post 'traders', but it would be nice to let others deal with them if they wanted to.
  11. This is a Fender RoadWorn series Jazz bass, with a Precision neck from the same series. The original owner wanted a Precision with a Jazz neck, and he ended up buying a 2015 rw Precision bass to swap necks with his 2009 rw Jazz bass. He kept the Precision and I got the Jazz. The neck is maple/maple fingerboard, and has a good size to it. I don't like the very thin Jazz bass necks, so this was my favourite combination. A John-East J-Retro preamp has been installed (they cost nearly £200 new) which has bass/treble/mids, with the mids being semiparametric (the centre frequency is sweepable between 200Hz and 2000Hz, I believe). It also has a bypass switch, so it still works without batteries. There's an easy-access battery compartment installed at the back, so no need to unscrew the control plate to remove batteries. Also included is a heavy duty Fender-branded ABS moulded black flight case. I just put a new set of D'Addario Pro-Steel strings on it. It's a very sweet bass, very smooth neck, nice low action... but I'm just not very much of a Jazz bass person after all and I find the body too big for my not enormous frame and I recently converted a Precision into Jazz, which suits me better even if it's not as nice... I would prefer to avoid posting if possible although I don't rule it out, but I'm willing to drive to meet you half way (depending on location, to some extent ). I would only consider trades involving either a 4ohm Barefaced Two10 cab, or a very stingray-ish 5 string bass, such as a Ray35; it's got to be a maple fingerboard 'though. and a couple pics from the original owner's thread, I hope that's ok He got the colour better than I did. It's not that orangey. It's not pink either... hard to photograph these red basses.
  12. [quote name='lastanthem88' timestamp='1478025753' post='3166152'] So I've always loved the thought of a P bass that will age with me as I play it. I have a road worn P already and I love it, despite all the Mex haters - it's my main gigging bass twice a week every week and personally I love it! Then I see this... [url="http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/series/classic/classic-series-50s-precision-bass-lacquer-maple-fingerboard-black/"]http://intl.fender.c...gerboard-black/[/url] Obviously a nitro finish, so should she nice and naturally, not like a heavy poly finish. Has anyone tried one? Anybody else tempted? [/quote] I have a Classic 50s, but the one that's not nitro. I love it love it love it. But the neck is not too far off (in terms of dimensions) the one from the RW I got from you... so you may not like that. It is as wide but a little shallower, which may be a good thing if you thought the RW was too much. If I were looking for another Precision, it would be a Classic 50s (especially the Nitro finish one) or a RW.
  13. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1478001019' post='3165821'] Hi Guys I need a bit of help I bought a bass from a very well regarded basschatter and it was absolutely perfect but I rarely played it as it just was not for me so I sold it on basschat a couple of months ago in the same condition as it was when I bought it for the exception of having a full set up and check over by a very well respected luthier who said the bass was perfect. So my problem begins here the guy who I sold the bass to about 2 months ago has just contacted me and said there was a problem with the frets on the bass and that they were low and he has had to have it refretted at a cost of 230 now I know there was not a problem with the bass and am unsure what to do as why has the buyer taken so long on telling me about this and getting work done without contacting me? I do not want to cause any bad feeling with the other guy but I have to take my luthiers word and the previous owners word over his and the fact the I knew the bass was spot on.Any one here who knows me will know if some thing is not spot on I wont sell it but I do not want to pay out some money that for something that I was all OK what can I do? [/quote] Ignore. If there's an issue with the bass, the new owner should have told you pretty early on, not two month afterwards. If he thought the frets were 'too low', does that mean that they were uneven and made the bass impossible or hard to play? Or is just his preference? Either way, if not happy with it... the thing to do is contact the seller asap, not go for a refret and then ask for money. That's ridiculous. Sounds like a chancer to me, to be honest. It just doesn't make sense. The minute he committed the bass to irreversible changes, it is his to keep regardless, as he did it without any consultation. From time to time to may find a difficult unreasonable person, or a plain cheeky chancer... block & ignore. It says a lot (good) about you that you worry. I also want whoever I sell something to to be happy with the purchase. The rare occasions when something goes wrong I do what I can to put it right even if it means losing some money, because I don't want to be perceived or even suspected (even if I know it's untrue) as a rogue seller. But this guy you sold the bass to... either he doesn't have good intentions or is totally clueless. Either way, in my view, he lost any chance to be treated reasonably the minute he went ahead and refretted the bass. Two months later as well? Nah.
