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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1477081997' post='3159830'] Looks ace, I absolutely love the matt freeman necks.....perfect for me [/quote] I wish it were a tiny big wider... but it's comfy and the finish is superb
  2. [quote name='luckman67' timestamp='1477083852' post='3159841'] It's only the thinner bodies that put me off Squier's, yet the CV series was full body thickness. [/quote] Hmm, I don't think any of mine had thinner bodies, although I haven't had that many.
  3. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1477078559' post='3159790'] That is a really, really interesting project. Would love an under-the-pickguard shot of the routing. I really like the jack socket relocation as well. I think Fender are missing a trick not having something like this in their range... [/quote] When I get around to changing the controls to VVT I'll take a couple of pictures.
  4. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1477077541' post='3159784'] Interesting about the volume/blend/tone layout. As I've mostly played active basses with this layout I'd prefer it on my passive Jazz... but I have read, like you say, it's not the same... so I guess I'll leave it volume/volume/tone. Fabulous bass, by the way. [/quote] Well, you can try it and see. It's completely reversible and easy to do. It's not like it sounds like an entirely different instrument... but there is a difference. You might prefer it! If not... undo it.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1477074687' post='3159759'] That looks really good, as a man that like you likes a proper mans nut width and jazz basses I can see that is a proper solution well done [/quote] "proper mans nut"
  6. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1477062319' post='3159636'] That's a great looking conversion Jose. Was it an expensive mod to have done? [/quote] It could have cost a lot less, but I was lazy Just routing the bridge pickup and cutting a new pickguard is not that expensive. I added cost because I let him route also the hidden neck pickup (I could have easily done it myself as it doesn't matter of it's not pretty), and I decided to have the output socket moved to the side (so extra routing, plus new socket), and had him wire it too. All stuff I could have done if I could be bothered, but I just wanted to play the thing I went for volume / blend / tone. I regret that. I will rewire it volume / volume / tone. I don't know what it is, but with the blend control it feels like it doesn't sound "right". I had this on a Jazz I briefly converted to V/B/T and turned it back to V/V/T... but I had forgotten about it. I guess all the controls are interactive to some degree and to get "the" Jazz sound you really need the VVT configuration.
  7. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1476985134' post='3159040'] Been suffering from permanent exhaustion coupled with unexplained weight loss for the last few months. After a busy year, the last gig we did was our last one lined up for the year which was a welcome relief. 2 days later they're on Whatsapp canvassing 3 possible dates between now and Christmas, including a corporate do with a finish time of 3am [/quote] Well, it's two whole months until the end of the year... I'm not surprised the band is looking to have more gigs in that period, you can't blame them for that. I presume you'll have a say before the dates are confirmed, but I understand you don't want to be the one putting the brakes on... Still, before the band, I'd be more concerned about your health. That is more important than any band. I hope you're going to your doctor and figure out what's wrong. I hope you get better soon!
  8. As much as I used to love the Nordstrand NJ4SE pickups on my 75RI Jazz, I was not 'loving it' here. My favourite Jazz pickups are the DiMarzio Area J humbuckers. I have them on a very cheap Squier Jazz and I love the sound... so I was thinking maybe I should try those on the MF Jazz, until I found out they're also available with cream coloured pickup covers. Then I stopped thinking and I KNEW I had to get a pair. Of pickups, Discreet, of pickups! They arrived on Tuesday, and finally this evening I removed the Nordstrands and installed the Area J. I happened to have a set of cream coloured Jazz bass knobs, so I used those too. I like the sound a lot more now. And it looks pretty classy too
  9. all PM's replied to, and the pickups are currently on hold pending the usual...
  10. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1476995522' post='3159172'] PM'd [/quote] and PM'd back
  11. A pair of humbuckers in standard Jazz bass pickup size. Pretty 'meaty'... from Nordstrand's website: [url="http://nordstrandpickups.com/products/nj4se/"]http://nordstrandpic...products/nj4se/[/url] [size=4][quote]These are a split coil hum cancelling design. They use the same hand wound pattern found on our NJ4’s but with a finer wire called 43 gauge enamel. The natural character of this design is to have a more pronounced lower midrange, and a slightly muted high end. This makes them exceptionally suited to fingerstyle players who are going for a solo bridge pickup sound with good “bark” and “heft.” They are also totally humcancelling, and great for commonly noisy live situations.[/quote][/size] [size=4]it says 'heft' [size=4] [size=4][size=4] [/size][/size][/size][/size] [size=4][size=4]edit: like an idiot, I forgot to add the picture [size=4][size=4] , here it is:[/size][/size][/size][/size] [size=4][size=4][size=4][size=4][/size][/size][/size][/size]
  12. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1476981361' post='3159010'] Hi mate, does this have level flat poles? In other words my original MM pick up is great but the poles chop my fingers up big time. Thanks [/quote] No, they stick out a bit from the pickup casing if that's what you mean. Your fingers touch the poles??? I play right over the pickup most of the time but my fingers don't touch it... maybe I'm misunderstanding (very possible, it's been a long day! )
  13. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1476966880' post='3158868'] Good speech Mac Worth a shot. Apart from that , who can sort the pickup if i cant ? Any recommendations chaps ? [/quote] What pickup brand is it? Mine was a Nordstrand. I was actually posting about it on TalkBass and someone from Nordstrand contacted me directly. They asked me to send them the pickup and they rewound it to original specs free of charge. So in some cases contacting the manufacturer could give good results: even if they charge something, it'll be restored to the original specs for sure.
