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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1475831099' post='3149004'] That is brand new information! Seriously though; we all know that but we are creatures of lust that have an inherent need to spend money which is why we call buy ourselves nice stuff. If it was just about tone/groove we'd all be using P-basses & sending everything DI'd through the PA. [/quote] We'd still find something to argue passionately about
  2. [quote name='Marty Forrer' timestamp='1475806918' post='3148912'] The point is that not a single one of the punters paying to see you play gives a rats about the grill and logo. It's the sound and your groove they care about. [/quote] you choose the colour of your bass because you like it or because you think someone else out there may care? Aesthetics matter. Would a logo (size, orientation or even design) be a deal breaker? Not to me. But do I have a preference? Of course I do. Does it matter enough to me to do something about it? Well, it's not on my top 10 things to do this weekend You seem to have a very utilitarian and black-or-white point of view. Function matters most, no doubt. But aesthetics are an important factor to me for sure too.
  3. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1475790059' post='3148864'] complained that a compilation CD we were selling at £12.99 (in our dinky little Indie shop) was available at Sainsburys for £11.99. I asked him (not unreasonably. I feel) why he didn't just go and buy if from the aforementioned supermarket. "They ain't got it in stock", he replied. [b]My parting comment was "When we haven't got in stock, we sell it here for £10.99".[/b] That day, I lost a sale. Satisfying? You betcha. [/quote] That's brilliant!
  4. [quote name='northstreet' timestamp='1475443602' post='3146003'] I'm right handed. I do all the complicated things with my right hand - writing, using tools, using a mouse, texting (and you've got a dirty mind!) etc etc. So why, when I play bass, do I do the complicated bit ie fretting with my left hand? Wouldn't it make more sense to play it 'left-handed'? (I've tried but I've been playing it 'right-handed' for 40 something years and my brain just melts). Any ideas out there? [/quote] I think the right hand does the job that requires more dexterity, so it seems the right way round for me...
  5. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1475759553' post='3148529'] I tried and liked Rotosound Nexus strings, I liked the sound , tension, feel and look. However I occasionally play with a pick and it takes the coating off. How to Black Beauties fair? [/quote] I used both... they last about the same.
  6. The label on the side... I wish it were a corner/diagonal logo instead so that it worked in vertical and horizontal configuration, but not a biggie. Here it is next to the TKS S112s for comparison. The Two10 is almost the same width and depth, just a tiny bit wider, and taller. I should still be able to put two of them in my boot
  7. It's miiiiine! The finish is pretty good. Much nicer than the Gen2 Compact or Gen 3 Big Baby 2 I used to own.
  8. exciting moment... opening the box an catching a glimpse of what's inside
  9. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1474973708' post='3141897'] Recording of a dep that the singer from my band and I did on Saturday. Easy to learn the set because they use backing tracks so they sent us the tracks and we were both able to run through a few bits on our own before the gig. Went well despite the drummers best attempts at making us laugh to put us off. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CutYNHBTaA8[/media] [/quote] cool! I like your red cabs too, what are they?
  10. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1475695623' post='3148098'] Oddly, when I order my One or Two10 I'm going to *demand* (hehehe) the same finish as in the Super Compact, I prefer it for life going in and out of vans [/quote] ha! The thing is I don't think the other finish is that durable. I was careful with my Compact and the two BB2 I had, and they got a couple of small chips each despite my best efforts. Easy to retouch but... you'll need a cover regardless (I used covers on mine!). I have an odd midweek gig later tonight, some promotion at one of the usual music bars in town (Stramash, if anybody is in the area and fancy some Sea Bass Kid ) taking advantage of the influx of students back at University... I'd love to take the Two10 but it's impossible to park by the venue and I don't want to risk marking it by using the trolley without a cover, in case I decide not to keep it... AND IT'S TORTURE! I arrived home from work about half an hour ago and I've been playing a bit more with it, this time with the Streamliner 900, as the LM3 is already packed in the car ready to go... I'm really liking it. I know I cannot judge it at the kind of volumes I'm playing in this small room... but it truly is a LOT different from the BB2, and clearly THIS is a lot closer to my kind of sound. I want to try it side by side with the TKS S112s. I think the Two10 has a bigger bottom but it's probably tight and manageable at higher volume, and it's very promising. I love the TKS S112s, but they are a little limited in volume/bass at times. Not often, but enough to worry me a bit that one day someone else is going to use them and crank the bass and volume and damage them... and the Two10 could offer a cool alternative, maybe (getting another one)...