  14. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1477994078' post='3165739'] My point is that lbs are only used by Americans and proud parents in the UK. I apologise for being a pedant. [/quote] oh, I see being a non-native, I much prefer Kg too but not everybody arouns is as enlightened
  15. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1477991852' post='3165708'] No it is 10Kg [/quote] 22lbs = 10Kg.
  16. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1477917249' post='3165206'] Adrian told me most people actually ask that. He can naturally do a full gloss neck too if requested but most orders are done with gloss body and matte neck ! [/quote] he can certainly do full gloss neck: both of mine are that way, by request. It didn't add much (anything?) to the cost.
  17. I'd say bass first. If the instrument is not appealing and feels good... then it's not fun. Although even a mediocre bass can sound great through a good amp. Next it would be the cab. It has to sound good. But I also want it smallish and powerful. I don't have roadies Lastly, the amp. Not saying it's not important. It is. Very much so. But with a good bass and a good cab, even a meh amp can result in an enjoyable experience, while if you give me a bad cab I'd hate every note I play.
  18. ... a LOT of trial and error, and a LOT of £££ thrown in. I didn't have to spend as much cash as I have, but I could afford it at the time so why not. It's been a trip of compromising tone with power and weight/size. I'm at the point where I am pretty satisfied, but it's a journey where you never fully arrive: your taste/requirements may change a bit over time, perhaps even your instrument too which could affect your preferences... So, in my case, I'm a big fan of the Stingray, but I also use Precision and to a lesser extent Jazz and P/JJ instruments. Amplifier... the MarkBass LMIII never fails to satisfy. I have tried others that I may have liked more in punctual occasions, but the LMIII seems to consistently give me a pretty decent sound in any situation. So much so that I'm considering getting a second one so that I can slave one for louder gigs and as a perfect backup. Cabs... I was pretty much set with a pair of TKS S112s, which sound great even if they won't do *very* loud. However, recently I've been playing with a Barefaced Two10 (4ohm) and I'm really enjoying it... so I'm considering a couple of Two10 at 4ohm and a couple of LMIII as my 'final' (ha!) rig. But we're not there yet.
  19. well, I look after my basses and do what i can to avoid getting in dangerous situations, won't lend it to any random person I don't trust, etc... but things happen and I don't get too worried about it. I accept my instrument will acquire some (small) marks and scratches, but I will try to delay those events as much as possible, within reason.
  20. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1477742611' post='3164175'] I bought a Fender TV15 combo from them a few years ago. It was about £100 off the normal price so I thought I'd got a bargain. when it arrived it was clear that it was a demo model, as there was marks on the tweed covering. I was philosophical about it, as I had paid £600 for a £700 amp, the marks were superficial and it worked fine, so I didn't bother returning it. The problem I had with GAK, was that they hadn't made me aware that the amp was B stock on their web page. I would have been well within my rights to return it and ask for a new amp - if I felt inclined. Ever since that time I have been very wary of using GAK to buy new gear. I'd much prefer to use Thomann, as their customer service is excellent. [/quote] I've been put off GAK ever since I bought an Akai DPS12i hard disk multitrack recorder that came with a hard drive half the size of what was advertised. I chose them over others because of that hard drive. I didn't bother returning as it was too much hassle... but GAK went to the bottom of my list when buying online and I don't think I've ever bought from them again.
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