  14. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1476960497' post='3158793'] Ok ! Neck pup = 7.88 on the 20k ohm setting Bridge pup = 1. which is the default for when the MM connectors are not connected to anything but MM is switched on So i guess the BPU is foobarred. Bo**ocks ! [/quote] Something like that happened in a jazz I used to have, but by itself. Upon close examination I found the wire had broken halfway somehow... there was still output but a lot weaker. Sometimes what happens is not that it breaks but that the little blobs of solder where teh wire goes, on the pickup, is damaged. It may look fine but it can have a fracture... just touch the solder briefly with the tip of a solder iron: if it's a solder issue it'll fix it. It happens rarely but it's easy to try...
  15. I bought this U-Retro 01 preamp new a while ago. It is essentially the same as a J-Retro, but with flexible links so that it can be installed in a wide range of basses regardless of their knob layout, not just the Jazz bass spacing. This is designed for basses with 2 pickups. Easy connect using screw terminals: no soldering. It has 3 concentric dual knobs: volume/blend; bass/treble; mid/frequency selector. In addition it has two switches: a passive/active switch and another that works as a pickup selector switch when in passive mode, or as connects the two pickups in some particular way whose details escape me (it's all in the manual/website )... I bought it for my Cort GB74, but in the end I decided that I am not a fan of slim-necked basses so I'm probably not keeping the Cort, and I won't bother installing the U-Retro either. It's never been installed, completely new.
  16. I have this Nordstrand NJ4SE Jazz bass pickup (neck position), which is a humbucker. I bought it for a project that I never finished. It has never even been taken out of the bag, and of course never been installed. This pickup is NEW.
  17. My absolute favourite MM Stingray-style pickup, aside from the original. 4-wire cable allows to wire it in series or parallel. It is not a faithful reproduction of the original Stingray pickup, but a version that went to the gym Very punchy, great balance... I've tried a few but this is the best by far. I wnet through a crazy period with a bunch of OLP basses and other hybrids with MM pickups, and I put an SMB4A in each of them. Wire it in parallel for a more Stingray-esque flavour, or wire it in series for a seriously fat and punchy sound. Lots of cable left.
  18. Still here... but I'm toying with trying it on my revP Jake, as that Delano is not fully convincing me, hmmm.
  19. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1476918857' post='3158575'] That looks good mcnash. The Squiers I've tried in the last few years have been excellent basses. I sometimes wonder why I spend more on Fenders. Frank. [/quote] I wouldn't say that Squiers are better than Fenders... but many Squiers are simply great instruments. My '94 Korean Squier Jazz has been my favourite Jazz for years ahead of various Fenders that came and went, despite its plywood body and all. It has a great neck. I put a set of Area J pickups on it and it is just lovely. It's only fallen to second place recently to my Roadworn Fender Jazz because it has a Precision neck which I prefer and... the roadworn Jazz is just pretty sweet in so many ways. If I were looking for a P/J, I'd check these Squiers. The fact they come in that beautiful red finish already puts bad thought in my head
  20. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1476621916' post='3155671'] I've taken all the visible screws from the wooden case on my Behringer BX4500 head and the thing won't come out. It's solid. I even looked under the corners in case there were hidden screws there. Come someone tell me what I am missing? I haven't played this at loud volumes yet, but the fan on the back panel doesn't come on at low volumes. Is this normal? [/quote] I had one years ago, the fan was on at all times. It used to annoy me a little bit when I used it at home at low volume... so it most definitely was on at low volume. It doesn't sound bad at all, that amp... I cannot help with how to opening it, I never tried and I no longer have that head, sorry.
  21. I haven't tried these but Squier is putting out really decent instruments these days, and now they have a P/J that looks as good as this? Even I am tempted to try it! [url="https://giggear.co.uk/buy/squier-affinity-p-bass-pj-racing-red-rosewood"]https://giggear.co.uk/buy/squier-affinity-p-bass-pj-racing-red-rosewood[/url]
  22. Chris bought my Entwistle PBX-N pickup... nice and friendly communication, easy going, fast payment. Thank you, I hope you like the pickup!
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