  11. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1475687025' post='3147991'] No pics? You merely tease us!! D. [/quote] I'm just not convinced about that logo...
  12. [quote name='P-T-P' timestamp='1475683596' post='3147948'] Thanks for saving me a job. I think the weight shown on the site is wrong or is for the current spec. Mine is an older, Italian made one and the spec at the time had the weight at 13.3kg. It's stupid light either way! [/quote] I'm just a fan of that combo and happened to be browsing on their site I sold mine a few months ago but it did a fantastic job for several years.
  13. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1475678382' post='3147896'] What are the dimensions and what is the weight, please? [/quote] awesome combos, these. [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=41"]http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=41[/url]
  14. I didn't have time to do much apart from unpacking it, putting my LM3 through it and try it with a Stingray, Maruszczyk Jake P/JJ and a Jazz for about 20 minutes. I have to say it looks soooo much better than previous BF cabs. They should really consider using this finish in the rest of the range. There's plenty of treble for my taste, nothing to worry about. Much deeper than the TKS S112 but the lows seem tight. One thing I had with the Compact/BB2 was that they could get a little too big and boomy. It sounds like this one is much better in that respect, for my liking. But it's early days, let's wait and see. I ordered the cover from RoqSolid at the same time I ordered the cab, last week, and I don't have the cover yet, so I'm not taking it out yet since I haven't decided whether I'll keep it and I want to keep it pristine. However the first impression was good. Don't fight now, kids
  15. amazing basses... especially the early ones (like this 2003). Their pickup appears to be wired in series rather than parallel which gives them a little extra 'punch' and works better with a 2-band EQ than the standard parallel, in my opinion... have a free bump
  16. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1475572056' post='3146931'] Why would you need any part of the kit mic'd in a pub ? [/quote] bringing the bass drum up even just a bit improves the sound a lot, the band doesn't have to be very loud to benefit from this.
  17. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1475560002' post='3146849'] Funny, as I'd have described my Shuttle as a very clean amp [/quote] same here
  18. Fender Classic 50s... or a Maruszczyk Jake for less money but probably better.
  19. Make sure you enter only the NUMBER, without a £ sign... does that work? I vaguely recall some issue with that, namely you need to enter a numeric value and nothing else
  20. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1475482409' post='3146144'] I thought they were a good looking bass when they first came out, but now may be its a bit dated, but not in a retro way. I really don't like the metal pickup surrounds, surely these are unnecessary? [/quote] pickguards are unnecessary... and so many other aspects. It's just aesthetics. Some like it, some don't. I used to think they were fugly. Now... they're
  21. lucky the 425 doesn't come in maple fingerboard...
  22. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' timestamp='1475421002' post='3145757'] Was in digital village a few years back buying stuff for with a band I was in... 2 keyboards, 4 pa speakers, mics and stands... Already rung up on the till... The guitarist then decided he'd like to try a new fender amp. When we asked the sales guy if he could audition it he said "I'm not getting it from the store room unless you definitely buy it" when we explained we'd like to hear it first he said "can't you just imagine what it sounds like?" Needless to say I've never been back to "the imaginarium" since... [/quote] "well, now you're going to have to imagine what my cash would look like in your books, because I'm taking it back"
  23. Amazing... I may have my own thread soon, as I know how some people here really like those I ordered the cab a couple of days ago and it looks it'll be sent next week.
  24. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1475244674' post='3144374'] Here's a fun thing for all us G&L fanboys. Not an official creator but quite fun to mock up your ideal G&L [url="http://www.glguitarsgenerator.com/"]http://www.glguitarsgenerator.com/[/url] [/quote] fun Just under £1300...
  25. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1475233473' post='3144213'] well its a very inspiring place to be. The fact he started with 4 basses now close to 11 years ago and now has 500 or 600 at his home. Is utterly inspiring for a kid like me trying to do something in this business. Adrian is one of the coolest i've met and I am even kind of honored to call him a mentor and even some sort of friend. He's been extremely generous with me. i'd encourage anybody to go.... :-) [/quote] hey, you! shut up! (I'm actually planning a trip next year, with my car, that will take me to parts of Poland, south Germany, Czech Republic and possibly Austria... looking at Adrian's location, it doesn't seem crazy to adjust my route to go there too... but I know I should not... which is probably the reason I should, as I'd regret it otherwise... argh! )
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