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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1477829744' post='3164650'] Have you all tried tuning to the same tuner? They're all supposed to be the same but quite often they're not. You get more 'lag' being the other side of the stage than from latency. [/quote] +1 Your guitarist's theory sounds too far fetched... I'm also struggling to understand how 'lag' can affect tuning... unless your cabs are moving around and you're talking about a Doppler effect Make sure all tuners are calibrated to the same reference frequency. I had a Korg that was relatively easily altered to, say, 442 Hz, by inadvertently touching a small switch at the back while setting up, resulting in hilarious tuning-recheck moments by everybody.
  2. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1477777377' post='3164467'] I love Barefaced stuff, I have a Super Compact and love it, but I've been tempted by a 210 a few times, just a shame it's not wider so I can have it upright with my Ashdown on top. Suppose it wouldn't hurt with it set up the same way I've got my Super Compact on it's side. I suppose another SC would be easier so I could stack them both Edit:[b] I still need to come and see you guys. I'm keeping an eye on your dates now ever since I missed you in Morpeth![/b] [/quote] make sure you let me know if you're coming so we can have a chat and a beer note to self: make sure we update our gig dates
  3. Ok, my Stingray: 12th fret to the top of the pickup is 32cm. The pickup is 47mm top to bottom.
  4. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1477860974' post='3164925'] FWIW my amp eq is set bass-around 2, low mid-3, high mid-o, treble-3. Eq on my 2 band stingray with bass at max and treble adjusted to suit the song. [/quote] That's a lot of bass boost on the 2EQ Stingray... (for my taste, I do like a tight bottom ) I generally have mine at somewhere between 30-50% of its travel.
  5. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1477825244' post='3164607'] I really wanted to go to this but my work changed my damn rota last week and now I can't go. Would've happily had a beer and a chinwag too [/quote] ah, that's a shame.
  6. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1477757526' post='3164338'] Glad you are enjoying it. I found it gets very boomy if the bass eq is a bit too high. I do have to adjust this on my amp to suit the room. Get it right and no problems. [/quote] I used to have an RH450 head (I'm assuming you use a 450 Classic based on your signature?) and found the bottom end a bit 'problematic' for me. The LMIII works beautifully with it, I think. I leave all controls at 12 o'clock, pretty much. On my Streamliner 900 I reduce the bass quite a bit, I think I'd do the same on the RH450.
  7. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477759203' post='3164358'] Just did a quick side by side that's very very approximate (MS Paint FTW!) It actually doesn't look a million miles off if you routed out in front of the rear jazz pup? [/quote] It doesn't look too far on that picture, that's true, but you'd be surprised how inaccurate the side-by-side method is compared to actual measurements. As far as I know they go for a Jazz position on the Jaguar... and it's close but not quite. That position sounds great on a MM pickup 'though... but not Stingrayish enough. Even the Lakland 55-02 doesn't quite get there and it's just about 1cm or so off But I'm sure someone around here must have a jaguar like that... so we can figure this out. I'll measure my Stingray when I get home.
  8. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1477752083' post='3164290'] I ended up just ordering a 4 ohm one from Alex, here by next weekend hopefully...I have a gig, and my Eden 4x10 weighs a ton!! It was listening to Lozz's one that convinced me though, nice tone that I could get on with [/quote] That's the way I went too. I love the Two10, it really surpassed my expectations. I figured I can add a second 4ohm cab in series if I needed... despite the 8ohm, with a powerful amp it should be ok. Or an amp that goes to 2-ohm, and that Mesa D800 is pretty sweet
  9. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477750202' post='3164273'] Have a look at these [url="https://www.rimmersmusic.co.uk/guitars-c1/bass-guitars-c2/solid-body-bass-guitars-c592/squier-vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-ss-rosewood-fingerboard-candy-apple-red-includes-gigbag-p33587/s34018?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=squier-vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-ss-rosewood-fingerboard-032-8800-509&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&gclid=Cj0KEQjwkdHABRCHiZ2gs6yGh50BEiQAA91WlkXt5iFPHeYnkPA0ofzOyLf3TsYKmfmZWmJYrZPbDwkaAsNr8P8HAQ"]https://www.rimmersm...bDwkaAsNr8P8HAQ[/url] Looks like a lot for the money and a great modding platform...I don't need one but I'm darn tempted, particularly if I can get a stingray growler in there... [/quote] NIce looking bass, but that J pickup is going to be too close to the bridge: if you put the MM at the Stingray spot there'll be some visible routing. You could always be creative with the pickguard... or find another bass. I'd personally use a Precision: you can find Precisions that are decent for not much money. You'll need a new pickguard 'though as the P pickup partially overlaps the Stingray position and you won't be able to have both if you really want the Stingray position.
  10. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477747110' post='3164239'] Also, when looking at where to place the pup, is it simply a matter of measuring x cm from the bridge to match a ray or is there more to it than that? [/quote] I'd measure from the 12th fret (bridges vary in size, the saddles would be in slightly different places depending on set-up and string gauge which affects the intonation...). But yes, that's it, really.
  11. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1477746753' post='3164233'] The thought that came to mind is that the Stingray sound is due in part to the bass being active and yours would be passive. Apart from that I can't see how it wouldn't work out fine. There's a Stingray PU for sale here at the moment. Frank. [/quote] A passive Stingray still has that Stingray sound, as long as the pickup is at the right spot, you just don't have "all of the Stingray sounds" available, if you know what I mean I have a bypass switch on my Stingray and it turns out my preferred sound is very nearly that of the bypassed preamp... so I could have been happy with a passive Stingray after all, ha!
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1477138109' post='3160078'] Get a cheap true bypass loop pedal and test all your patch cables with it. With just a simple patch cable in the loop, you shouldn't hear anything turning it on or off, but I was surprised to find some of mine either dulled the signal or added noise, so I binned those! [/quote] +1 My old Dunlop Wah (the white one) was the culprit in my old setup. Once identified, it was replaced with a G-Labs wah and life is good again
  13. Nice one! I no longer have mine, but I would have liked to know that. The delay on mine was very small so it didn't bother me, but I'd have probably liked to adjust it. I use a G-Labs Wah now, which to my ears sounds better and it's flawless in operation.
  14. After a short holiday I returned to this cold island to play a couple of gigs... and one has been cancelled But I played the one last night and I am really really liking this Two10. It's got the "oompf" that the TKS S112 don't have with just a bit more weight/size. The midrange is not instantly as sweet as the TKS, but all it means is using the amp controls a little. A little. It sounds great with the LM3 and the Streamliner 900 is not bad at all either, when it was hard to make it sound good with the Compact and the BB2... I'm definitely keeping this. I'm not letting go the blue beautiful TKS S112... but I see a second Two10 in my life and that would be my rig #1, I think. Well done Barefaced!
  15. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477669727' post='3163783'] I *think* the CV 60s and 70s are very similar. 70s has block inlays and an ashtray cover. Neck is less baseball bat like than older Precisions but I'm usually a Jazz man. I really like it, it's quite slim whilst not as narrow as a Jazz. [/quote] sounds about right! I used the bass for last night's gig: MF Jazz + MarkBass LM3 + BF Two10 cab... loved it! I found a spot just off the centre detent on the blend knob, slightly towards the bridge pickup, that sounds just perfect. I might keep the blend control after all. By chance, that spot seems to be located with the dial aiming at a pickguard screw, so that's quite useful too.
  16. I made a mistake and booked the Glasgow show on Wednesday rather than the Edinburgh one on Tuesday... oh well. Is anybody else going and interested in a pre-show pint perhaps?
  17. I guess I'm mostly in the instinct camp. Last night we were about to play a song (all originals) we haven't played in ages because our singer called it... and the rhythm guitarist and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows "how did that one go?"... 1, 2, 3, 4... and our fingers just remembered it even if our brains could not Mostly we've played each song enough times, and we've played so many gigs with abysmal onstage sound, that you learn to play the song with very few external cues. I haven't made any conscious effort to count how many bars of this and that go where... We do a fair amount of jamming during practices and sometimes at gigs, so we are also used to looking at each other, and sometimes we end up playing slightly different versions of a song if the singer comes in late, or forgets a chorus or whatever, and nobody in the audience would really notice.
  18. we used to do a few bars of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" as an intro to RHCP's "Can't Stop"
  19. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1477579463' post='3163145'] It is a cynical, nasty way to go about business. It's something that should be talked about and threads like this are important and would be even better if spread over Facebook and other popular social media. Seeing a conversation like this might encourage someone who is not so internet savvy to learn the skills needed to not get ripped off. [/quote] exactly!
  20. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1477578383' post='3163133'] I guess it looks like I'm just an over-caring, naive sort of person who hates people being taken advantage of, even if sometimes, it is their own fault. [/quote] I don't like it either... but what are you going to do about it? You can't win. There will always be someone. I think the best we can do is 'educate' our loved ones on the ways of the world so that they know to avoid those 'traps'.
  21. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1477563023' post='3162956'] I don't suppose this is really anything to do with me, but I just hate seeing people getting ripped off! I was just casually going through the basses for sale on eBay when I noticed this [b]Ibanez SR500[/b] for sale at [b]£886.02[/b] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR500-Bass-Guitar-in-Brown-Mahogany-/231961657319"]http://www.ebay.co.u...y-/231961657319[/url] So I contacted them thinking they have made a typing error with the price, since then, we have had a couple of conversations, and here's how the conversations went: [b]Me:[/b] [i]These are £529.00 BRAND NEW everywhere.[/i] [i]How can you justify asking £886.02?[/i] [b]Seller:[/b] [i]Hello,[/i] [i]I'm sorry I can't do anything about the price as we work on very low margins.[/i] [i]Thanks for looking.[/i] [i]Best Regards,[/i] [i]Charisse[/i] [i]Customer Support[/i] [b]Me:[/b] [i]Hi, and thanks for getting back to me.[/i] [i]I originally asked the question because I thought it must be a genuine mistake, but now all I can say is that I hope no unsuspecting person who is not aware of what the RRP is on these basses, doesn't make a very expensive mistake and purchase this bass from you without looking around first.[/i] [i]As for working on very low margins, you could buy these at the retail price of £529 and still make a profit of £357.02 on each bass![/i] [b]Seller:[/b] [i]Hi,[/i] [i]Good day![/i] [i]I will forward your concern and keep you posted.[/i] [i]Thank you[/i] [i]Best Regards,[/i] [i]Charisse[/i] [i]Customer Support[/i] I've just read all their negative feedback and I now realise that they are actually advertising on eBay, waiting for someone to make and pay for an order, then ordering the item from Amazon and sending them on, which is a form of drop-shipping I suppose. They are doing nothing illegal, and I don't begrudge anyone trying to make a living, but this sort of mark-up is obscene! Or is it just me? [/quote] It's not right, but as you said... it's not illegal. If someone is happy paying over £300 more than necessary for that particular item then it's their own fault, really. If the seller were somehow lying about what they're selling, ok, but if it's there with complete model number etc... who am I to tell them to stop? I have mixed feelings because, like you, I feel it's wrong... yet, nobody is forced to buy from them. A while ago I was selling on gumtree an item that cost me £119 new. It was in "as new" condition and I asked for £95 (to give me some margin for haggling) and I included some accessories. It was perhaps a little on the high side but that item was rarely found for sale used, and I was not particularly in need to sell it. Someone contacted me very interested about it. He wanted me to drop it to £90. I said sure. Then he said he didn't live near me so it'll cost him about £20 to travel to me, and asked me whether we could meet half way and drop it to £80, or to £70 and he'll do all the travelling. I declined, politely. He then got upset and sent me a couple of texts informing me that he could buy the very same thing for £109 (it was not true, it was a different model). I just replied with a smiley and said "sounds like a good deal, go for it!". He wasn't happy. My point is... arguing with a seller about their price is probably useless and it's a little bit rude too: who are we to tell anybody else what the right price should be? By the way, I sold that item a few days later for £90 to a guy who came to my house and loved it.
  22. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1477608810' post='3163412'] Why do you have to txt to confirm availability if "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Each person is responsible for making sure the calendar up to date with their unavailability." ?[/font][/color] [/quote] Not sure about the OP, but in my case it is because not everybody fills in their calendars as they should all the time. So the calendars are just a useful filter to selcet possible availabilities, but I'll always make sure we individually confirm before I tell the venue "yes, we'll take it". It's a minor annoyance compared to what it would be if I had to call back a venue to say "actually, we can't make that gig I just said yes to". For individual confirmations we use a group Whatsapp chat. It tends to get all the replies within a few hours for the 7-8 of us. It also shows to everybody that everybody actually said yes. It heps when occasionally someone says "what? a gig? I had no idea... I was planning to do X instead" "well, mate, you did say yes, here, look on the 5th of July". That seems to be pretty useful to make the relevant band member cancel their other plans and do the gig unless it's something major. It could be simpler, but this is not too bad and works. Once a gig is confirmed by everybody, it goes in our online band calendar and it stays.
  23. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477227751' post='3160682'] Is the Matt Freeman neck the same as on my CV 70s Squier (bar the block inlays)? I love mine. Always thought I was a jazz neck guy until I got the CV. [/quote] Possibly. I never tried the CV 70s... is it very different from the CV60s? I had a Fiesta Red one and this is not very different. It's slightly less deep (chunky) than most Precisions, and not terribly wide (maybe 42mm?) but it feels great even if I normally would go for bigger necks than this.
  24. I no longer own this bass I sold it today, as I don't need so many basses... but I played it a bit before it went away. Bad move. I'm regretting it already.
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